the Bowyer Legacy 1.4

Jan 02, 2011 17:46

It was yet another allnighter last night so I decided to wrap up everything and it's already time for a heirpoll! So fast hottamn!

Previously: on the Bowyers, Bishop was a little spoiled brat but gained everone's devotion regardless. Bear tried a hand at this evil thing, but failed horribly at it. Bee got stalked and mostly just stared out in the air moodily. Marina peed herself all over town and Alphonse did the unmentionable and grew old >:

I often forget Bishop is evil, what with his angelic looks, but he reminds me by cackling every morning.

Probably he's plotting evil plans on how to best paint his nails while in class.

Bee and Sebastian are... struggling in their relationship.

Bee: It's so good to see you again! Give me a hug.

Sebastian: What? No no no, keep away from me.

Bishop: HALP, my stupid sister and her jerkwad boyfriend are in the way!

Bee: Come on, what is the problem? Why won't you give me a hug?

Sebastian: Please just don't touch me.

Bee: Let me give you a massage then.

Sebastian: I guess that's alright, then I don't have to look at you.

Bishop: Don't worry pretty little tummy, food is soon coming.

He soon forgot everything about the food, though, and went out to play with his favourite boat instead.

Someone is eagerly waiting their Prince Charmings arrival.

Prince Charming, on the other hand, is busy yelling at old men.

Sebastian: What kind of place is this, really? I mean you don't even have a pond!

Despite everything he got to move in, though. I can't for the life of me remember all his traits, but he wants to reach the top of the Military Career. Whoop whoop, Sebastian in charge of top secret national security. I bet all sims feels safer now.


Alphonse is getting senile in his old age. I send him out to solve a case but usually find him doing something completely different.

Bishop: Amazing, when I hold my hand up to the light like this the black nailpolish get a purple hue. Cool!

Bishop: Emanuel, do you find that your nailpolish magically change colour?

Emanuel: I can't say I have had such a problem, no.

Bishop: For our wedding I'll have my nails painted red, to match the roses on our cake!

Emanuel's escape after that was so promt and speedy I had to laugh.

Emanuel: He isn't following me, is he? /checks rearview mirror

Bee, meanwhile... well, she stares moodily at the camera for the most part.

Sebastian being a ~celebrity~ and all he brought with him a bit of cash and thus Bear finally got a proper room. Terrible picture, I know, but oh well.


Bishop wants to be a celebrity, so I sent him into the city to meet some stars. Bishop, on the other hand, had more pressing issues to attend. Like playing with his boat on the street next to the drug needles and hobos.

I was sort of expecting Neo to come ninjaing out at some point when I took this picture.

Bishop: Alright, initiate plan Sneak-In-To-Club!

Bouncer: I can hear you, you know.

Bishop: *sneaksneak*

Bouncer: ...

Bishop: Alright Bishop, you're scoring this.

Bouncer: ...

Bishop: Smooth like my purty ass.

Bouncer: ...

Bishop: Awww, come on gimme a break! I'm just an innocent, pretty little boy who needs some fun!

Bouncer: :)

.... She actually let him go. wat.

Bishop: I want a drink that reflect my soul~

Barkeep: Coming right up.

~sparkly pink~

MEANWHILE SOMEONE JUST GOT LAID! Hot DAMN that took a long time to achieve.

Trying to run away from the cops Bishop got stuck in the elevator. Classic.

Inevitable conclution to the evening.

Bishop: Please don't yell at me mum, I REALLY have to pee.

Like mother like son, I suppose. Bladder issues runs in the family.

07:00 Monday morning

Bear: *does last minute homework*

Bishop: *eats ice cream*

Mysterious Gnome (his name is Birgir btw), finally got himself a Mysterious friend! I love those little buggers.

Also, there is a television in the Bowyer household now. I just wanted to point that out since it makes me proud.


It was supposed to be gig with the Faded Blue, but Marina decided it was an awesome time to age up.

In demonstration against gen one growing old I'll show you a picture of Bee being hot instead. /crossed arms

Bear&Bisho: /pose

Bee: *horrified expression*

Sebastian: *smug*

Seriously, how horrible is this guy in bed girl?


Bear: I can has birthday

Bishop: The lights on your cake sure is bright, Bear.

Marina: Yeah, a bit too bright, heh...

Bear: What? There is nothing wrong with my cake.

Alphonse&Marina: FIRE!



Bear: You guys are overreacting.

Bee: Honey, get out of the flames please!

Sebastian: These puny things? Pfft, they're not flames!

Bee: Oh god, oh god, Sebastian please! I am pregnant with your child!

Sebastian: What?!

Sebastian: It'd be less painful to get a shot of this in the eye than hear something like that!


Bishop: *languid stretch* Well this was fun, but I'm tired now so please stop yelling.

