[Fic] You and Me, Weird Love in Some Way…

May 07, 2008 23:45

Title: You and Me, Weird Love in Some Way…

Author: newssuki

Beta: ynm, L-chan, scarlet_angel03 ( Thank you for your hardwork. I appreciate it very much. To ynm, your beta scared the hell out of me. Tough but now I clearly understand what you mean. Sorry for being very childish. I never met someone as good as you when beta. In some way. But honestly, I’m glad you pointed all of it. Thank you so much. *smiles* )

Disclaimer: I own and keep them in my closet. When I need them, I just drag them out. XD Just kidding LoL

Rating: PG-13 / R

Genre: AU, Crack, Fluff, Life, School, Slight angst

Note: italic for thoughts. My imaginary school, don’t question much.

Summary: Yamapi’s the popular guy in JE Private Boys School while Junno just got transferred from a school in another country and is attending JE Private Boys School by himself. Everything seems to be good for Junno as he managed to make a lot of friends there, with both the popular and normal students. His life centers around a group of guys who appeared to be popular guys from JE Private Boys School and when he encounters this cool, arrogant, playful, popular guy, troubles start piling up for poor Junno. ( I suck at summaries LoL do you mind? )

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Chapter 1

“When I need you…

I just close my eyes, and I’m with you

And all that I so want to give you

Its only a heart beat away…”

Ah! What a boring day. There’s nothing exciting to do. Yamapi played the song on his mobile for more than 10 times but he still couldn’t cheer himself up from his morning blues. Yamapi laid his head down on the table with a disappointed look on his face. Every once a while, he would alternate the position he was facing, just for some variety although he had already seen all there was to see in the Student Council’s room, while sighing deeply.

Suddenly there was a pat on his shoulder. Yamapi turned around to find his close friend trying to get his attention. His name was Akanishi Jin, the president of the Student Council. Yamapi wondered how his baka close friend managed to end up in a position that required responsibility. He knew Jin was popular among the students due to his sweet-talking ability and sexy image. He was even listed as the golden boy in the popularity rankings. It was the same for Yamapi, who was voted as The Coolest, Most Popular Guy in school last year. The students crowned Yamapi as King of The West and Jin as King of The East, after their classrooms which were located in the east and west wings of JE Private Boys School.

The school had five main buildings, 4 of which were used for classes, labs, prep classes, consultation rooms, and an in-house clinic. Also, there are school dorms which most of the students stayed in school but only minority cases were not. The school’s rules made them to choose for their own preference as they were given options for staying matter. The last building housed the teachers lounge, pantry, two big libraries, the principal's room, offices and... the Student Council, the place where Yamapi and five of his closest friends usually hang out during school hours. It became a special place for them where they would sneak out from class or get excused for emergencies. They were definitely enjoying their youth to the fullest. They were rich, handsome, intelligent, active in both sports and clubs, and looked upon highly by others.

Yamapi chuckled as he remembered every stupid scrape they got into in the past. Especially Jin, who always checking out other guys and then sweet talking them. Everyone couldn't resist his charms except for one person who ignored his every move. It was Kamenashi Kazuya, better known as Kame, who was the head of class 4B and was very active in baseball. At first it was a challenge to get the only who ignored him to fall for him. Jin would always go to the field to watch his games but Kame didn't seem to care or notice his existence. After a few incidents which led to Jin getting slapped every time he tried to seduce the boy, the light-hearted feelings of like became the deeper feelings of love. Later, Jin tried hard to convince Kame of the depth of his feelings, until eventually Kame gave in to his persistence and confessed that he loved Jin too.

"---Oih Pi! Are you listening?" Jin exclaimed, interrupting him from his thoughts.

"Uh'huh...," Was his softly reply. He yawned loudly and stretched his body lazily. He propped his face up with his palm and continued to listen to Jin's conversation. Jin was talking about his soccer match this Sunday but he accidentally invited his lover for romantic outing on the same day! Jin looked tensed and troubled because he'd forgotten about his match; he thought it was next week, not this Sunday!

Yamapi laughed at his reason. "Baka! Jin, you should be more organized! How can the Student Council president be so forgetful!" he teased.

"I have Tsubasa-senpai as my right hand man, so I don't worry that much." Jin nodded thoughtfully.

"You lazybum!"he poked his best friend's forehead. Jin nodded when Yamapi advised him to tell Kame the truth and everything would be fine.

