Author Sign-ups - Round 2!

Aug 10, 2012 23:20

nextgenbigbang Author Sign-ups - Round 2!

Your dedicated mods would once again like to apologize for the previous changes to our schedule and the delay in posting sign-ups for round 2! We expect everything to run smoothly now that we have finalized our rules and schedule and we are very excited to announce that SIGNUPS ARE NOW OPEN!

Please fill out the form below and post it in a comment to declare your interest in joining Round 2 of the nextgenbigbang as an author!

Don't worry if you don't know all the details of your story, please just answer what you can. You can always tell us later if anything changes.

Author Sign Ups:

Co-author’s name and email (if applicable):
Pairing/Characters, if you don’t know that yet, het, slash or femmeslash?:
Would you like a cheerleader assigned?:
Do you need help finding a beta?:
Brief plot or summary, if you have one:
Have you seen the timeline? If yes, you are agreeing to adhere to that timeline.
Other comments or questions?

+See our Rules & Information
+Check the Detailed Schedule & Timeline for mandatory check-ins
+Spread the word with our Pimping Banners
+Join ngbb_writers
+Questions? Comment here or contact us at

[writers], [sign-ups], -round 2

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