(no subject)

Aug 24, 2008 22:29

Title: The consequences of being bad.
Summary: Jack makes a mental note to be bad more often.
Rating: Shameless porn.
Pairings: Ianto/Jack, Jack/Ten, Ten/Jack/Ianto, Ten/Ianto.
A/N: As requested!

Links to other parts:
I don’t think he’s wrong
I didn’t know, I swear!


As far as Jack was concerned, the day was snailing by. The Doctor, for all his innocent exterior, could only be described as a cock tease. A term he normally reserved for Ianto, who was also falling into that category. The Doctor had been bending over to look at things on computers, or leaning on surfaces that were about his hip height, so he had to bend slightly. Both of these positions gave Jack an amazing view of the Doctor’s pinstriped ass, which the Doctor was flaunting. He’d even removed his coat and jacket for maximum effect. He kept throwing seductive glances Jack’s way whenever he caught the Captain staring at him. If he walked past him, he’d brush past him, and depending which side he passed on, would either grope his cock or his arse, meaning anything that Jack had been thinking or saying fly straight out of his head.

Jenny was being shown around by Gwen, interested in everything that she saw, bouncing around in a manner that showed just how much she was her father’s daughter.

Jack was brooding over some paperwork that Ianto had brought with his last cup of coffee. It was getting more and more difficult to concentrate on what was in front of him, which was saying something, given that getting Jack to do paperwork normally involved some sort of incentive at the end of it, like sex, or something kinky that he’d like. Either that or threatening to withhold things, like kisses, or coffee, or biscuits. Ianto was well versed in both tactics and employed them on a regular basis.

His favourite archivist had been roped into not only withhold privileges, but also to tease him, by the Doctor. Ianto was therefore cock tease number two. So far he’d been lured into a kiss that he never got, Ianto had gotten close and arched away again just as Jack reached for him. He’s also had to endure the Doctor and Ianto kissing in view of one of the cameras. The Doctor had zapped it with his screwdriver, so that the picture came up on Jack’s computer screen, and wouldn’t go away even when the plug was removed from the wall. So Jack had had to watch, awe struck and desperate to wank. He restrained himself; secretly enjoying the way the Doctor had command over him. Though he’d never admit it. He’d expected to be jealous of both of them for their interactions with each other, but actually, all he was jealous of was that he couldn’t be the one kissing them.

He was so frustrated. The Doctor had arrived at just gone half ten that morning, and while Jack could have sworn that it must be nearing five in the afternoon (he hoped so, because as it had been quiet he could send the team home early) he found to his dismay that it was only just gone two. Meaning there were at least three hours, Rift permitting before he could get rid of them.

Just as he thought this, the Rift alarm went off. Jack’s head hit his desk. Someone, somewhere, really didn’t like him. He banged his head a couple more times before dragging himself out of his chair and readjusting his trousers. Big mistake. He should have just left them and suffer to look like John Wayne when he walked. He walked over to the door and into the main part of the Hub.

“Ok, What have we got?” he asked, in what he hoped was his normal voice. Evidently not, as his whole team sniggered or tried very hard not to.

Ianto and the Doctor were stood very close together, Ianto leaning over Mickey’s desk to look at what ever was on the computer screen, and, supposedly due to the amount of people crowded around the desk, the Doctor was leaning over Ianto, mere millimetre’s from the Welshman’s body. They were aligned in such a way that the Doctors hips were pressed flush against Ianto’s suit clad ass. Jack growled low in his throat. Damned hot bastards.

“We got a big Rift spike in Splott,” Mickey replied.

“Splott?” the Doctor asked, “Who came up with that one?”

“It’s pronounced ‘splow’ by most estate agents,” Ianto quipped, “but Splott is more accurate. It’s not very pleasant and we get a lot of activity down there.”

Ianto moved back ever so slightly, bringing his back into contact with the Doctor’s chest. Jack fought down another growl.

“So what have we got then?” he asked, shifting a little in an effort to get his trousers to stop pressing against his cock. It didn’t work, it just made it worse.