"Tell me what?"Kame suddenly asked from behind them. Both of them jumped in shock because they didn't notice Kame's approach. There was silence among them as Kame raised his brows when the two of them kept on looking at each other without replying.

"Now what's wrong with the two of you! I heard something about "You should tell Kame, blah blah blah ---" so somebody better tell me what this is all about." Kame said, curious to know. Jin stared and kicked Yamapi in his left leg, silently asking him to help him out. Yamapi smirked teasingly at Jin and grinned wickedly.

"Pi?" Kame asked questioningly. When Yamapi didn't say anything, Kame turned his eyes to Jin. "Mou! Jin, do you mind?" Kame pouted angrily.

"Ah K--Kazu. It's..it's just nn-no-thing.. Right Pi?" Jin cleared his throat and his eyes wandered between Yamapi and Kame.

"... then why are you acting so suspiciously?" Kame put his hand on his hips and rolled his eyes. Yamapi burst out into laughter after he couldn't endure it anymore. Jin sure is adorable when he's acting clumsy and unable to lie to Kame.

"Morning Princess! Want to have breakfast with me?" Ryo entered the room and passed by Ueda, showing the meal he brought to school. Ueda looked up and smiled happily at Ryo.

"Wow! Looks good.. um Ryo-chan can I have some too?" Jin suddenly butts in and walked away from Yamapi to taste the food.

"Oih Jin! We're not finished yet!" Kame shouted. Jin pretended he couldn't hear Kame because he wasn't ready to tell him. Not yet! I might get a harsh scolding in front of them! Certainly not! He thought. He had to protect his male ego. With the speed light, Ryo-chan warded off his hands and handed the bento to Ueda.

"Ehh?? Why? Why~~~ Ryo-chan~~!" Jin wailed in childish manner. "I'm not going to give it to you! This is specially made for him and me. If you want it so desperately then work on your punishment and then I'll let you!" Ryo yelled. Jin pouted and told Ryo that the punishment was too horrible. He said that his close buddy shouldn't be so cruel to him and that Jin only wanted to help.

"Yeah! I'm can be very mean if you poke your nose into our business again!" Ueda managed a chuckle when he saw Ryo scaring the hell out of Jin. Jin blinked his eyes when Ryo ignored him and turned to enjoy his meal with his loving partner. Well, if wasn't for my help, the two of you wouldn't be sharing a meal now! He folded his arms, sulking as he sat on the chair.

"Ouch, ouch! Kazu!! It hurts..." Jin protested as Kame pinched his ear and dragged him out of the room.

'You're so dead for ignoring me. Now for the p-u-n-i-s-h-m-e-n-t!" Kame had an evil smirk on his face.

Kame had a more interesting punishment in mind than whatever Ryo was thinking of. Kame turned to Ueda and whispered something in his ear. Ueda just smiled and winked like he had agreed to something. Ryo stared hard at them and wrinkled his forehead. Jin followed Kame in surrender although he was nervous as to what the punishment would be. Later on, Ryo laughed hard as Ueda told him the secret. He leaned close to Ueda and murmured in his ear, "Why don't we also---" Ueda put on a straight face and smacked him on the head. Ryo just laughed when he saw his lover blushing so much.

Yamapi lifted his chin on the table while playing with his mobile. He wasn’t sure to smile or laugh as his baka friends put on too much drama in early morning. It always happened on every morning when everyone gathered in the room. Though he was amused at the sight, unfortunately for him, he wasn’t the same shoes like those guys because he got no lover at all. He wasn’t intending to have one, or maybe he actually didn’t care enough to have one. He thought so.

Meanwhile someone exclaimed near the window and pointed his finger at the school gate. "Hey guys! We have a new guy in our school." Everyone reacted to the voice surprised.

It was Tsubasa-senpai who happened to notice the newcomer. He was the Secretary of the Student Council, and president of the Science Club. He was often mistaken as a quiet person but he was more of a 'shallow waters run deep' kind of guy. All of them have been friends ever since they entered the school. So they all knew each other very well and worked well together whenever they organized any events or activities. Tsubasa-senpai was a year older than all of them but he was in the same year as Jin. There were rumors on the reasons he was held back, ranging from illness to joining a gang. As far as they were concerned, Tsubasa-senpai seldom talked about his life or anything about himself. They were sometimes curious as to whether he was straight or not. There were a lot of attempts to find out more about his private life, bit so far all had failed. However, they often saw Tsubasa-senpai talking to girls outside the school. Sometimes they could see him talking on the phone, looking so in love. They stalked him once and heard him say "Takki-kun.." but none of them dared to ask who that person was.

