Settler Legacy 3.5

Oct 23, 2010 22:52

Lol, I managed to spill zoda all over my laptop and it leaked into the keyboard so now I have no more D. I have to paste it in afterwards xD I never noticed how much the d is used before.

Previously on the Settlers: Both Ask an Iza got semi-old. Kids got neglected; primarily Sati and Yami. The twins finally grew into teenagers. Really smokin' hot teenagers. Yami cut the long hair and became an evil tom-boy. Ho died all alone in the dark. NO ONE WOULD USE THEIR DESKS. Devi got a boyfriend, sorta, and Isolde got over her dead boyfriend by buying a new BFF: a robot named Hjalmar.

This update is not kick-started by a toldder, as tradition might dictate, but by Devi performing a miracle: SHE IS ILLUSRATING THAT SHE DOES INDEED KNOW HOW TO USE A DESK!


Being in Devi's good graces is a fleeting thing and apparently Sati are no longer allowed to bask in the glow that is Devi.

Arun: Just play it cool. If you butch this up you have to sit alone during lunch again..

Sati: My life is ruined. There is no future for me now..

:C Mr. Maid must have spent too much time in the Settler household. He has become all grumpy.

How the days go by(like the sand in an hourglass).

Ask finally quit his job and is a fulltime writer. (I suspect he's writing Hero fanfics, but still).

Isolde tries not to kill herself on the inventing table.

And while she's not doing that she drives around on Arun's scooter, TPing the neighbouring houses.

Hjalmar is reduced to fixing all the electronic appliances in the house. Preferably while they're still plugged in and running.

Iza is advancing in her political career, which means she has to host a lot of parties. I sort of dreaded this, but somehow she manages amazingly.

Iza: Oh I just loved last night's production of Macbeth. Their version of Lady Macbeth was to die for.

Inappropriately dressed woman: *zooms out, kicks some dirt about*

Ask: Lololol, you won't believe what Iza is up to this time-

Tyr: Oh I think I can imagine.

Tyr found his way to the Settlers' new address. I didn't really think he'd stay away too long.

Vinzenz: OMG! How can I hit on this girl if her boyfriend in the way?!

Yami: So you see, as long as we get away with the massacre we'll be LOADED!

Vinze: Uhu, yeah...

Why is Devi's boyfriend allowed to run loose you might ask? That's because Devi found it much more appropriate to sit in her finery in the schoolyard.

Sati agree, though she doesn't neglect her education just becaue of it.

Iza: What the fuck are you guys doing?

Ask: We're dancing the rabbit dance.

Tyr: We're just too cool for her.

Ask: Totally.

Devi: Hey baby, sorry I had to leave you alone with my family for so long. I had important stuff I needed to do at the playground.

Vinze: Your little brother scares me.

Yami: Wonder what our stereo would go for on the black market?

Vinze: Oh my god you're a slob aren't you?!

Devi: Don't tell me you're one of those clean people? Disgusting.

DevixVinze are hitting rocky ground.

Even Hjalmar met someone at this party.

Inappropriately dressed lady: I totally adore scrapbooking! It's my main hobby. I devote all my spare time and money to it.

Hjalmar: *nods politely*

Yami: Oh you're dreaming your sweet dreams now, Arun, but just you wait. Just you wait.

I always find Yami lurking in Arun's beroom. It's sort of creepy.

Devi: I asked dad if I could get my teeth bleached by he just started screaming and hitting his head against the wall.

Iza: He tends to be like that.

This is my final analyzis of where Devi's eyes might come from: Isolde, Ho and Ask all got brown eyes. Iza is the only one with any light colouring.


Genetics, how you confussle me.

With four kis, an insane mother-in-law and a robot, it's strange they get any romantic time together at all. I believe they were both at sleep and hunger deprevation here, but darn it, they're gonna kiss!

The way the robots eat is so inappropriate I have no real captions of this image.


Hjalmar and Mr. Maid does not like each other one bit.

Isolde and Hjalmar, on the other hand, are usually found hanging out together. It's sort of cute.

Sati: Homework would have been so much easier if it was more light in here. I can hardly read the typing.

Devi: Totally hear yah sister.

I know a place that got lights: YOUR DESKS!

Finally it is Yami's turn to show us what she is made of!

Yami: My one evil wish is to-

Interrupting the normally scheuled program with a picture of Arun and Ask in synchronized glee.


Isolde: Oh dear.

Hjalmar: Well... at least there is cake.

... Are you even supposed to eat that? Won't it clog up your wiring or something.

After a make over. Yami isn't really ugly, per say, but she's is more unfortunate than her siblings, I guess. Also, she rolled party-animal. This gave me a chuckle.



The kids all being teenagers I sent them on a holiay to China without supervision.

Yami: Hell yeah I am gonna learn me some martial arts and kick ass!

