Thank you for your continued feedback about our
latest release. Today, we have some small updates to share with you:
- A patch has been released that should address a few of the major bugs with expanding comments, as well as other Ajax features. This should help with some of the functionality issues some of you have been experiencing.
Right now, a journal using an S2 style can use customized comment pages to get subject line use back, and then we'll be designing a new S2 commenting style that will mimic the display of the previous commenting pages. (I don't have exact details on how that's being done yet, or where that option/setting will live.) The new S2 commenting style that mimics the old should then not have the big problem the current S2 customized pages do, which is the 'squished' display for very long comment threads, where it's two words per line and so on.
Given that it's obviously something a significant portion of your userbase wants, why is it gone for good from the default style?
This block is still in place, incidentally, albeit in a lesser fashion. Try an Interest search for "young grapefruit" (yes, really) and you'll see this:
Sorry, we're unable to help you find users matching the interests you've provided.
I can only assume that it's the combination of "young" and a word with the letter sequence "rape" that causes the block. But really...
See and his site and wiki
Apparently Hi merely dislike Subjects.
igrick doesn't like it. And apparently he is god.
This is the ONLY reason/excuse we've seen come from any LJ staffer and even more evidence of his jackassery can be found here.
Have you heard of Qwikster?
Because this is about to become that. People will not go quiet about this. It will not die down. And we will certainly not (in igrick's rude and passive aggressive words) "get used to it".
Whole communities have been rendered useless and this "work-around" is un-helpful.
I've heard that Dreamwidth is developing an import for communities. I'm sure once that is available the people that are staying because their favorite community is here, won't be here anymore.
Sucks to work at livejournal.
Is it sad that I've gained almost three full months of free paid time here at Livejournal because of Russian DDoS attacks (still waiting for those 2 free weeks they announced this week). And yet, it's a Russian and his careless disregard for the people who are paying him to be here that makes me fully want to leave. Because if the communities go, I go, and if Dreamwidth gets that import working...
Yeah, sucks to work at livejournal.
That ends with this clusterfuck: I've had it. I don't believe that LJ will get any more of my money until:
A) 88 gets rolled back, and
B) igrick gets sacked.
Since neither are likely to happen, I am also in the process of moving to Dreamwidth. I'll monitor my communities here until DW gets the migration tool working. My paid time expires in May, and there'll be no more after.
Good bye, LJ. Sucks to work for you.
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