Cthulhu, Avatar: Book 3, and the fangirl squee that was choked off by even louder squee

Mar 03, 2011 15:56

On Tuesday, I won three out of three games of Cthulhu Munchkin. It probably helps that all of us were learning. kerobaros and satanthe42nd brought the game to my house, and after they set up our surround sound (how do they DO these things?! *boggles at the tech-savvy*) and went through all my Garage Sale WTF!old Electronics with me, telling me what things were and ( Read more... )

fandom, friends, tv shows, squee & win, rpgs & games

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Comments 10

that_damn_imp March 3 2011, 22:12:09 UTC
I put off watching the Airbender series for a long time because I didn't think it would be all that great, just another kid show. Happily I was wrong and when I did watch it I had much of the same reaction you are now having. The only difference is that I had to wait for the last 2-3 episodes to come out!


newtypeshadow March 4 2011, 01:29:19 UTC
Sometimes it's great to be wrong. ^_^

I put off watching because I missed the boat, and wanted to watch in order for full effect, as all my friends were gushing about it. Thankfully, rosalyn_angel has the whole series and is coming back this weekend to finish book 3 with me. I don't know how I'd've stood it if I had to wait a full week between episodes! Especially the last two to three! O_o


that_damn_imp March 4 2011, 09:05:45 UTC
It wasn't just a week. There was issues between the show and the network so it was delayed. I had to wait months for those final episodes!


newtypeshadow March 6 2011, 06:49:55 UTC
I would have killed.

Just saw the end of the series


liebesleid March 4 2011, 01:26:19 UTC
Yeah, I watched the whole thing online during finals week Jr year of WUSTL


newtypeshadow March 4 2011, 01:27:30 UTC
The whole series, or the whole of book 3?


kerobaros March 4 2011, 06:24:50 UTC
Monthly my ass.


newtypeshadow March 6 2011, 07:19:07 UTC
Your ass has monthlies?


Avatar LARP animangel March 4 2011, 14:31:33 UTC
How would you feel about helping me write a one-shot Avatar LARP? (Actually, I have a good chunk of it done, but I want to bounce my stuff off someone who has seen the series and would not be spoiled for play. I plan to run it down in DC here so I won't feel guilty about inflicting you).

Err, that is, if you have the time and WANT to. ^_^.


Re: Avatar LARP newtypeshadow March 6 2011, 06:44:26 UTC
It would be fun to hear your ideas! I'd love to help be an idea!bouncer! ^___^

Would you mind if I in turn bounced your ideas off of the friend who showed me Avatar? She's s seen it multiple times, owns it, and keeps up with the official news channels for the show (and hence was able to tell me about the mini-series the creators are planning for 70ish years after the series ends).

*wants you to be online so she can squee right now omfg because I JUST SAW THE END OF THE SERIES! ^____^*


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