“No idea. We don’t have anything on record which matches the energy patterns,” Mickey replied, “We’ll have to go look.”

That meant driving. Very difficult to do with this kind of hard-on. Unless he let Mickey or Ianto drive. Ianto didn’t like driving the SUV, he preferred to navigate and he didn’t know what Mickey’s driving was like. Oh well. One way to find out.

“Ok, lets go then. If it’s a big rift spike, then its probably very big, so we’ll all have to go.” He ducked into his office to grab his coat. When he came out, his team were bustling around getting ready to leave. The Doctor and Jenny were standing where they had been previously, with the obvious exception that the Doctor was not bent over Ianto any more. “Doc, you’re welcome to come, but short of sitting in the boot of the SUV you’re going to have to take your own transport,” he said as Ianto appeared at the Doctor’s elbow with the co-ordinates.

“Why don’t we all just take the Tardis?” the Doctor asked.

“Because we might need to bring something back in, and the Tardis won’t like it, the things we normally end up with smell bad.” He walked over so that he was stood in front of the Time Lord. “Aim for about ten minutes after you leave, that way we should get there for roughly the same time.”

He went to walk away, but the Doctor grabbed his shoulder and wheeled him around, kissing him very gently, then again, a little more persistently. Then a third time, slipping his fingers into Jack’s hair, making the Captain’s cock throb as the Doctor pressed close.

“Sorry,” the Doctor murmured, “seems like I can’t get enough of that.”

“Enough of what?” Jack queried.

“The taste of you,” the Doctor replied, kissing him again. “It’s addictive.”

“51st century pheromones.” Jack smirked.

“You do walk around enveloped in a cloud of them.” Another gentle, chaste kiss.

“At the moment, I blame you and Ianto. Mostly you. It’s more potent when I’m aroused. Normally I only have Ianto to blame.”

The Doctor pulled him in for another kiss. “I’ll have to get you to walk around in a cloud more often then won’t I.” He reached down to cup Jack. “Isn’t driving with that going to be difficult?”

“That’s why I’m not driving.”

The Doctor grinned. “Go get in the car, I’ll see you in ten minutes.” He kissed Jack deeply, plundering his mouth with his tongue, giving him one last squeeze before pulling away and walking towards the Tardis, picking up his jacket and coat as he passed.

Jack waited until the door had closed behind Jenny, who he could bet was going to start quizzing her dad about his relationship with Jack, before groaning loudly. “He’s going to be the death of me.”

Ianto stood behind him smirking. “It’s your own fault, sir. I took the liberty of sending the others to go and get the car.” He wrapped his arms around Jack, allowing the other man to lean back and rest his head on his shoulder.

“Doesn’t how he is with me bother you? I mean, I know he’s not exactly excluding you, but - ” he trailed off, unsure of how to continue.

“Are you kidding?” Ianto sounded shocked, “he’s gorgeous Jack. I’d be wondering what was wrong if he wasn’t more to you than just something to flirt with. And my God is he a good kisser.” Ianto sounded slightly wistful.

“Good as me?” Jack looked up at him

“I wouldn’t say better, different,” Ianto replied, “and you can see how deeply he cares for you from the way he looks at you.” Ianto kissed the side of Jack’s head. “Come on. You can work out the logistics of you sordid affairs with staff and aliens in the car.” He pulled back and gave Jack a light tap on the arse to get him to start walking.

It was at that moment that the Tardis engines ground into action, and Jack realised that the Doctor had probably been watching the whole thing on a monitor in the console room. He shook his head and headed for the exit with Ianto.


“That was foul,” Gwen said as they walked back into the Hub.

It had been truly disgusting. They had found the alien, a large wet looking, and slimy thing sitting in someone’s garden pond, which was far too small. According to the Doctor it was completely harmless, was called a smindle, and was a bit like a whale, but from a planet called Prila a few solar systems over.

While the Doctor had been explaining this, the smindle had chose that moment to sneeze. All over them. So now they were covered in whale snot, and the Doctor’s response had been, “Oh, you poor thing. Aren’t you feeling well?”

