The other day I had this story roaming around in my head, and since I'm more inclined to tell my stories in pictures than in words, I opened Photoshop and let it unroll.
For me, it was about sacrifice and its dark beauty, and loss too. I wanted words to complete the collage, but as I said, I'm not very good with those, so I emailed
I sent her the collage, but didn't say what it meant to me. What she came up with is very close to what I had in mind, while still being her own story. I like that very much. And her words are just perfect, the woman makes me look good. Thank you Signe. :)
Mmm. This might be a good idea for an
artword challenge. We'll see. :)
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landscape oxoniensis is on fannish hiatus at the moment, but you can praise her in this entry. She told me she'd check it out. She'll make her own post when she's back, and I'll remind you to go harass her then. :)