Thanks to all of you for providing your feedback and voicing your concerns about LiveJournal's new comment system. Please understand that we are taking your feedback seriously, and will continue to evaluate this new feature. In the meantime, we'd like to explain the reasons behind the change and the greater impact this has for LiveJournal.
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At the end of the day, it is a website and there are bigger problems to go HAM about.
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but that's still no excuse
i understand people getting upset. personally, i feel like they have the right to be when lj has pretty much given them no choice. i saw a lot of level arguments. granted i also feel like threatening to leave a service you're paying for is valid because you paid for a specific service and no one really listened to any of the users from really any of the countries that use livejournal
someone made a comment about how rehashing the code is valid. it is. but there still isn't any excuse for the code can't mimic the old system with some upgrades. so, really, lj is just shooting itself in the foot here
having someone who could field our concerns (or a group of someones) just so we understand we're being considered rather than ignored would help sooth people out, and i agree that management has lost it's mind
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