FF8 Writing stuffs and repost

May 30, 2006 14:39

Previous Posts of this draft, 1 2 and it starts right after the fanfict, True Knights.

(I'm reposting the last scene since I revised it and added stuff. Remember I was in a hurry to get ready to leave town and then took a week off from writing to draw stuffs, then added some additional infomation about Fujin)

Rough Draft, Untitled - FF8, cont. 3 - REPOST/REVISION
Even though she wasn't due to report for duty for over two hours, Quistis was still up and packing a shoulder bag with a laptop and a handful of data disks. She mentioned yesterday that she had some essays to grade and she wasn't kidding when she told Squall that they do take forever to finish.

On top of that, she had to review over the list of students who did pass the written SeeD exam this year and assign other SeeDs to escort these candidates to fulfill the last of the prerequisites for the field exam. Many of them still have yet gone to the Fire Cavern, which will require a member of SeeD to escort the candidate on a one to one basis to acquire the Ifrit Guardian Force.

Thankfully there had only been 14 students who made it this far and now need to go to the Fire Cavern.

The rest of the class who did not express interest in joining SeeD took different tests in which that has a much higher pass rate, and those alumni would then join various armies around the world as Junior Officers since they would earn their commission here.

Those who did not wish to enroll in one of the armies of the world have the option of going for the SeeD exam and become an independent mercenary that are dispatched around the world by Garden. The requirements for that is much higher and more stringent. Many keep trying until they reach the maximum age requirement of 20 before being discharged from Garden regardless if they graduated. The minimum age requirement is 15. To stay in Garden after that, they must either be faculty, staff, and active SeeD members.

Many SeeDs are actually orphans who have no real sense of nationality, and are sent to Garden to be educated. Garden accepts students as early as 5 years old. True, now the requirements to become a student is more in depth other than being an unfortunate orphan, but the Headmaster has made it very clear to establish rules for potential students under those conditions to get priority for admission.

Quistis reached over to grab one final data disk but held it in her hands as she flung the strap of the carrying case over her shoulder and made her way out the door.

The first person she saw in the empty corridor in the section of the dorms where her room is located is Squall. He had apparently just stepped out too. She raced up to catch up with him.

"Morning." She said in a natural tone. She had too much on her mind with all the things that she needed to do. She can joke around later.

"Hey." Then Squall added, "You're up early." Then he noticed the shoulder bag she was carrying.

Quistis handed him that last data disk. Squall accepted it and waited for her to tell him what was on it.

"Its the records of this year's SeeD candidates. I assume that you would like to take a look over them before making the assignments for the field exam."

Squall nodded. This information would be helpful and make his job easier. "Thanks."

Both of them walked down the corridor in silence with their minds more focused on work rather than being social. For Squall, this will be the first year where he would be involved with making the final exams possible. The assignments for the field exam used to be Headmaster Cid's job. This will be Quistis' third year working on administering the SeeD exams.

However this year is different becuase it had to be delayed by several weeks with all the uprising and battles over the last couple of months. For the rest of the students, they have already started on the new fall session. That break has been cut extremely short to get back on schedule. The SeeD canidates stayed during the entire summer break to catch up for this test.

The two uniformed SeeDs had reached an outdoor section of the corridor, which at this time of day is Quistis' favorite part of walking down this hall. She really enjoyed feeling the cool moist air full of morning dew touch her face. It seemed that the air smelled the freshest and helped her feel awake and ready for the day.

She turned to observe Squall who had diverted his gaze to the right to look outside on the surrounding area. Normally when he did this it was whenever he was put on the spot and it was an attempt to avoid it while tolerating still standing there or when he couldn't just flat out leave. But this time, it looked like he was actually looking around at the scenery, with no need to for him to be on his guard.

Quistis looked to the left side of outdoor section of the corridor and saw the fog in the distance and enjoying the cool morning air. She took in a deep breath through her nose and closed her eyes for a brief moment. This usually helps her feel centered and more alert to focus on her duties, but this time, it was a mild sense of amusement when she realized that Squall did the same thing at the same time she did.

They both exchanged looks. Squall only shrugged and continued on his way. Quistis smiled to herself. Just when she thought she had him figured out, something else happens and she has to start all over again.

She idly tapped her finger on the flat surface next to the touch pad while waiting for the laptop to fully boot. She had been awake for a while now, but one can toss and turn so much before being forced out of bed. She looked at the surroundings of the room she is staying as soon as she heard a roommate stir a little in their sleep and then rolling over to find a new comfortable position.

Both of her roommates are currently sleeping soundly and quietly, giving her a moment of peace and sometime to herself.

Fujin stretched and leaned closer to the laptop as it established an online connection. Then she pulled out the data disk that was given to them yesterday to gain access to Balamb's records with login information for each of them.

The authentication process was a bit slower than what she had grown accustomed to but since they are accessing it remotely, she couldn't really complain too much. As soon as she logged in, she opened the special needs database so that she can take a look at all the job requests sent to Garden from small groups that can't really afford SeeD.

These requests were grouped by location; Galbadia, Dollet, Timber, Balamb, Esthar, Trabia... Fujin shrugged to herself and randomly clicked on a location, Timber.

From what she gathered on some of the requests for help, their situation seems to be very grim. Galbadia had been occupying Timber for a long time now, and these requests were from small factions of resistance groups. Then there was one that stood out in her mind, "The Forest Owls."

Why does that name ring a bell? She shrugged to herself as she kept browsing over the other job requests. Then in the corner of her eye she saw a bright red icon indicating that she actually had mail. They must have reactivated their email accounts as well.

The second the page loaded, the name of the sender, Dr. Kadowaki, sparked a sense of curiosity within her and she started to read the message.

Just by reading the first couple of sentences, it was enough for her to understand what the whole message was about and it somewhat upset her. It was a request for her to go see the good doctor for a check up because it had now been five years since the accident.

Fujin looked away from the screen to confirm that no one else was awake to even read the message. This was one thing that she wanted to keep to herself. Looking back at the message, she saw that there was one other recipient. She had completely forgotten that he was there too and he got hurt pretty badly when the explosion happened. She wondered why there was not a third receiver but she guessed that the other guy dropped out or something and is no longer with Garden.

She didn't want to think of the past any longer than she had to and clicked on the reply button. She only wrote, "I'M FINE. NO NEED TO CHECK."

After she clicked on send, it dawned on her that she clicked on 'Reply All' and not just 'Reply'. She rested her head against her hand and sighed in aggravation. She was cursing herself out for being so damn stupid. Now Squall is going to get a copy of that message.

((P.S. I think that Fujin turned out pretty well ^^;))

work in progress, final fantasy 8, fan fiction, ff8, rough draft, final fantasy viii

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