The others had been incredulous and Martha had quipped that only the Doctor could feel sorry for something that had just blown its nose on him.

The clean up had been messy and taken forever, because of the mess the smindle had made of the garden it was in, and the garden fence behind it. They’d had to ret-con half the street because the owner of the pond couldn’t keep her mouth shut, and they had to get the smindle out of the pond, into a truck and into the nearest bit of sea. So now they were trouping back to the Hub, still covered in alien whale snot, for much needed showers.

As the team converged on the changing room, Jenny loitered, having taken her shower on the Tardis. Not that she had been that badly off anyway, given that she had managed to duck behind the Tardis (which hadn’t been at all impressed about being splattered with whale snot). She sat at Gwen’s station, flicking through a magazine.

The Doctor watched Jack amusedly as the Captain complained incessantly about the amount of slime on his coat. Ianto was giving bags to the girls so they could put their dirty clothes in it, and took a few into the men’s changing room.

Only Mickey was making no move towards the showers. He had placed a bin liner over his chair and was playing a computer game.

“Not showering?” the Doctor asked.

“Not while those two are in there,” Mickey snorted, “Last time I made that mistake I was traumatised for life.”

The Doctor smirked. He knew Jack had exhibitionist tendencies, and wouldn’t have cared one iota, though he would have thought Ianto would have been different. When he’d kissed the Doctor on the CCTV, which had been for Jack’s benefit, and it had been blocked to the rest of the team. Maybe the boy had a bigger kink. Or maybe he’d been too far-gone to care.

“You can use the Tardis bathroom if you want,” he said, tossing Mickey the (slime coated (how had it gotten into that pocket?)) key.

Mickey smiled, muttered “good luck to you!” as he walked towards the big blue box.

The Doctor walked towards the changing room and showers, starting as he realised the suit he’d hung on a rail outside the Tardis wasn’t where he left it.

“I took it into the changing room for you, sir.” Ianto said, walking towards him. “Jack’s trying to get things out of his coat pockets without them getting covered in slime.”

They found Jack sitting on a bench doing exactly that. He had a small pile growing next to him, from his wrist strap (slightly further away as it dud have snot on it) to the tube of lube from his trouser pocket (and the other one from his coat pocket). The Doctor and Ianto smirked. He could finish that later.

The Doctor shucked out of his own coat, draping it over a bench. Jack paused as the brown coat entered his line of vision. He looked up to see the Doctor and Ianto watching him, smirks gracing their features as they glanced quickly at each other. Uh oh.

His gaze was locked on them as they checked each other’s movements out of the corner of their eyes as they began to strip in unison, each man drawing Jack’s eye.

The Doctor divested himself of his jacket, followed swiftly by his tie, which he looped around Jack’s neck and used to pull Jack into a soul-searching kiss. His tongue slipped into his mouth, dominating him completely. Jack’s eyes fluttered closed as the Doctor kissed him. They snapped open again as he felt Ianto press against his back, slender arms wrapping around his waist.

The Doctor pulled back just slightly and began to undo the buttons on his shirt, revealing his skin to Jack and Ianto, inch by inch. At this, his tormentors fell out of sink as Ianto paused to watch the Doctor appreciatively, his hands wandering slightly over the Captain’s torso.

Even when covered in slimy alien whale snot the Time Lord was gorgeous, and he knew it. He threw them both a sultry glance as he let the shirt fall to the floor, before reaching behind Jack to pull Ianto into a kiss, Jack still sandwiched between them. This was unbelievably hot. It was one thing to fantasize about this (minus slime) and quite another to be stood here between the two men in his life he wanted more than life itself.

“Oh I can see why he likes you Ianto. Such good taste Captain,” the Doctor said, smirking as he pulled away from a rather breathless Ianto.

Jack felt Ianto tilting his head back, and then Ianto’s lips against his. He groaned as the combined taste of the young Welshman and the Doctor hit him.

Jack groaned into Ianto’s mouth as the Doctor started undressing him, slipping his braces over his shoulders and deftly undoing the buttons on his shirt.

“So many layers Captain,” he pouted.