Yamapi stood up and walked to the nearest window. He bent over and looked closely to see the person's face. Six feet tall with skinny long legs. Golden brown fluffy hair and bespectacled plain looks. Yamapi looked at his watch to check the time. It's already 9 in the morning. They boy stopped and stood in front of the gate and nervously looked around. He then fisted his hands and slowly walked in while taking in the school's scenery.

Hmm... this is getting interesting.

Yamapi chuckled when he thought about having a new victim to play with. Ryo and Ueda talked about the new boy who seemed to be an annoyingly nerdy yet good natured person. They wondered if he would be bullied, and by whom. If that happens, they eagerly would want to know whom. They continued to gossip and laugh at the same time.

Upon hearing his ringtone, Yamapi answered his phone and saw Jin's name on the caller ID screen.

"Moshi mosh~ Jin kun?" He greeted his usual cute greeting.

"Hey, did you see what I saw? There's a new boy, Pi..."

Yamapi looked of the window again. The boy had disappeared from his gaze. He must have walked into the registrar's office.

"Yeah, I saw him just now. Why did you ask?"

Jin was about to reply but had to hide his groan when Kame started to trail kisses along his neckline.

"Uh---nothing. Just want to inform you the news. ---Uh..." Jin turned his eyes to Kazu when he felt hands caressing his thigh. It was such a turn on. Jin muttered a small moan when the hands started to roam around more wildly. He tried to be calm as he didn't want Yamapi to hear what they were busy doing.

“So, not planning on doing anything? You're the one who always chases after the newbies after all!" Jin giggled, trembling at the same time. Yamapi laughed when Jin sneakily tried to find out his impression of the new boy. But he played it cool as though he didn't care about it.

"Nah~ I'm not interested. He looks too plain and boring. I bet I'll end up dying of boredom." He laughed, still spacing out while actually entertaining wicked ideas in his head. Yamapi smiled widely. He turned his head when he heard Ryo and Ueda getting into a fight over another silly thing. AGAIN! He sighed, amused at how these two can tolerate each other yet at the same time having problems getting along. Ah~ Let them live in their own world. I have mine too.

"I don't know but, I thought he might be a catch. What do you say Pi?" Jin said convincingly. At the same time, Kame pushed Jin's body against the bookshelf-covered wall, unbuttoned his white shirt, exposing his chest, unbuckled his belt and unzipped his trousers. He slides his hands inside the opening and gently stroked Jin's half erect length teasingly. Jin let loose a sudden erotic moan and immediately he clapped his mouth shut with his left hand. Kame smirked devilishly as Jin trembled from his actions.


Kame leaned in close and bit on Jin's earlobes while whispering softly in his ears as his hands caressed along bare skin. Jin winced as Kame trailed hot kisses on his exposed chest, his collarbone, ears, neck and erect nipples. And it was torture. Slow torture so sweet that he ached at the feel of Kame's kissed and caresses up and down his spine. He wasn't sure how much longer he could remain upright while enduring the irresistible pain/pleasure. So this was the punishment he was talking about, Appalled by his thought, he remembered Yamapi was still on the line.

"A catch? Speaking of which, may I ask who's caught now Ba-ka-ni-shi?" Yamapi chuckled as he heard somewhat intriguing noises on the other end of the line.

"Ehh? Me? What do you mean?" Jin bit his lips, looking troubled. Kame who was acting so teasingly, showing big grin on the face.

"Don't think I don't know what you guys are up to! Gimme a break!" Yamapi yelled and shook his head in disbelief.

"Ehh? It's only me. No GUYSsss here." Jin lied. Aww shit. Wrong move Jin. You can't hide anything from Yamapi. Especially since he's known you for so long!

Yamapi laughed hard at his friend who was still denying. "Make sure the door is locked. Last time, both of you nearly got caught! Send my regards to Kame. Jyaa ne!" Tap. He hung up the phone and got up to leave the room. I guess I should be doing something fun too. Hmm... He cracked an evil grin and waved goodbye to Ueda, Ryo and Tsubasa-senpai.

"Ark! Pi? Moshi moshi~ Pi?" Jin looked at his phone before putting the phone back to his ears. It seems like Yamapi had hung up on him. Kame stopped what he was doing when he noticed Jin staring blankly at him for few seconds, and then the older guy's brows shot up his forehead.

