Martha/Handy Ten-Word Drabblefest

Jan 27, 2009 05:42

The teeny-tiny Martha/Handy* Ten-Word Drabble-fest.

No Deadlines.

(Almost) No Rules.

Inspired by the recent 'Multi-Fandom Six-Word Drabble-Fest' and a desire to drum up some activity here, I decided to put together a Martha/Handy Ten-Word Drabble-fest in a similar mold.

Why ten words? Well, aside from being inspired by places like tenwordstories and the aforementioned drabble-fest, I thought ten would be an excellent number due to Handy's relation to the Tenth Doctor. Otherwise, it's pretty arbitrary, though it may help some of us that are really going to be challenged to write ten-word drabbles instead of six-word ones!

All drabbles related to this event should be posted in the comments of this post and any feedback should be left in response to the comment with the drabble itself, not the general post comments.

Please specify whether you are writing about Handy/alt!Martha or Handy/our!Martha (i.e. the Martha from the 'main' universe') by putting the pairing in the subject line. If you write for more than one pairing in your comment, feel free to mention both pairings in the subject line.

Also, feel free to use the drabble-poetry-esque style that some authors used in the 'Multi-Fandom Six-Word Drabble-Fest' mentioned above. An example is here where the author ties together multiple drabbles to tell a story. Just try not to go overboard. We aren't looking for 100-word drabbles here [Edit: Okay, you guys can go up to 100 words, but keep it in the 10/words per line format], just little snippets of stories.

Last of all, this is all for fun and supposed to be a low-maintenance way to play around with the pairings. So, I am trying to keep it very casual. Still, that means the community rules still apply and if there is trolling, those users will be dealt with.

Oh, and I hope to run a proper ficathon here later in the year when there are not so many other ficathons going on at the same time, so keep an eye out for that!

*I've heard word that some people are unhappy with or offended by the nickname Handy. I just want to say that I use it purely affectionately and as an easy shorthand as there are so many names for the poor guy in fandom, it is hard to know which one to choose. I am certainly not trying to make anyone angry by its use. I just want to leave it up to the authors as to what to call him. That isn't my job. :)

ten-word drabble-fest, !mod post

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