Ianto broke the kiss. “I’m always telling him that, he never listens.”

“You love it really,” Jack gasped as the Doctor slipped his shirt off, before sliding his hands up under his t-shirt, which Ianto was pulling off.

He was slightly surprised when he felt Ianto’s bare chest against his back, and he briefly wondered when he’d taken his shirt off. The Doctor pressed against his front, and the dual sensations of hot and cold skin on his made all thought impossible. This was some sort of teasing effort to make him hornier than he already was. It was working.

He felt Ianto’s hands slide between him and the Doctor, undoing his belt and trousers, but making no move to touch his cock, which he was desperate for one of them to do.

“Please,” he murmured against the Doctor’s lips as the Time Lord ghosted his lips over Jack’s, gasping as Ianto cupped his hand around his cock, ignoring Jack’s pleas. He was still being punished, so only the Doctor could give him permission to touch Jack, but he knew he was allowed to touch the Doctor, so he did, making the older man groan with pleasure.

The Doctor returned the favour, slipping his hand into Ianto’s undone trousers, caressing the hard length he found there. Ianto moaned and pressed forward, pushing Jack closer to the Doctor. Jack whimpered.

“Please Doctor,” he whispered as the Doctor pushed his trousers over his hips with his free hand. His voice was near begging as the Doctor slid down his body, undoing his shoe laces and looking decidedly hot as he encourages Jack to lift one foot, then the other as he finished stripping him.

The snot-covered clothing was kicked to the side as he stood up. Jack’s eyes sought permission to touch the Doctor, as up ‘til now his hands had remained obediently at his sides. The Doctor shook his head, stepping away and taking Ianto’s hand and pulling him round Jack so they stood a little way away from the now quivering Captain. The Doctor smiled, kissing Ianto, threading his fingers into the Welshman’s hair as he slipped his tongue into his mouth. They heard jack groan and each man smiled through the kiss as their hands roamed over each other’s bodies. Ianto’s hands slipped beneath the waistband of the Doctor’s trousers as he ground his hips forward, pressing their erections together through the cloth.

Jack was dying. He was sure of it. They were killing him. His eyes were drawn to the wonderfully erotic sight of his lovers touching each other. He stood stock still, knowing this was his Doctor’s punishment it was. If this was what he got, he’d have to be bad more often. Much more often.

His jaw dropped as Ianto knelt down in front of the Doctor, freeing his cock from it’s cloth restraint, taking him deep into his throat. The Doctor groaned, carding his fingers through Ianto’s hair as the young man drew back, teasing the head, before sliding back down. Ever resourceful, he managed to pull the Time Lord’s trousers and boxers down, undoing his shoe laces and getting him to lift his feet one at a time, even as he gave the Doctor what had to be the most amazing blow job he could have possibly received in his nine hundred and three years.

Jack became aware he was drooling as he watched them, his cock throbbing as the Doctor turned his desire filled eyes on him. He felt a gentle push on his mental barriers and opened up, letting the Doctor in.

He was hit with a rush of sensations. He could feel Ianto’s mouth on his own cock, Ianto’s hands on his hips holding him up and Ianto’s hair beneath his fingers.

He moaned, his knees buckling a little. The Doctor withdrew and pulled Ianto away. Ianto looked up at him questioningly. The Doctor didn’t need to speak as he glanced at Jack, who was shaking. Ianto grinned, standing up and shimmying swiftly out of his remaining clothing, tossing it to the side in a very un-Iantoish fashion.

“Come on Jack. Let’s get you cleaned up,” the Doctor murmured, kissing him gently.

Jack allowed himself to be lead into the shower, where Ianto already had the water running. As the spray hit his body he hissed, the warmth spreading through him as he relished in the two pairs of hands skimming over his body. As the random bits of slime slid away under their gentle caresses. The Doctor slid down in front of him, sliding his hands over the insides of Jack’s well-muscled thighs.

Ianto pressed against his back again, grinding his hard cock into Jack’s ass. Jack leaned into his embraces as the Doctor’s hands moved back up his legs. One of those long-fingered hands cupped his balls, while the other pushed his legs apart to give the Doctor better access.

