Art: Children of Lantean Design (SGA, John/Rodney)

Aug 31, 2008 14:48

Better late than never I guess... :)

Children of Lantean Design

Cover Art based on Children of Lantean Design, a story written by xela_fic ( feedback). Made for the SGA Big Bang 2008. The thumb below links to the big bang webpage, click on the picture to see it full-size.

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tv: stargate atlantis, mckay/sheppard, lj: public, fan: art

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Comments 6

tehopheliac September 1 2008, 15:25:45 UTC
Wow, it's gorgeous! Very intricate work. <3 Great job!

Say, I'm looking forward to hearing what you have to say about "The Shrine." I just saw it myself, this morning! ^___^


newkidfan September 4 2008, 23:16:42 UTC
Thank you very much! :)

I'm actually putting my thoughts together on the ep at the moment. I should post them soon.


tehopheliac September 7 2008, 01:32:25 UTC
Yes! I would definitely love to see your take on it! ^____^


emily_reich September 1 2008, 16:25:22 UTC
Holy crap, that is gorgeous. Seriously, that is amazing, and I can just imagine what the story might be about! ♥♥


newkidfan September 4 2008, 23:17:04 UTC
Thank you so much sweetie! <3


xela_fic September 20 2008, 10:53:27 UTC
You are amazing. That is all. :)

Once again, thank you. Words cannot express how utterly fantastic this is.


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