"Children of Lantean Design" by Xela_fic

Aug 07, 2008 00:43


Children of Lantean Design


Big Bang 2008.   Encounters with Alternate Realities.

An explosion in the abandoned sections sends Atlantis personnel scrambling to find out why. In another universe, Atlantis has fallen. All that's left of the expedition are a group of young refugees fighting for survival in the unexplored regions of the city, transported to a parallel universe by and Ancient device. What started out as a humanitarian effort to heal the kids becomes something more as they begin to find their way in this new universe, like their own but different in fundamental ways. They change the very fabric of Atlantis, and a few meddling kids might be what certain people need to realize what's right in front of their faces.

McKay/Sheppard, Dex/Keller, Lorne/Parrish


Word Count
93000 words


What started out as a "probably 50 or 60,000 word story" turned into a 93,000 word monster, and I can't believe this is done. I picked a doozy for my first SGA longfic. It really challenged me as a writer-I've never written anything like this, I knew it would be hard to pull off, and I'm still not sure I did. But I learned a lot, and none of this would have been possible without the help of a great group of people to be thanked in the end notes. I wrote literally from the first day of the challenge to the very last, and all remaining errors are mine for the writing. So...*whew* I hope it's entertaining at the very least.

This writer has elected to participate in a SGA Big Bang review project. If you are a reader who has enjoyed this story and would like to write a short, (positive) review of this story, we'd like your help! If you enjoyed this story so much that you'd like to write up a little bit on why and what worked for you and your favorite bits, then please read through this post right here, and come back to this entry and comment with your regular feedback, plus a little phrase along the lines of: "pick me to review your story!" so the writer knows you are up for it. If you've seen other people offer to review the story, offer anyway, because the writers are the ones who will select who reviews their story. (And they can select more than one person if they so choose.)

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