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cheyanimeYour Email: cheyanime [AT] comcast [DOT] net
AIM/MSN/ICQ/YIM: Sixth Twilight
Character Journal:
anchorme Character Name: May.
Character's Age: Thirteen.
Fandom: Guilty Gear.
One. (May's so cute!)
History: May cannot remember her parents, her heritage, or her life before their death. Her earliest memories are of being bounced between foster homes as the government unsuccessfully tried to find an environment she was suited to. For the most part, she felt like an outsider in the homes she was placed in, and the relationships with her foster parents were distant. All the homes she was placed in reported a disinterest in interaction despite reports that she was friendly before her parents’ deaths.
While in the process of shifting her to another home yet again, there was a sudden change in plans. She was taken in by a man named Johnny - who as it turned out was the “captain” of the Jellyfish Pirates, an anti-government organization (see “Extra” section for more details). It was here that May finally found her place in the world and began to open up again. This was likely largely thanks to Johnny, who gave her the affection and attention she craved. It was also during this time that her bizarrely high strength began to manifest.
From that point on, May has lived a relatively normal life, considering her circumstances. She now serves as one of the Jellyfish Pirates’s top combatants.
Personality: May is, despite her unusual circumstances, a normal child for her age. Loud, open, and generally social if not friendly, she’s the sort of girl who has a large circle of acquaintances rather than a small group of close friends. However, those she does become close to, she is fiercely protective of. This protective behavior often transcends into ‘possessive,’ and she would be just as quick to fight for a friend’s attention as she would safety.
Beyond that, her noisy energy is often in excess. Brash, quick-tempered, and boisterous, she loves to be the center of attention and getting noticed. May is not the sort of person to pull punches or not state her opinion in the frankest terms when asked, and her overbearing nature can be hard to deal with if one is not used to her behavior. Spoiled and stubborn to a fault, it is very hard to guide her off the warpath once she has decided she wants something.
May thinks of herself as an adult, despite her young age. This may be part of the cause for her bossiness and tendency to flout authority. Often openly disrespectful to those older than her, she becomes agitated when others treat her in the same manner. Though confident in her abilities, she is not arrogant - she likely doesn’t even realize how her behavior is perceived by others.
Powers/Combat Skills: May possesses strength disproportionate to her size. In a combat situation, she wields a ship’s anchor as a weapon.
Extra: The Jellyfish Pirates are a small anti-government group. Rather than large-scale operations, they level small attacks in a manner reminiscent of a street gang or a group of pirates, as their name might imply, by attacking government shipments and transport, stealing items of value, and often harming or even killing any government workers in the process. Though they have something of an alliance with the Tatakai and have even worked with the group from time to time, Johnny prefers to keep the group fairly isolationist.
The Jellyfish Pirates’ “crew” consists almost entirely of young orphaned girls that have been adopted by Johnny (and usually removed from public record thanks to some money illegally changing hands), each one learning a unique skill to assist in running the group. The money to care for the girls comes from what they manage to obtain and sell off during their operations. Furthering the pirate theme, the crew all wear sailor uniforms, and even have a fortified van they dubbed the Mayship.
May’s main NPC relations consist of Johnny (the “captain,” as well as the object of her nearly fanatical affections) and April (the Mayship’s “pilot” and her best friend), though she is on good terms with the rest of the Jellyfish Pirates as well.
In Canon: “May is a character from the Guilty Gear fighting game series. She is a young, cute, and spunky member of the Jellyfish Air Pirates, and is utterly dedicated to Johnny, the leader of the pirates and the man who raised her after she was orphaned. She entered the first tournament in order to bail Johnny out of prison, and fights in later tournaments for his benefit. She fights with a massive ship's anchor, which she is able to swing with ease. May is Japanese, but she has been kept in the dark about her heritage for her own safety.” - Wikipedia