“He is like a tree planted by streams of water that yields its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. In all that he does, he prospers.” Psalm 1:3
When a young man or woman decides to enlist in the armed forces, there is almost always a conversation that takes place between that person and his or her parents. The exact nature varies, as
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Comments 9
This is such a brilliant insight into Sheridan's character - especially the last line. Keep up the great work!
(Unfortunately it meant I had to abandon the "Swamprat" story. I just could not make it work. Shame.)
Um, FWIW? Asking this question made me feel like less of a dork for the fact that I'm already thinking about my Z'ha'dum post. :P
There is a scene from the In the Beginning book that was not in the movie, where we find out that it was David Sheridan who convinced General Lefcourt to offer John the position on the Prometheus, and when he found out about that, John was LIVID. That was sort of my logic behind this.
Echoing everyone else's thoughts - I also really liked the discussion of how parents react to the news, and how his mother cried, and he assured her that he would come home...but that young John hadn't actually considered his mortality. That's something that I think is very true of people that age who go into the military, and it definitely fits Sheridan.
I've (obviously) never been in the military, so I'm glad this comes across as believable for most and especially believable for Sheridan. He... was kind of slow in coming around, I think, on the fact that HEY, LUGHEAD, THIS COULD KILL YOU. But on the same level, if he had been completely aware of his mortality, he probably wouldn't have taken some of the chances he did. What I'm having trouble with in the next couple of chapters is if it hit him all at once, or if it came in bits and pieces.
I'm more inclined toward 'bits and pieces', I think, and especially two big pieces that took him some time to work out - that first he would realize, "I'm a soldier. This is a dangerous job and I could die," as an abstract thought. The, "This, this right here that I am doing right now at this very second, THIS COULD KILL ME" - I think that took longer to settle in.
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