He reached between Jack’s legs to grope Ianto, fondling his balls in much the same way he was Jack. Ianto moaned, pushing forward into the Captain more.

Jack cried out as the Doctor began to lick him. Not just his cock, but around it. Between his cock and his balls, behind his balls, his perineum, the little sensitive patch between groin and thigh, tasting him. Sometimes he thought it a little odd, but right now, Jack loved the Doctor’s oral fixation.

“Doc…” he moaned, keening as the Doctor flicked his tongue into the sensitive slit on the head experimentally, before lapping at the pre-cum glistening there. God this man was good. Jack looked down and stared appreciatively as the Doctor’s neck and back muscles flexed under the cascading water. It was hot.

The Doctor locked his gaze with Jack’s, “Not yet Captain,” he said gently, taking Jack’s cock deep into his throat, still touching Ianto from between Jack’s legs.

Ianto groaned, grinding his hips forward, tweaking the older man’s nipples gently, bringing a whine from the back of Jack’s throat as he dropped his head back onto Ianto’s shoulder.

“Oh my God,” Jack whimpered as his cock hit the back of the Time Lord’s throat. His mouth was cold, like the rest of him, and it was an amazing sensation, given the intense heat of Ianto’s body behind him, and the warmth of the water raining down on them. “Doctor…Doc, if you - if you keep this up I’m gonna - gonna c-come,” he stammered, gasping as he tried not to do exactly that as the Doctor began fingering his arse with slicked fingers. Where had he gotten the lube?

The Doctor pulled back, looking up at Jack. “No,” he ordered firmly, his eyes dark with desire. “Not yet. I’m not done with you.” His tone was dark and seductive, and Jack was compelled to obey the alien in front of him, knowing it was in his interest to do so.

He didn’t resume his ministrations on Jack’s cock, preferring to slick him up and watch the Captain’s wanton reactions to his expert touch. When he thought the Captain was getting too close, he pulled his fingers free, just teasing the rim of Jack’s entrance as the man whimpered at the lass. Ianto followed suit as the Doctor also withdrew is cool hand from its occupation around his cock.

He stood up, pulling Ianto into a deep kiss, full of promises, and then Jack, making sure that both men knew that this was far from over. He turned the shower off, pulling the two of them back out, leading them to one of the bench and turning to face them.

“How do you want to do this?”

Jack wasn’t sure who was being asked.


“He’s in the middle?” Ianto confirmed, the Doctor nodded. “Then I can top or bottom. Don’t mind. Up to you. Your punishment.” He smirked.

“True,” the Doctor conceded as Ianto walked forward the few paces to where the Doctor was standing to whisper something in the Time Lord’s ear that Jack couldn’t hear. The Doctor grinned, and Ianto’s eyes glinted in a mischievous way that never failed to make Jack nervous. Particularly if it involved the words ‘sex’ and ‘punishment’ in the same context.

Ianto stepped round the Doctor to the bench, sitting on the end of it, and pulling Jack forward so he was between the young man’s legs. Jack placed his hands on Ianto’s shoulders, caressing the nape of his neck ever so gently. Ianto leaned up and pulled him into a kiss.

Then the Doctor pulled Jack away, kissing him fiercely, taking his breath away. Then he left Jack standing in his wake as he pounced on Ianto, pinning him to the bench, devouring him in a wild kiss that made Jack’s jaw drop.

Jack watched as Ianto reached behind his head for the tube of lube from Jack’s pocket and handed it to the Doctor. Jack’s brain ceased to function past one point.

The Doctor was going to fuck Ianto in front of him.

The Doctor seemed to catch this thought and grinned, murmuring something into Ianto’s ear, pushing the lube back into Ianto’s hand. Ianto’s cheeks had flushed a little, making Jack wonder what on Earth the Doctor had said to him. Ianto nodded shyly as the Doctor kissed him sweetly, before moving to stand behind Jack.

“Watch him,” he ordered, slipping one arm around his middle as two fingers began to tease Jack’s still slicked entrance.

