Chairing a Panel, eLN 2019

Nov 20, 2019 21:31

Last year I was honoured to give a speech at the 2018 eLN Conference - I talked honestly about a year in the life of an eLearning Manager - and had an absolute blast! So I was thrilled to come back this year to chair a panel on leadership. This was the first time I've chaired a panel and it was up to me to define the structure and questions, and to brief the 4 speakers.

I had individual calls with each speaker, drew up a structure and distributed it beforehand, and then on the day also tweeted questions for the audience and ran a few mentimeter questions to survey the audience. This was quite some juggling act - holding microphone, phone, tweeting, sending our questions, but I survived and the panel went really well! An attendee even created a sketch note - see below - which was a great reminder of the session!

My tweets during the session, which got some audience participation ....

And the mentimeter results...

learning&development, london

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