"Um... Is everything alright Jin? I thought..." Kame paused uncertainly while looking into his eyes.

"So this is the punishment I should be getting huh? What if I do this!" Jin grasped his shoulders, jerking the smaller guy against his chest. Kame's breath left his lungs at the sudden impact, and Jin looked into his partner's startled gaze. As soon as Kame opened his mouth to speak, Jin crushed his lips over Kame's wanting to teach him a lesson. A rough moan escaped Kame's throat as Jin pressed his thigh against him, feeling his erection. Jin was extremely hard, and a dull throb pulled at his balls and tugged at his gut. Kame panted unconsciously, asking for air. Jin curved a smile during the kiss because he knew the younger boy couldn’t resist his touch.

“Ummphh… Ji-Jin.. a-air---" Kame breathlessly begged between the kiss.

Jin broke the kiss away from the soft lips, panting heavily. Kame breathed in and out, trying to catch more air against the older boy’s bare chest. Later, Jin drew his mouth closer to his ears, whispering to warn about something the smaller boy shouldn’t target at.

“You know,… it takes a long way for you to be a seme, Kazu. Nice try, but… I would prefer you to be the bottom always…” Kame flushed into red upon hearing Jin saying. He groaned as Jin blew his breath air into his ear, making his body shivering. What a teaser!

Kame suddenly panicked when Jin hugged his waist and dragged them both into a small room; and locked it. They were inside the library from the beginning because Ueda permitted them to use the locked library which was under unused temporarily. There was a huge arrangement was made, and would take another 3 weeks to finish. The library was big as the second floor library and had six small rooms for consultation or study group purposes.

“Errr, what are you doing Jin?” Kame pointed out though he knew what Jin has been planning out.

“I’m making us easier to reduce the tension between us.” Jin explained, winking his left eye.

“Ehhhh…” Kame blinked in surprise as Jin lifted him on the table.

“No EHH. You’re not running from me anymore. Now---” Jin roughly removed the shirt from Kame’s body. But Kame seemed to regret his punishment on Jin and trying to struggle away.

“I told you! Don’t move!” Jin commanded.

“But-but-” Kame tried to reason. Jin sighed and grabbed his hand and put on between his legs. Placing his hand on his hard shaft covering beneath the clothing.

“No BUT! Here. You’re making me hard, Kazu. I want you now…” Jin pleaded with his puppy eyes.

Kame gulped but he knew he was aroused too after Jin kissed him hard earlier. Without hesitation, he grabbed Jin’s loose shirt and making him bent down close to his lips.

“… Take me, love…” Kame whispered. A sudden pleasure rush filled him in, before long; Jin crushed the smaller boy into a kiss again. Sex in the library? Well, it is, after all, just a small locked room he confidently thought.

Meanwhile, once Yamapi was out the Student Council's room, he could faintly hear Ryo and Ueda are fighting over something.

"Come here, Princess" He murmured lovingly and nuzzled his nose in Ueda's neck but he was pushed away.

"Ryo! Not when someone is around!"

"What? Pi already went out. It's only us. Together. And alone." He smirked.

"Baka! Tsubasa-senpai is sitting right there!" He pointedly looked at the corner of the room.

"Ahhh... He isn't listening anyway. Probably busy with his works. Ne.. Come'-on!" Ryo pleaded.

"No!" Ueda protested.

"I'm definitely here." Tsubasa suddenly spoke while raising his right hand.

"See, I told you!" Ueda moved away from him and poured himself some coffee.

"You're impossible sometimes, you know that. Acting so girly and ending up with bad timing!" Ryo shrugged.

"Huh? What! Are you high or something?" Ueda exclaimed.

"Screw you. I'm not in the mood." RYo continued to finish his meal.

"Ah screw you too, jerk!" Ueda shouted back.


"Arrogant brat!"


They glared at each other and then turned from each other.

Yamapi sighed. I don't know how these two were together for a long time. He shook his head. Thinking back, Ryo and Ueda did not resemble friends at all. They are more like sworn enemies, as they could not bear to even look at each other. If they did, they would be busy cursing each other. Ryo, or Nishikido Ryo, was the current Vice President of the Student Council and was famous for his straight-forward, sharp tongue and strict personality. He was also the one who would fight on behalf of the students, suggesting modifications in the school's rules and regulations. The higher authority always seemed to agree with his proposals.