Arun: No wai, you're just a girl.

Famous last words.

Arun: Ooooooh, China is so shiny!

Arun: Fuck this shiny.

Yami: All this shiny can't be good for my complexion.

Now that Yami has grown up and stopped lurking in Arun's bedroom, they've begun catching up. She's been his favourite since she was a baby, after all.

Yami: And then we just push him out the window, making it look like an accident ya know-

If Devi wants to swim, then she's fucking going to swim! Who cares if it's a public pond.

Sati disappeared and was later found in the local bookshop. I identify too much.

Yami: Well, if you don't like the idea of pushing him out the winow we could always use the good ol' nuclear bomb.

Arun: W.T.F.

Arun: I don't think I want to kill anyone, to be honest.

Yami: Oh hell naw, I can't believe what my ears are hearing!

On China vacations there's always a time for some failing martial arts training. This time is now.

And now.

Devi figured out that that her life ambition is to max her martial arts and atheltic skills, but is hoping that it can be accomplished intelectually, so she doesn't have to break a sweat.

You'd think Sati was the loner (and not Devi) with the amount of time she spends alone. I think she regreted her desicion to see the Sky Temple about half way up the mountain.

Especially since all she did upon reaching the top was to read a book.

Vacation Spam!

/end spam

When she found out that she coulnd't read herself to phsyical brilliance, Devi carefully tries out some of the modern equipment.

-while Arun and Yami simultaniously knocks out all their braincells.

Devi: do you think I have to jog in order to be atheltic?

Sati: I am quite certain you do.

Devi: damn.

Yami: Spar?

This could have been epic, if they hand't failed so hard and Yami wasn't surrouned by a toxic cloud.

Oh the healthy lifestyle teenagers live without supervision.

Tourist: damn! Beaten to the bed again!

Arun: Ma'am, could you please leave my room? I am trying to sleep.

Special Merchant: Your sister will hit herself red and blue if she continues like that.

Yami: You're mistaken, she is not my sister.

Arun found some dude while looking at the terracotta army. They spent the day throwing a ball up there.

I decided I wanted carps in a pond back home, and since Sati wasn't doing anything important anyway, she was set to the task.

Yami: So, what about this weather huh? Lucky we haven't had any rain.

Devi: Holy fuck I think I just dislocated my jaw.

Special Merchant: Please, your sister-


Moar fishing. Peaceful scenery.

In the evening Sati made some autumn salad so they could have a proper dinner togheter.

Sati: So, did you try any of that running?

Devi: Yah. I' wa' harrable, a' nah I can't clase mah jaw.

Yami: It was really embarrassing to watch. She sort of looked like a jellyfish flailing about.

Devi: plusplus

After dinner they did some dancing together.

Arun: You guys sure this doesn't look gay?

Sati: Not gay at all, totally straight.

evi: Totally.

Yami: *snort*

Nake guy: How sweet, a gay party!

Sati: You know it's a good party when it's crashed by naked guys.

Arun: You guys said it wansn't gay... *hipshake*

Around midnight it was time to set off the fireworks:

/end firework spam

Last day of the vacation and they're eating out. Why anyone would eat fruit parfait and pancakes while in China is beyond me.

Arun: Holy shit, I think there's soy sauce in my pancakes.

Serves you right.

Also: totally lame that you're not even eating together.

And I really don't know what's up with Sati and her jogging obsession.

To get more carps I set Arun on the task together with Sati.

Sati: I sure miss school and homework right about now! don't you?

Arun: .... Please don't talk to me.

It's so purty!

And that concludes China!

At home the Settlers has gotten themselves a trampoline. Something Iza is appreciating at four in the morning.

What are you doing Hjalmar? Stay away from the water, you're hyrophobic for Christ's sake!

Holy shit. Why would he even do that?

It's official, the Settlers got a suicial robot.

Being the eccentric in the family Arun gets the pleasure of fixing him up again and changing his personality slightly.

Arun: Just because you're suicial doesn't give you the right to wake people up this early on a Saturay.

Oh, yeah, I got my carp pond. I'll be re-doing it though.

Isolde: I really hope you haven't inherited your mother's lack of IQ.

Devi: don't worry about it Grandma, it would take a lot to be as stupid as her.

Iza: This woman they're talking about sure sounds stupid.

Ask: Go and get dressed! It's like selling tickets to all the boys in the neighbourhood for a good peepshow with you walking around like this!

Devi: What? I dress how I want! I think they'd get a lot more entertainment just by watching you!

Iza: How can you suck so much at cooking? Look at those waffles! They suck!

Sati: Why do you hate me so, Mother?

And with that it seems like all is right with the world in the Settler household! Next time I might just be back with a heirpoll, we'll see :P

ts3, gen; 1, settler, gen; 2, gen; 3

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