You know you are an obsessed Final Fantasy fan when.........

Jul 06, 2006 18:04

Okay I have an awful, awful lot of time on my hands right nowso to amuse myself I wrote this list.. I was talking to someone about obsessions and this made me think about how obsessed people can bea couple of things apply to myself lol but not all of them.. I’m not insane(really)..but it would be cool if people added to the list

You know your a FF fan when..... )

final fantasy

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drkangelyahriel July 8 2006, 09:17:50 UTC
Yes! We can unite our funds and create FF-land! <3
I know at least Japan's into dumping dirt and stuff into the ocean to make additional islands... hmmm...
FFland would beat the crap outta any MMORPG. =O (especially FFXI due to the cost *dies*)

I know you cna buy those materia on eBay. They're unofficial, and really expensive, though. =/ but hey who needs money when you have materia? Too bad they don't have a Gil Plus materia. =(
I wanted a larger materia so I can carry around a Summon or Black materia when I cosplay as Kadaj this Oct. though smaller marbles are easier to flick at people. I want a whole case of shiny materia like Cloud's! @_@ They'd at least be pretty to look at...

Hmm, maybe you can be SexyTanned!Rufus! He spent too much time in Costa del Sol. =3
My hair's already blonde... I was thinking about applying for stamp in FFVII_shadow or something (forget the name), when I looked in the mirror and realized HOLY CRAP. I have Rufus hair. *dies*
I should take a pic of it when I wake up in the morning. It get bedhead Cloud hair. Maybe that's his secret. He never combs his hair. =O We're on to you, Cloud!

Know what? I want Jenova eyes. Those are cool. @_@
I've seen custom anime contacts for various characters from Naruto, but no one's made Jenova eyes yet! What's wrong with you people?!


bangbangshinra July 8 2006, 11:21:40 UTC
Yes! FF Land! I want to live there - and I'll bring my old school uniform and be a Turk! But if you go as Kadaj....... well we would have to fight and then you beat the crap outta me. And as I would only be *pretending* that my bought on eBay "cure" materia replica was working - methinks I will be in a lot of pain for a while *steals Rufus' wheelchair*

I so want a whole case of materia! I have a feeling it would be quite heavy though.... and a Gil Plus Materia would be excellent - it would solve all my money problems - think of how many doujins I could buy!

you have Rufus hair? *jealous - wants your hair* You're lucky you don't know me in person coz I would probably keep petting your hair - I wouldn't be able to help myself. But Cloud hair in the morning - it would be so funny if you woke up and your hair was *exactly* like Clouds - if that happened I wouldn't touch it for months! Yes - that must be what Cloud did! As to my hair when I wake up..... well my dad calls me "bomb head" so I think that might be something of a clue.....

Jenova eyes would be wicked! You can buy cat eyes I think so thats kind of similar........ I know someone with purple contacts which is very cool..


drkangelyahriel July 8 2006, 18:50:32 UTC
If I go as Kadaj, I'll need to find my brothers and stalk Cloud. And whine about Kaasan.
Dude, you have Cure materia? @_@ How does it look? How big are those ones on eBay, anyway?
If I got one, it would be the Black Materia and not just because it's Sephiroth-related.
Yeah, a whole case WOULD be heavy... but it would still be pretty! We (the SHM) wanted the materia because we like shiny things.
aww, I wonder if Cloud was using that box o' materia as a nightlight?
!!! You collect doujinshi too? Yaoi, I hope. =3 What are your favorite circles? I like Yubinbasya and Pure Hearts Club-F. <3

You could pet my hair if you found me someone with Sephiroth hair. I <3 his hair sooo much... for FFland, do you think we can get a Hojo to clone us some Sephiroths?
I can't say I've had hair *exactly* light Cloud's... I've stressed over and over again his hair is nearly physically impossible. But has spiked up on one side of its own free will. o_O
Touching Cloud's hair may result in scratches, possibly puncture wounds. Serious. Forget the Buster Sword, Cloud can charge people with his hair.
He'd make a good projectile weapon, too.
...bomb head? *thinks of Bomb*