He watched as Ianto squeezed some of the tube onto his fingers and spread his legs, giving the two men an excellent view as he began to tease his own entrance with a single finger. Jack looked at his expression; quietly shy from knowing he was being watched as he performed such an intimate act in front of them. He was biting his bottom lip lightly as he worked his puckered hole, like Jack would be if he were touching him. Teasing and gentle, but worth the wait.

As he slipped a single digit in, Jack groaned as the creamy expanse of Ianto’s throat was revealed to him, as the Welshman let his head fall back.

Definitely need to be punished more often. Must flirt with Jenny more! Jack thought, keening as the Doctor slid one long finger into Jack, mirroring Ianto’s actions. Jack bucked backwards into the hand as the Doctor began pushing his finger in and out. All three men’s breaths were quickening, and the Doctor drew a long moan from Jack’s throat as he nibbled a sensitive spot behind the Captain’s ear. Ianto slipped another finger in and the Time Lord copied him, scissoring his fingers inside Jack. Jack felt his knees buckle and was suddenly glad of the Doctor’s strong arm around his waist.

Ianto quickly inserted a third finger, moaning as he hit his own prostate again and again with every flick of his fingers. Jack was shaking bodily as his pleasure peaked, clutching the Doctor’s arm in an effort to stay upright, his eyes glued to the beautiful sight of the young man before him.

“Not yet Jack,” the Doctor crooned in his ear. At Jack’s soft whine he whispered “Soon, though. Soon.” He kept up Ianto’s relentless pace. “Ianto,” he warned.

Ianto pulled his head up to look at them, his eyes glazed with pleasure, his fingers still pumping in and out.

“Not yet,” the Doctor whispered. Ianto moaned, his cock straining.

“Doctor, please,” Jack gasped, unsure as to how much more he could handle.

The Doctor slid his fingers out and held Jack steady for a moment, just watching as Ianto continued to pleasure himself, peppering Jack’s shoulder with kisses and little licks as he practically drank the pheromones wafting off Jack’s body.

“Do you want him?” the Doctor whispered. “Do you want your cock in his tight little arse?”

Jack whimpered as the Doctor’s hand began to stroke his hard length, slicking him.

“Or do you want me to fuck you into oblivion while you watch him?” Jack had never known the Doctor to be profane, or dirty, or kinky. Ever. It was alluring and unbelievably sexy. Jack couldn’t believe he was being made to chose. The Doctor was making it profoundly difficult by grinding his long, hard shaft into the cleft of Jack’s buttocks.

“I could let you have us both Jack,” the Doctor murmured, stroking his hard length gently, “Hmm? Would you like that?”

“Yes!” Jack begged, trying to grind his hips forward and back at the same time.

The Doctor grinned, pushing Jack forward so he was back between Ianto’s legs. Ianto watched the movement, not stopping until the Doctor lined Jack’s cock up with his entrance.

“Go on Jack.”

Jack pushed forwards, leaning over Ianto as he sheathed himself in the archivist’s tight heat; the burn he got from the temperature change between the Doctor’s cold hands and Ianto’s hot body intense. Ianto was still tight, regardless of the numerous times that they had done this. They both groaned at the feeling, but Jack stayed still, waiting. He was swiftly rewarded as the Doctor slid home. Jack had almost forgotten just how much cock the Doctor had to boast about.

The Doctor paused. “Ready?” Jack nodded and Ianto managed to gasp a trembling “yes”. The Doctor drew out a little, angling his hips before slamming home. Jack jerked, crying out as the movement forced him deeper into Ianto, who clutched his shoulders, keening softly.

The Doctor kept a slow torturous pace, which Jack could feel him straining to keep up as he brushed over Jack’s sweet spot. Jack tried to prevent himself from coming, knowing he had to wait for the Doctor’s order. He angled his own hips to give Ianto the maximum pleasure, without loosing the intensity of the Doctor’s slow, steady thrusts.

“Doctor, if you don’t pick it up, I’m going to kill you,” Ianto cried, thrusting his hips up to meet Jack.

