Fic: Shadows & Doubts (1/1) PG

Jan 22, 2009 13:56

Title: Shadows & Doubts
Author: ebbyzone
Characters/Pairings: Human!Ten/Alt!Martha Jones
Spoilers: Series 4 I suppose
Word Count: 1,416
Rating: PG
Summary: John Noble, the Human!Doctor, contemplates just how far he & this alternate Martha Jones have come, and how far yet they have to go.
Beta: The awesome persiflage_1 . All other mistakes are my own.
Disclaimer: Disclaimer: Although I wish I had a Doctor of my own, Doctor Who is the sole property of the BBC. I just like to toy around with him from time to time.

(A/N: Written for the doctorwho_100 prompt, "Lovers" on LiveJournal. This is a part of an ongoing set of stories set in the alternate universe featuring the Human!Doctor and an alternate Martha Jones.)

Everything looked completely different when cast in the shadows. He wondered if that was how everyone saw him: as a walking doubt.

character: handy, fic, character: alt!martha

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