I've seen solid green, slitted contacts, but they look too solid-colored to be natural. I found a place that will make Jenova eyes for me for $199 a pair. o_O Cheapest I've found...
I'm debating just getting clear-iris contacts with an extended pupil painted on to make my eyes look slitted. My eyes are already green... ish. >_>;

Purple contacts? Cool!


bangbangshinra July 9 2006, 00:46:29 UTC
BTW I've just added you coz you seem really cool and we seem to have a lot in common ^^

Well I don't actually have the cure materia - though I would love one - I just kinda meant in a hyperthetical sense that if we made FFland I would have bought a lot of replica materias incl a cure one as part of my cosplaying...LMAO - I just read that back and it sounds so great dorky!

I have an awful lot of doujinshi - nearly all of it is Shinra doujins though and nearly all yaoi - but I have various other ones - like Vincent mains and CloudxSephiroth ones. Recently my fav circles are Peko, Ramirez (have you *seen* Ramirez's work? - OMFG!), Amecoco, Chandelica and Breakmission - thats what I'm into at the mo. Yubinbasya - wow their art is beautiful - I have their colour illustrations book and some of their stationary - my icon is from their illustration book!

You could pet my hair if you found me someone with Sephiroth hair. *goes to hunt for someone with Sephiroth hair* Actually I'm not sure if Clouds hair is impossible....... i've been to Glastonbury - (the town not the festival - i wish) and theres a few punks there i've seen that had hair to rival Clouds... and some that look even more dangerous than a weapon lol! And yes - my hair in the morning does look like a "Bomb" self - destructed in front of me ^^

$199 a pair?? What a bargain! how expensive! I think if your eyes just look slitted and they are already greenish then I think that would work - it would be even better if you could change them back between that and your normal eyes whenever Jenova's hold on you lessens ^_^


drkangelyahriel July 9 2006, 01:18:30 UTC
=D yay! I made a friend! *huggles you and makes note to add back*

I still want a Black Materia for Kadaj. I know he never had one, but it's Sephiroth-related. *is only mildy incredibly obsessed* Obsessoroth! <3 XDD *dork*

I have more Yugioh (my old fandom) doujin than I do FFVII, but that will quickly change. Most All of mine involve Cloud, Zack, and Sephiroth in some pairing. I own nothing that isn't yaoi. =3
To be honest, I never was much a fan of ShinRa (Reno's growing on me, though)... or Vince (he's getting there, though. I'm sure DoC will make me a fan). I've actually never heard of those circles... o_o link me to some Ramirez work? @_@
You have a color illustrations Yubin book?! You didn't happen to get that off eBay recently, did you?
Is that one of thier anthology/complitation books, or just the one with tons of drawings? @_@ omfgimsojealousyouhaveit. Share scans! Please? @_@
And I thought the art style in your icon was familar... Yubin's an easy-to-recognize style. ^_^

I wanna know where those punks get their hair glue/cement/plastic. o_O
XD Bomb-hair! I'm just picturing that in my head... XDDD

You think $199 was the *cheapest*. Some places I asked went up to $300 or so. *dies* The things I (hope to) do for the love of the game. @_@
Kadaj is always under Jenova's influence... he's never had normal eyes.
The only problem with going with just-slits is the coloration around my pupils. I've got a gold ring or something... might look kind of odd to have that truncated at the top/bottom. Then again, if the slit was large enough... but I don't want the pupil *too* big... *mumbles on*
It'd be cool if I could surgically get my pupils slitted. =O I mentioned that to my nerd friends, and they said something about human rentina not being able to handle it. =(
You know I wouls SO wear the Jenova contacts while just around town or something. See if people stare. =3


