You know you are an obsessed Final Fantasy fan when.........

Jul 06, 2006 18:04

Okay I have an awful, awful lot of time on my hands right nowso to amuse myself I wrote this list.. I was talking to someone about obsessions and this made me think about how obsessed people can bea couple of things apply to myself lol but not all of them.. I’m not insane(really)..but it would be cool if people added to the list

You know your a FF fan when..... )

final fantasy

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Comments 149

neo_rufus July 7 2006, 00:28:36 UTC
Lol, I'm guilty of practicing a few limit breaks in my backyard a few years back. Cloud's braver was my personal favorite. Not to mention the most easiest move to perform. The only thing I was missing was the boss music, lol. :P

As for the AC stunts, I'm not even going to try, lol. Even Rufus' stunt was pretty intense, you can't be afraid of heights or even death to pull that one off.

Oh and I knew this guy who memorized a handful of battle stances. His personal favorite was Seifer's, even I have to admit it's the best battle stance I've ever seen. I wish I can say it was Rufus', but his wasn't to bad. It looked cool how he took aim and fired with one hand. :D

Nice list, I enjoyed reading it. ;)


bangbangshinra July 7 2006, 09:08:25 UTC
Yeah - I think I haven't tried any AC stunts purely because I do actually want to keep my non-existant life.

I haven't actually tried any moves at all I have to say - though I knew people did (hence it being on my list) - though a long time ago - (well about 7 years or so) when the game first came out and my Rufus/Turks obsession was at it's fledgling stages... I remember me and my sis finding old guns for the Master System console (you remember that right - the original Sega console?) - and we were both acting like idiots rolling around with these guns in our living room pretending to shoot at each other... I was in my navy school uniform as well and I was thinking "hey I'm just like a Turk! *bang bang!*" "I bet Rufus would hire me!*shoot shoot!*" - okay some of my darkest secrets are apparently coming out now lol.........

And Seifer's battle stance was cool - I liked the way he held his sword in the air and straight ahead like that - but Rufus firing a shotgun one-handed is always going to win it for me ^^


heybitchmove July 7 2006, 01:28:32 UTC
I feel rather pathetic, since a few of those are very true for me. I was insistent on naming our new kitten "Moodle," but you know how "normal" people are. They just dont understand the ways of us Final Fantasy fans. And yeah, I've got the playlists too.

This brings me back to middle school, when I continually ended my sentences with the phrase "kupo."

Dont worry, you're not the only one without a life. XD


bangbangshinra July 7 2006, 08:59:57 UTC
This brings me back to middle school, when I continually ended my sentences with the phrase "kupo."

Lmao - oh dear I was never that bad - but thats great though! I bet all your friends were like wtf?

Yes "normal" people just don't get us do they???

And from this post - it seems there are quite a few of us without a life..... so its all good - at least we're not all alone!


drkangelyahriel July 7 2006, 09:39:02 UTC
You buy a set of small islands - have them shaped like the world map of your favourite FF, and then build scale replicas of the towns with scale characters to match - and then re-enact the whole game - if you can buy big enough islands then you become your fav character and hire actors to re-enact it with you.
That would effin ROCK. @_@

Several of those apply to me... but I'm already an admitted FF addict! @_@
Do I get bonus points for actually having a job AND still being addicted?

*adds a few*

-You buy large, colored marbles and claim they are materia
-you dye/style your hair after your favorite character

I'm still looking for marbles that large. Judging by the size of the (miscolored! =O) materia Kadaj was holding in AC, they're about the size of the palm of your hand. Sadly, marbles that large are very hard to find.
Not that I've looked... >_>;;; *coughs*


bangbangshinra July 7 2006, 14:50:51 UTC
Yeah! Maybe all the obsessed FF fans should go buy some islands and we can have a little FF colony where we all pretend we live in the FF world - that would beat the crap out of FFXI anyday (which I am purely against because I can't run FFXI on my laptop or afford it - and they haven't released it on PS2 over here ( ... )


drkangelyahriel July 8 2006, 09:17:50 UTC
Yes! We can unite our funds and create FF-land! <3
I know at least Japan's into dumping dirt and stuff into the ocean to make additional islands... hmmm...
FFland would beat the crap outta any MMORPG. =O (especially FFXI due to the cost *dies*)

I know you cna buy those materia on eBay. They're unofficial, and really expensive, though. =/ but hey who needs money when you have materia? Too bad they don't have a Gil Plus materia. =(
I wanted a larger materia so I can carry around a Summon or Black materia when I cosplay as Kadaj this Oct. though smaller marbles are easier to flick at people. I want a whole case of shiny materia like Cloud's! @_@ They'd at least be pretty to look at...

Hmm, maybe you can be SexyTanned!Rufus! He spent too much time in Costa del Sol. =3
My hair's already blonde... I was thinking about applying for stamp in FFVII_shadow or something (forget the name), when I looked in the mirror and realized HOLY CRAP. I have Rufus hair. *dies*
I should take a pic of it when I wake up in the morning. It get bedhead Cloud ( ... )


bangbangshinra July 8 2006, 11:21:40 UTC
Yes! FF Land! I want to live there - and I'll bring my old school uniform and be a Turk! But if you go as Kadaj....... well we would have to fight and then you beat the crap outta me. And as I would only be *pretending* that my bought on eBay "cure" materia replica was working - methinks I will be in a lot of pain for a while *steals Rufus' wheelchair*

I so want a whole case of materia! I have a feeling it would be quite heavy though.... and a Gil Plus Materia would be excellent - it would solve all my money problems - think of how many doujins I could buy!you have Rufus hair? *jealous - wants your hair* You're lucky you don't know me in person coz I would probably keep petting your hair - I wouldn't be able to help myself. But Cloud hair in the morning - it would be so funny if you woke up and your hair was *exactly* like Clouds - if that happened I wouldn't touch it for months! Yes - that must be what Cloud did! As to my hair when I wake up..... well my dad calls me "bomb head" so I think that might be something of a clue ( ... )


mistress_yuna July 7 2006, 13:59:53 UTC
Lol my pomeranian puppy is named Eiko. ^_^ And I love that Final Fantasy playlist on my ipod~!


bangbangshinra July 7 2006, 15:44:09 UTC
^_^ Thats such a sweet name for a puppy. And yeah - I love my FF playlist on my MP3 player as well ^^


neo_rufus July 10 2006, 00:50:03 UTC
I'll have to add the list to mine sometime. Then again, my computer is overflowing with various Final Fantasy tunes. :P


glacial_phoenix July 8 2006, 17:29:44 UTC
LOL. I don't know about AC, but my friend and I actually tried re-enacting the FFVIII intro fight between Seifer and Squall. That one's perfectly doable; it's just hard to work out because of all the feathers flying everywhere.

I am also perfectly guilty of the FF pics and the FF playlist. Oops. ^^'


drkangelyahriel July 8 2006, 18:51:52 UTC
Oh sweet! Do you have pics of the reenactment?!


neo_rufus July 8 2006, 21:01:06 UTC
I would love to see those pictures if you have them. :)

That was the best Final Fantasy intro in my opinion. I might make a post about it sometime. But I can't today. I had a heat stroke and I'm feeling very fatigue. But hopefully I'll be all better tomorrow. :D


drkangelyahriel July 8 2006, 21:08:05 UTC
I feel bad saying this as a FFVII fan, but 8's intro was pretty awesome X had the best intro music, though *headbangs*.

*hugs neo_rufus and casts Ice on you* Feel better. *_*


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