Sep 16, 2012 11:51" href="">" src="">" href="">Rules & Timeline |" href="">CLAIMING POST
With over 160 new prompts and 80 old prompts, there is something for everyone. Come claim a prompt and help us fill the next-gen fandom with wintery and festive goodness.


Please familiarise yourselves with the rules if you haven’t already and then claim away.

We have gotten over 160 amazing prompts and the list can be found in its entirety over on our website as the post was too large to post here, but all comments should be made to this post. The unclaimed prompts from last year are also up for grabs. All prompts can be claimed twice, once for fiction and once for art. Any prompts that have been claimed once will be coloured red (and next to it will be stated what it has been claimed for) and any that have been claimed twice will be crossed out.

All prompts are numbered in the order they came in. Some prompts appear in several categories but will have the same number. These prompts can also only be claimed twice; if a gen prompt which appears also in the slash and het categories is claimed for fic, it will be coloured red in all categories.
Last year's prompts are numbered differently (starting in the #200s), so there is no need to indicate in your claiming form which list it came from.

Podficcers can choose to claim one of the fics on offer or they can sign up with a fic of their own choice. Please remember to indicate in the sign up form whether you wish to be anonymous during posting. If not, your podfic will not be posted anonymously. (You can of course change your mind about this later, but remember to let us know.)

Complete prompts list

Slash prompts

Het prompts

Gen prompts

Any genre prompts (as in, free for all :D)

Fic offers for podficcing

The 2011 prompts list

When you have chosen your favourite prompt(s) please fill out the following form to claim it so that we can edit the post to reflect what is still available to people. As soon as you get a confirmation email (which promises to be a faster response than Pottermore) that you have got your prompt, feel free to begin working on it. Please remember that this is an anonymous fest so keep which prompt you have to yourself and discuss it with as few people as possible, i.e only your beta. For this reason, comments are screened.
We are asking for your top three prompts just in case your first choice is claimed in the time it takes for us to edit the post to reflect any changes.

Fic/Art claiming form:

Email address:
Claiming for: fic/art etc
Prompt choice #1:
Prompt choice #2:
Prompt choice #3:

Podfic sign up form:

Podficcer username:
Email address:
Author username:
Fic title:
Link to fic:
I wish to be anonymous during posting: yes/no

Once you have submitted your entry for the fest you can claim another prompt if you should feel like it. All works are due no later than November 26th.

CLAIMING IS CLOSED.(got here a bit late? annoyed that you didn't find this fest sooner? late prompt claiming at the mods' discretion. comment to this post or email us at nextgenmas [at] gmail dot com and we'll get back to you asap.)

!claiming, !mod

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