bangbangshinra July 9 2006, 01:43:21 UTC
Yay - new friend *huggles back*

Actually I forgot to say I have quite a few Kadaj and SHM books - that circle I mentioned - Chandelica - OMFG Kadaj Mania - do you have it - coz you should!!! It has *the best* RufusxKadaj yaoi story in it *dies* I have always loved Shinra though - ever since I first played it way back when it was released - I can't really explain why (no actually I could but it would take ages and I'm pretty tired - its 2.30am here and I no idea why I'm still awake and obsessively typing) - but I really like the SHM now - especially Kadaj though Shinra are always going to be my favs - and I <3 Reno as well.
Heres the link to Ramirez's website - its mostly amazing Reno art at the moment - but I think she is putting up some knew Cloud and Sephiroth - possibly what her next book will be? I think if you like Yubinbasya then you will like her work.

As for the Yubinbasya book - its a new one with AC colour illustrations - and some BC/CC ones of Zack and Cloud - its got full page colour pictures only in it - I do have a spare copy if you wanted to buy one of me - but you might find one on eBay - check Ayumi_Kasuga's listings - there might be one there... and if you want I'm going through scanning my doujinshi collection - front and back covers and about 4 pages of each - I'm very nearly done (at last) and its in HTML format so I could send you the whole thing as a webpage at some point - as I won't upload it to my website anytime soon as I haven't added the FF fan section yet (or finished working on the HTML!)

It'd be cool if I could surgically get my pupils slitted - Now thats the sort of obsessiveness I was talking about in my post!!!


glacial_phoenix July 9 2006, 03:59:03 UTC
I know people who would kill for Cloud's hair, lol. My friend actually tried to replicate it (and failed, else I'd happily send you photos)

I do have Tifa hair though, and I've heard of someone who actually managed to replicate the hairstyle of Amidamaru from Shaman King with his own actual hair, though don't ask me how O.O


bangbangshinra July 9 2006, 11:06:29 UTC
Yeah I'd *love* to see photos of that!

Aww Tifa hairs really pretty. If I straightened mine and it was longer (like it used to be) then it would look like Tifa's actually - but I can't really compare my hair to anyones in FFVII as I can't think of anyone who has vary dark brown curly hair...Barret??? LMAO! I don't think I would replicate his hair, somehow - it wouldn't suit me XD

BTW I've added you too coz I'm feeling the FF obssesives love right now - we all need to stick together - right? And then I can look at piccies of people trying to do Cloud hair when you post them


glacial_phoenix July 9 2006, 14:29:25 UTC
Ahaha. Since you've added me you've probably seen the sad little cosplay photo of me in my lj :P

My friend titles that one "Waiting for Cloud."


bangbangshinra July 9 2006, 14:44:18 UTC
Yeah you look excellent! - "Waiting for Cloud" - it suits perfectly XD


glacial_phoenix July 10 2006, 11:05:56 UTC
LOL thank you :P
I wish I could show you the other photos we took. My friend (who cosplayed Aerith) and I couldn't find a Cloud cosplayer, so we settled for pointing at the biggest fluffiest cloud we could find in the sky and saying "CLOUD!"


bangbangshinra July 10 2006, 11:26:02 UTC
LOL! At least you made an effort to have some Cloudyness with you!


glacial_phoenix July 10 2006, 14:46:57 UTC
I should hope so! She's a Cleris supporter while I'm a Cloti supporter and when we went to cosplay together we both swore to fight over the first decent Cloud we saw.

Poor guy, really.

"Hello! Can we fight over you?"


glacial_phoenix July 8 2006, 17:30:20 UTC
I honestly think combs run away from Cloud's hair screaming :P I would, if I were a comb.


bangbangshinra July 9 2006, 00:47:21 UTC
Combs run away from my hair screaming - if you were a comb - you would too ^^


glacial_phoenix July 9 2006, 03:46:37 UTC
LOL. I personally managed to break one of my brushes working out a particularly bad tangle (my hair usually isn't that bad, else I could never afford to keep it halfway down my back the way I do), and I pretty much stared at the broken brush and went O.O


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