Firewoman: Holy crap that blonde is hot shit! /two thumbs up

Despite Bishop's protests, the celebrations continued as scheduled.

Sebastian: /HOOOOONK


Bear: You can stop now.

I knew he'd grow out of his bobblehead and turn out handsome. Only thing to make me sad is that the clipping on his underlip is back. Wry QQ

Bear: Next emperor of evil at your service /cackle

And of course the birthday proceedings were carefully watched over by a vampire. We would have it no other way.

Bee: Lawl, do you remember when you peed on my shoes, mum?

Bear: That was some funny shit, alright.

Bear wanted to scare his little brother.

But this was the extent of his reaction xD Bishop is unmoved unless it regards nailpolish, apparently.

Bishop: Mum, are you still angry with me for getting arrested by the police?

Marina: ...

Bishop: Mum?

Marina: ....

Bishop: Muuuum?

Marina: I'll forgive you when you get a high paying job, now get to school you brat!

Bishop: I'll just be off then.

Now that Bear is all grown up it's time for his girlfriend, Carolina, to come for a visit.

... in a towel.

And high heeled shoes apparently. Idk.

Bear: Oh I have missed you so my dove.

Carolina: Yes, we've been parted for the whole of two days now~


I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
I want to know right now
What will it be
I don't want to wait
For our lives to be over
Will it be yes or will it be-

Bear Mum, seriously.

Bee: Is Bear finally getting laid?

Marina: Yup!

Carolina: Your family-

Bear: Nevermind them.

But then (!!)

Bear: Bitch, you broke my TV!

Bear: But I forgiiive yooou~

This quite remind me of a previous scenario

Oh yeah, hopeless romantics don't wait for their gfs to not be dressed in towels before proposing.

And of cours she said yes.

(this relationship is painless compared to the disaster that is BeexSebastian, sheesh)


Bear: I'm changing my status on simbook now and texting all my friends with the news.

The gnomes are merrily playing in the garden together. I wonder if they're up to something...


Bishop: You won't believe what happened Emanuel! I was nearly killed in a fire.

Bishop: You know, I could really need to be comforted by someone as strong and manly as you~

Bishop: I don't really care about your grandfather just having died. I want-

Bishop: Bitch hung up on me.


Bishop: Tobias hi, it's Bishop. I heard from Monica who heard from Tina who heard from Charlotte who saw you'd been chatting with Emanuel on simbook. Is that true?

Bishop: Well, if I hear any more rumours that you've been looking in his general direction I will cut your eyeballs open with a canopener. Just so you know.

Repairman: Wat.


Bee: Why are they so happy? I don't understand!

Poor, poor Bee.

But she gets to keep her mind on something else besides her jerkwad boyfriend, now though ♥

Emanuel: /slams door into pregnant woman.

It's quite an achievement to have him over. He usually doesn't want to visit and when he talks with Bishop he tends to find him creepy xD

Bishop: I'll obviously become a model. I am quite photogenic so I'm confident I'll make a good career.

Bishop: Not like you, who'll probably end up sleeping on park benches.

Bishop: No offense though, not everyone can be as beautiful as me after all.

Emanuel: No offence taken, you being such a nice guy and all I'm privileged to be in your mere presence! /sarcasm

Bishop: How nice that we agree!


It's nice Alphonse is finally retiring, having gone completely senile donning lampscreens on his head and everything.


Bear: I fucking hate yetis.

Bishop: For an old man you sure look sweet, Sebastian.

Sebastian: wat.


The Good Son:

Bear: How are you today mum? Did you sleep well and everything?

The Bad Son:

Bishop: *skips school in favour of playing with his gnome minions*


Hah, Marina has struck again! Whenever I find passed out sims I know they've just been talking to her xD

Bishop: Mum, are you really still angry with me for the entire sneaking into a club, getting drunk and then being arrested by the cops thing?

Marina: No baby. Now I'm angry with you for skipping school and not having done your homework in over a week.

Bishop has a D in school, so it was about time he started doing some homework. I've never seen so much whining and pouting.

Bishop: Eureka! I will sleep my way to the top! I will never have to do homework ever again!



Anyways, Carolina Situp finally moved in! She's plenty cute :3

Bishop: I know you like that Tobias and I figured it made you feel guilty, liking me and all, so I got rid of him for you. You can thank me now.

Emanuel: You... what?

Bishop: So now we can be together forever and ever~

Emanuel: I... eh... guess so.

And Bishop got his kiss in the end!

Probably thanks to his gnomes.

Now get off to voting! One vote per person so consider carefully.

I'll just add that Bishop is probably the prettiest sim I've ever seen. Now go, go go go-


1.1 | 1.2 | 1.3

ts3, legacy, gen; 1, bowyer, gen; 2

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