Aug 10, 2012 18:27
Round 2 Timeline:
August 10: [Author Sign-ups]
August 25: [Cheerleader Signups]
September 10: [Artist Signups]
September 15: [Writer/Cheerleader Matching]
October 10: [First Author Mandatory Check-in]
October 25: [Beta Signups]
November 10-25: [Second Mandatory Author Check-in] (Anonymous summaries must be submitted in order to be matched with an artist - You are encouraged to have 15k written by this point.)
November 30: [Anon Summaries Posted for Artists to View]
December 5: [Artist/Author Matching] (Writers must share all their work/rough drafts with their artist at this point.)
December 15: [Mandatory Artist/Author Check-in.] (To establish that things are running smoothly and the allotted artists/writers are working together on their submissions.)
January 1-10: [Author and Artist Rough Drafts Due to Mods] (Should be complete other than edits or small additions allowed)
February 1: [Final Check-in] (You will need to confirm your final participation in this post.)
February 5: [Posting Schedule Posted]
February 10: [Posting Starts]
[mod post],
-round 2