fic for peroxidepest17

Sep 01, 2010 19:44

Gift fic for: peroxidepest17
From: newsficcon

Title: Twelve Heads Are Better Than Six
Rating: PG
Pairing: NEWS whole-group gen fic
Summary: NEWS accidentally time travel to 2013 to find their group falling apart and their future selves at each other’s throats.
Notes: This was meant to be crack, but it came out more serious than I’d intended. It’s not sad, but ( Read more... )

c: koyama, c: yamapi, c: massu, c: shige, c: ryo, p: none; genfic, r: pg, c: tegoshi

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Comments 24

peroxidepest17 September 1 2010, 19:19:53 UTC

And it is exactly what I could have hoped for! NEWS being retarded! CASUAL TOUCHING, Tegoshi is superior and Shige lectures people on why their ideas won't work! Massu is OCD! Yamapi has leader voice! Ryo is weak to Tego! Shige is boring! Tegoshi in laps! Tegoshi with STRAIGHT HAIR OMG. Massu and Shige hang out! Ryo has to deal with Shige's ugly face! Ryo's mom still loves NEWS! TIME TRAVEL and NEWS SAVES THE FUTURE FOR THE SAKE OF PUPPIES AND JOY AND FRIENDSHIP. Koyashige are BFFS FOREVER. Koyama tears! Shige screws up on choreography from now until forever! SHIGE'S SALIVA ON TEGOSHI'S FACE ROTFL FOREVER. NEWS CONS NEWS CONS NEWS CONS.

Thank you so much for doing this I am so happy holy crap. <33333333333 Have my love FOREVER.


bananyphophany September 12 2010, 23:29:25 UTC
HI AGAIN, we've already talked today, but heck. XD

I was informed by a reliable source (named Vix) that we both love Tegoshi greatly, and so I hoped that Tegoshi with ~*~straight hair~*~ and Shige's saliva on Tegoshi's face would be well received. :D



peroxidepest17 September 12 2010, 23:47:58 UTC


nuerulez September 2 2010, 11:07:11 UTC
this is beautiful and sweet.
I love how the past NEWS trying to fix their future relationship.
and the ending is just d(^_^)b!!


bananyphophany September 12 2010, 23:31:00 UTC
Aww, thank you! I'm glad you thought so.
I can't see NEWS leaving their group all dysfunctional like that. Not with Koyama around. ;)


hennahito September 2 2010, 17:49:09 UTC
It's a lovely fic! I enjoyed it a lot. Thank you! :D


bananyphophany September 12 2010, 23:31:30 UTC
Thank you! :D I'm placed you thought so, and I'm glad you enjoyed!


changetje September 2 2010, 21:33:31 UTC
klsakdl;sadks;a this is such an amazing fic *___* Really, I loved it so much. I like weird things like time-travelling and this fic was just all sorts of awesome weirdness :D I especially liked it that the past NEWS wanted to 'rescue' the future NEWS, even though they just could go back in time and never make it happen. Idk - that just screams member-ai to me *__* OH GOD, AND PI. I loved the part where both Pi's were in the same room, agreeing with each other. This must be my Pi bias speaking, but daskld;ksa;'dksa, loved that scene.

Oh oh oh and the humor in it was also great. The part where Shige tries to rub off Tegoshi's freckles XD; The part where one Ryo reminds other Ryo they had to put up with all sorts of shit, including Shige's ugly face xD Massu being an actual person, instead of the walking stomach *_____* Tegoshi crawling into Koyama's lap the moment he gets the chance <3

Just akld;skd;asld, great fic, thanks so much for writing ♥♥♥


budiamond September 13 2010, 09:19:12 UTC
:D Oh gosh, thank you! I was really worried about how it'd be received since it was my pinch and so I had limited time to write it...
But yes!
I don't know if it's your Pi bias. I quite liked writing that scene and I'm awful at writing Pi, so... XD

♥ I am pleased by all the parts you pointed out, because I wanted so much more humour in it than I could fit. XD;
Thank you so much to you too for the comment. :D


kaminikaku September 3 2010, 10:23:41 UTC
A really intersting idea, and I liked the way you had them all working together to save their future selves :) The unfolding of what was wrong in the future was well done, and I loved the idea of everyone cycling through Ryo's shower :) well done.


budiamond September 13 2010, 09:23:05 UTC
Thanks. XD I came up with it in a blind panic at 6 am after Vix mailed me the pinch and then I fell asleep again.
I'm glad the... unfolding was good, because I never seem to be able manage to do that very convincingly... XD Ehehehe.


kaminikaku September 13 2010, 10:37:02 UTC
Well your blind panic worked because I think it worked well :) And the unfolding worked so well because you had the characters learning what was going on along with the readers ;)


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