The Doctor chuckled against Jack’s back, a vibration that travelled through both of the humans beneath him, making them gasp and shudder beneath him. “Such a bossy bottom isn’t he.” He obliged, thrusting hard and fast and deep, sliding a hand between Jack and Ianto to grip the Welshman’s leaking shaft, pumping him in an off-rhythm, to counter his thrusts, making him cry out.

When he felt Ianto getting close, he thrust hard into Jack, bringing himself to the edge. “Come for me Jack.”

And Jack did, pushing into Ianto one more time as the Doctor continued to thrust, and came hard. His whole body clenched as he felt Ianto come underneath him. He clenched around the Doctor, who drove himself in, hitting Jack’s prostate one last time before coming.

Jack collapsed forward onto Ianto, trying not to be too heavy, but giving up swiftly. Ianto laughed a little, stroking Jack’s back gently.

“That’s it. I’m dead,” Jack mumbled into Ianto’s chest

“I think we broke him,” Ianto observed, smiling at the Doctor who leaned over Jack, his weight suspended on his arms.

“He’ll be fine in a minute,” the Time Lord replied, dropping a kiss onto Jack’s shoulder.

“I won’t,” came the exhausted reply.

“What? The great Captain Jack Harkness - ”

“ - has never been teased so much in his life,” Jack finished, trying to lift his weight off Ianto and failing miserably.

“Oh but you loved ever second of it,” Ianto admonished.

“Yup. I need to be bad more often,” Jack agreed, “But right now we’re all dirty again. I think a more platonic shower is required.”

“Never thought I’d hear that,” the Doctor said, pulling out, dipping down to lick some of the come that dribbled from Jack’s arse. Jack moaned. Ianto gasped.

“You’re making him hard again!” He clutched Jack again, shifting as Jack’s cock solidified inside him.

The Doctor paused, “Told you he’d be fine,” he said, before resuming his previous activities. Jack groaned, shifting his hips back a little. He whimpered at the sensation on his over sensitive cock.

The Doctor carried on licking until he seemed satisfied that Jack was clean and then moved back up over him, tilting his head back and kissing him, allowing the man to taste the Doctor’s come on his tongue. Ianto pushed his hips up, hard himself as Jack shifted inside him.

“I don’t think I’m up for round two,” Jack moaned.

The Doctor smiled, pulling Jack out of Ianto and guiding him to the floor, before proceeding to repeat the process of rimming the other man still lying on the bench. Ianto bucked underneath him. “Doctor!” he gasped, his hands clutching at the Time Lord’s wild hair.

The Doctor moved up and began to bring him off, using that talented tongue to bring the Welshman to completion. As Ianto melted into a pile of goo on the bench, the Doctor turned his attention to Jack who’s eyes flew wide as the Doctor went straight down on him, without so much as pausing to catch his breath.

As he came for a second time in quick succession, the Doctor pulled Ianto down to join them on the cool tiled floor, where they basked in each other’s soft caresses, breathing heavily.

After several minutes had passed, the Doctor broke the comfortable silence that had settled over them. “I believe someone said something about another shower?”

“Indeed,” Ianto sniggered, moving to stand and pulling the Doctor up, and then Jack.


After showering and dressing (with a reasonably minimal amount of groping), the three left the changing room to find a very empty Hub. A note attatched to the Tardis Key, which was hanging from the door was written to “The Noisy Threesome” (to which Ianto flushed) in Martha’s neat script.

We’ve gone home and decided to leave you to it. Mfanwy fed and watered, as are downstairs inmates and Jenny gone with Martha for night. Have fun. Use time wisely! See you in the morning!

Team and Jenny

P.S. The changing rooms are not soundproof guys. We’ve talked about this! x x x x x


“Oops,” said the Doctor cheerily. “What shall we do between now and then?”

Jack grinned. “I’m sure I can think of a few things.”


There you are, sorry it took so long! I drafted it out on paper, got half way through typing it and then went on holiday for five days, and only just got my computer access back! Hope you enjoyed it! Feed the plot-bunnies!
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