As for Ueda, or Ueda Tatsuya, who was the head librarian loves to read books and play guitar. He got rich parent whom was the most active parent who managed the Parents Society Organization. The two had met during Mr-X skit performance when they had to co-operate with each other. Before that meeting, Ueda couldn't stand Ryo's arrogant attitude because he didn't like his approach when punishing several students for not obeying the rules. He thought that Ryo was abusing his power. To make things worse, Ryo insulted Ueda for not trying his best during the skits and blaming him for not being able to ad-lib. After that, they would fight whenever they saw each other, even accidentally meeting in the halls.

Jin had the brilliant idea ( or so he thought ) of locking them both in a closet for a few hours. He noticed that Ryo often says cruel words to get Ueda's attention but Ueda doesn't seem to pay any attention to him. Due to his baka-ness, Jin forgot to free them as he was busy with Kame. Fortunately, a janitor who checked the closet the next day found them locked inside. Since then, the outcome of locking them both up was mainly good but Ryo was always rude to Jin. Jin had apologized many times but Ryo doesn't seem to want to forgive him. Maybe Ryo wanted to have some wicked revenges after all.

Yamapi headed to the stairs and wandered around the building as he looked for something. No, for someone who had yet to be his next victim. Certainly, what Jin had said earlier perked his interest. He thought it might be a good idea after all. Who knew what you might get if you don't try. He softly sang a song cheerfully and walked to his destination. To somewhere that had fish to catch and he had excellent bait to lure it.

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Author’s Note:   I’m sooo going to get MORE tomatoes throwing at me aright!!!! Yamapi & Junno???? There is a reason why I didn’t combine their name as Junpi, Yamano, Pinno or what ever. XD weird pairing, I haven't seen anyone put up this pairing yet… maybe I haven’t read one yet. Well my fic can be one-sided or anything or Yamapi just want to get some fun and be playboyish to Junno and no hard feelings between the two LoL still in deciding but don’t worry it won’t interrupt my writing. I already planned few things though. When I discussed with scarlet_angel03 ( Horaaah! I make one now! It’s your fault! LoL ) about this pairing, it gave me some ideas XD why don't I make one? For this weirdo couple = not very chemistry one.. How about "Weird Couples" in the making?? I’m sure more cracks and silly things will come out LoL This is supposed to be released first because this is my first written fic, not the akame multichapter. But I actually enjoyed writing the akame one more. Sorry if you guys hate this pairing and the fact I’m going to write one. LoL Don’t expects hard-fallen-love because you might be surprised with this. Sorry cause it rather short.

To rub off your misunderstanding or confusion later, I listed some notes regarding this fic:
  1. According to their age gap, Tsubasa-senpai = 19, Jin + Ryo + Ueda = 18 ( I just made Tatchan younger LoL ), Yamapi + Junno = 17, Kame = 16 ( absolutely the youngest! oh, kame is genius too, so he skips one grade early XD) So the school combined both Junior and Senior high school. For age 13-15 will be in class range from class 1 to class 3 respectively. For age 16-18 will be in class 4 to class 6 respectively. Each class has one letter name for example class  1A. Class A and B locates lots of intelligent students and starting after B, the level of intelligence decrease but the school still manages to produce good quality students without any failure in exams.
  2. Main pairing : Yamapi x Junno. Current pairing shown : Akame, Ryoda. There’s more to be included. Hint: Tsubasa --> Tackey, Tegomass, uh can I put TaNaka here too? =D
  3. About the school, I don’t follow Japanese style. It’s my imaginary school so it’s my preference and my choice definitely for what I’m going to decorate it in my fic. Though I used Japanese names, real name place in Japan, uh I don’t care what you might think. It’s my imaginary school anyway. This school might look like very leisure and relax. Too much of playing around but full of genius??? LoL
  4. I’m not going to post in any community LJ because well i'm going to post for the sake of 
    scarlet_angel03 though this fic is horrible. I think. I mean the way I write it. Horrible. S*x! It’s just my feeling. Sorry to disappoint all of you.
  5. What more? *thinking* Ohhhhhh… I’m intending to write short multichapter, probably only 4-5 chapters. If you guys wanted me to continue, I’ll consider it. If not, I’m going to stop there.
  6. I’m very worried when writing about school boys’ fic. I don’t remember well how fun is to be a school student anyway. I’m aging XDD
  7.  I guess that’s all. Will include more if necessary.

fic: pi x junno, #multichapter

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