[Fic] Ain't Love Strange - Prologue

Jun 21, 2008 19:50

Title: Ain’t Love Strange
Pairing: RyoKame (Nishikido Ryo/Kamenashi Kazuya)
Rating: PG (Safe for now)
Genre: AU, Romance, Slight Angst, Family
Beta by: eddicted and miyukaii (Thanks for your ideas and prompts. Help me a lot *hugs*)

Case 1 : A rich heir who is stuck with the miserable relationships he had in the past.
Case 2 : A normal guy who just wanted to be love. But his female-ish appearance never gave him that.
Case 1 + Case 2 = Their fate collides and thy are in for the biggest twist of their life.



Verse I

Finally I reached the Tokyo International Airport after rushed here by a taxi. Unbelievable!! Two long delay in two years of sequence. Last year, I won the Special Massage and Spa ticket and a trip to Okinawa for 2 days but the flight time was mistakenly printed on the ticket. So I needed to settle it for about 2 hours of waiting. Now I went through the customs with a slight problem, the officer was asking me why I did not put the full address of where I am staying so got it delayed a bit but luckily I was able to go through. Did my luck has run out or it's the company's problem?

Thank God I don’t need to experience more hours of waiting. So sick of it! I sighed in relief as the process turned out to be much faster than I thought. After I checked in at the counter for the third time, I double checked my things while heading to the Immigration desk before proceeding to boarding gate.

Luggage. Check.

Wallet. Check.

Maps. Check.

Passport and Boarding Pass. Check.

Jacket. Check.

“Ah! Sorry.” I heard a woman’s voice as we unconsciously bumped into each other. I hurled myself around on the floor with all my things that I kept in hand.  She looked surprised and bowed for an apology. Embarrassment was everywhere in my face. I shook my head politely and picked up my things fast.

“No. It’s my fault. I should be careful when walking. Are you hurt?” I asked, concerned about her. She shook her head and replied that she was totally fine.

After collecting my things at super speed, aware that people were watching us, I said ‘Sorry’ with a bow and urged myself to hurriedly walking to the Immigration desk.

“Michiru!” She gasped and turned her head around to seek for the voice calling. Her name is Michiru then, I guessed with a nod. Leaving her alone, I walked pass the crowd. My eyes suddenly gazed intently at a man who also walked pass beside me. He was wearing a nice black suit with an expensive half-fur coat and shiny black shoe. The sterling silver pendant lettered ‘N’ caught my gazed with an alluring sight. It was supported by a miniature hand of enamelled diamond on top, fully covering the letter. From the way he dressed and he walked, he was sort of from the rich people. I noticed his eyes were cold and lonely then later flickering with a smile upon his face.

“Michiru!” He screamed out the name. Unexpectedly I turned my head back as I realized he was calling the name of the woman whom we accidentally knocked into each other a while ago.

He must be her boyfriend. He looked so young in his twenties to be a married man. Or maybe it was his handsome face with cold and stunning appearance that tricked people’s perception.

“Boarding calls for Flight No. JH1707. Flight is ready for departure. Please board at Gate 3 immediately.”

The repetitive calls for Hawaii Flight to Boarding gate filled my head. Shit! Temper and anxiety rushed me. I quickened my pace as the final announcement echoed around the airport. I enjoyed my seat once I safely boarded the aircraft and onto the plane.

The view from the window was nothing much compared when the plane was flying. I flipped out the magazine in front me and comfortably enjoyed the seat. This was my first trip abroad without friends or family. I won a ticket to Hawaii through a crossword competition in the newspaper. Since I was on holidays from semester break, I decided to enjoy this 4 days trip to Hawaii.

"Good day, ladies and gentlemen. We are delighted to welcome you aboard JAL Airways, the airline that tells it like it is. Please ensure that your seat belt is fastened, your seat back is upright and your tray-table is stowed…”

Yosh! Let’s enjoy and have a relaxing vacation. I was excited with joy. Hawaii, here I come!!


Verse Two

I hopped on the escalator, way down to the ground floor and made my way exited at the arrival gate. I carried my luggage along on my right side; I walked to the waiting crowd. My eyes kept looking for a familiar face that I long to see. Then I saw a man bowed in front of her but from the way it looked, they might accidentally smashed into each other as I watched the man collected his things on the floor.

My eyes were caught between the innocent of a lady and the fond beauty of a man that I found speechless to speak. He wore a sunglasses and simple clothes on with jeans and colourful shirt. I bet he must be on a vacation. He looked so neat and slender but I found it cute when he clumsily unconsciously dropped his things again. I giggled when I saw a pink blushed on his face but I looked away as we passed by each other. My eyes were then focused on the standing girl.

There she was, looking so trouble and apologized so many times for her fault. She smiled so innocently yet her innocence was the beautiful sight that warmed my vulnerable heart. After being away for two weeks at New York, I have been waiting to meet her again. I was missing her too much, I guessed. Our relationship was only 4 month long but nothing serious happened. I was thankful that I found her and to me, she was just an angel who brightened up my days after few broken hearts.

“Michiru!” I shouted but the noise was too loud for her to hear. Furthermore the sudden flight announcement seemed to battle with my own voice.

She heard. I saw she was turning around as if somebody was calling her name. I chuckled at her reaction and shouted more.

I quickly ran into her as I was hardly to be seen from the blocking crowd.

“Michiru!” She made a shocked face but then her smiles were the one I’ve been looking for. In a quick moment, she called out my name and seemed delightful to see me. Her smile was equally as eager as my racing heart. I stopped and she immediately gave me a warm hug. I blinked at her spontaneous act because it was the first time she behaved that way. Felt a bit too easy but she seemed so sweet. Maybe she opened up a little for me.

“Okaeri! …Ryo-kun.” She greeted me with her innocent smile again. I looked into her eyes, returning the smile.


A/N: my first attempt to write RyoKame fic and its multichap lol The funny thing is I just wrote what I felt like it and at the end I didn't expect the story came this way. Seriously I don't have any idea or prompt I want to narrate but right now I do have a point.

Let's say this fic is about a fate meeting between 2, when u walk pass some strangers along ur way in ur daily life, there's 1% of chances that the person might be your destined love. =) so i want to prove that theory by writing this fic. (Uhh... I guess? LOL)

fic: ryokame, ain't love strange, #multichapter

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