Settler Legacy 3.5

Oct 23, 2010 22:52

Lol, I managed to spill zoda all over my laptop and it leaked into the keyboard so now I have no more D. I have to paste it in afterwards xD I never noticed how much the d is used before.

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ts3, gen; 1, settler, gen; 2, gen; 3

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Comments 35

scorpiosims October 23 2010, 22:50:36 UTC
Aww poor Sati! She really does appear to be the loner of the family! Yami - Lol she cracks me up with her evil uncaring ways xD

Arun and Ask, and Ask and Tyr - They crack me up too xD

Hjalmar is just awesome, I can't believe he walked into the sprinkler! Silly bot!

Really love Devi and Arun, can't make up my mind who I prefer more, but either way my votes going to a blonde xD


nice_days October 24 2010, 09:28:01 UTC
I think Devi is Sati's only friend, actually. Which is very, very sad xD

Boys will be boys I guess xD In a female dominant family I suppose they have to do what they can to survive.

I couln't believe it either. I mean, he was hydrophobic, he's supposed to detest water!

This is the first time I have no real clue who is the "favourite". I am so curious who will win! But a blonde vote is a good vote.


minameis2cul October 23 2010, 23:29:55 UTC
well china was fun :)
woah Yami turned out....interesting?
lol :)


nice_days October 24 2010, 09:42:55 UTC
China is always fun. Figured it would be cool for the kids to visit the country their grandpa came from ^^

Yami i turned out quite... interesting yes.


nino_sho555 October 23 2010, 23:37:25 UTC
haha poor Mr. Maid being all grumpy XD
Devi's eyes are so pretty, I guess she had to get it from Iza, even if the eye color is a little different.
I was happy to see Iza and Ask's romantic moment, they so belong together♥
Yami is just to awesome, and she grew up nicely, her appearance fits her personality ^^
I laughed so hard when that random guy came out of nowhere when they were dancing in the room "How sweet, a gay party!" LMAO

can't wait for next update and the heirpoll :D


nice_days October 24 2010, 09:47:11 UTC
I don't like it when Mr. Maid is grumpy >:

I suppose the eyes are from Iza in some weird way. Or a mix between the brown an the green that somehow turned blue *shrug* not that I mind too much. They're pretty eyes after all ^^

don't they? So neurotic and taughtly wired, the only ones who can stand each other's presense for a longer period of time x

Yami isn't ugly, really, she just isn't as fortunately proportioned like, lets say, Devi. I do like her though. She got a lot of spice ^^

Thank you and yay! :D


zeebee1310 October 23 2010, 23:57:08 UTC
Great chapter! I actually really like Yami. Idk why, but she is so unique!

But I love Sati too


nice_days October 24 2010, 09:48:02 UTC
Yami is one of a kind alright! And not as stereotypical like the other kids :3


simpairment October 24 2010, 01:05:50 UTC
I CAUGHT UP YAY. omg I am so gonna miss Ho, though, and seeing Isolde show him her very large penis pump. :(

lmfao suicidal robot XD IDK GUYS electronics + water makes perfect sense to me.

I am glad to see Arun and Yami kind of sort of continuing their bonding even though they're grown up, even if Arun doesn't want to kill people. XD Yami did turn out kind of awkward in the looks department, but it works for her. :O

Arun is all kinds of adorable. I love him. XD lol gay party

Devi is gorgeous. That nose <33333 Loved her swimming in the pond.

I also really like Sati. I empathize wholeheartedly with her book obsession, as well as going on vacation, reading the whole time, and somehow ending up in a book shop.

Also, lol Tyr crashing at the house all the time. He just can't stay away. XDDD


nice_days October 24 2010, 10:01:54 UTC
YAY FOR CATCHING UP! :D Yeah, I sort of don't think Hjalmar would be as impressed by her penis pump as Ho was >:

YES TOTALLY! If I was a hydrophobic robot I'd be dancing in the watersprinkler too! I mean, duh.

Oh, I am sure Arun can be cohersed into one thing or another. He isn't all that bright, despite being the eccentric and the observant one. Yami was sort of always meant to be an awkwardlooking tom-boy, it seems x

Right Devi's nose is love? I can't stop gawking at it *_*

What I remember most of Rome, Dumblin and Lonon is definitely the bookshops (alternatively the book museums). This is a good thing *nodnod*

I'm thinking about making Tyr a special guest bedroom, actually. All things considering xD


nice_days October 24 2010, 10:08:08 UTC
*Dublin, not Dumblin. Aherm.


simpairment October 24 2010, 18:52:32 UTC
With looks like that, Arun doesn't have to be bright. XDDDDDD

lololol that's just like me. One of the only things I remember from a trip we took to Washington DC is visiting the Library of Congress. I know we did more because I have pictures, but apparently I wasn't impressed by anything other than the Library. XD

If you did that, then Tyr would never leave. Ever. LOL


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