I've actually started writing a new fict.

May 13, 2006 15:32

I want it to start off right where the FF8 one I wrote, True Knights on the same story arc. I haven't really put much thought into it and alot of it I'm still pondering on. In fact I haven't descided to even continue or put it down. But I would like to see where this goes. I have had no thought on the title or what it would really be all about.

I just opened notepad and started writing. So um... what do you think?

Rough Draft, Untitled - FF8

He was stirred awake with a soft knock on his door. His first response was to bury his face into the pillow, thinking that it would go away.

Another soft knock brought him back into reality that there really is someone at his door. He lifted his head off of the pillow and sleeply looked at the clock that was the only source of light in the darkened room, 03:17 hours.

Why would someone knock on his door at this hour?

With the third knock on the door, he sleeply sat up. "In a sec..." He said tiredly to at least let the other person know that he is getting up and that they would stop knocking.

After a moment of rubbing his eyes, and pushing his long bangs behind his ears to clear his face, he made his way to the door and opened it slightly.

Outside he saw a slender girl with a small frame and shoulder length brown hair that curled on her shoulders. Her gaze was towards the ground.

"... Selphie?" Irvine asked softly. He still had no idea why she would be knocking at his door at this late hour.

He looked to the other side of the hall and saw that her door was still slightly open. She stood there for a brief moment in her sleepware and from her posture, he could tell that she was upset over something. Then she looked up at him with her green eyes filling up with tears.

"What happened, are you alright?"

Selphie pushed her way into his room. Irvine closed the door behind her and turned on the light. Then he waited a moment for her to say something, but she kept crying.

"Selphie? What's wrong?" Irvine had no idea how to help her if he didn't know what was making her so upset.

She took a few deep breaths in an attempt to calm herself to at least say something and finally whispered, "I had that same dream again."

"Dream?" Irvine asked cautiously, "You mean you had a nightmare?"

She shrugged with a soft nodd, "It's the same one."

"You mean, you've had it before?"

She nodded quietly. Selphie started to concentrate to calm herself down to the point that fewer tears appeared. She sniffled loudly.

Irvine handed her a box of tissue and sat down on the bed. It was then it dawned him that he is only wearing boxers. Selphie sat on the chair that is at his desk.

After a few moments, Selphie finally spoke. "I need to ask you something. I need to know if it's true."

Irvine nodded, "Alright."

Selphie sighed as she gathered her thoughts. "In this dream that I keep having, I dreamt that I'm out in the ocean. The water is really rough and it's too deep for me to touch the bottom. In the distance, I can see a lighthouse but its getting farther and farther away."

She shook her head. "But the water is too rough and I keep having trouble staying above water. I keep shouting for help, but the water keeps pulling me even farther away, until..."

Irvine could see a Selphie shake from a shutter. "Until... I can't see the sky anymore and I ..." She crossed her arms tightly across her chest and started crying again. "I wake up becuase I feel that I can't breathe!"

Irvine got up to give her a hug. "It's okay. It's just a dream, Selphie."

She shook her head. "That's just it. I've had this dream several times before. I don't know why."

"How often do you get this dream?"

"I've had this dream for a long time now. But if I were to take a guess, I think a few times a year. But it still bothers me everytime." She sighed. "I was wondering if you knew something about it."

Irvine blinked then started to think back in his memories. It now made sense that she would come to him and ask since everyone else spent several years training with Guardian Forces. Enties that can be junctioned to you to come in your aid and allow you to use what's called 'Para' Magic. However the price to pay for using these Guardian Forces is long term memory loss. It is no secret in Garden that he perfers not to use them unless he has to, and he seems to remember things that everyone else had long forgotten.

"I think..." He thought again as more details came back to him. "It was a long time ago when everyone was back at the orphanage. It looked like a big storm was comming and it made the waves on the beach really big." He sighed. "We were told to not go swimming, but that was what we all did anyway. We've never seen waves that big and had fun jummping into them and away from them. And then..."

"Yes?" Selphie looked up at him, eager to hear more.

"I don't remember who's idea was it, but we got into a contest to see who can go out the farthest in the water. Then suddenly, you vanished." He shook his head. "We didn't know where you were and kept calling out to you." Then he let out a small 'hmph' sound. "While we were looking for you, Seifer ran and got Matron, dispite Zell yelling at him to stop or else everyone would get in trouble." Then he shurgged. "He didn't seem to care and got Matron anyway."

Then Irvine looked at Selphie. His eyes showed that he was serious and not joking around. "It turned out that you got caught in a rip tide and it pulled you far away from us. Matron got you back using her sorceress powers but you were not breathing and turning blue. Cid did CPR and you came to, but..."

"... oh." She softly said with sadness. "I get it now." Then thought briefly with a slight shurg of her shoulder and added, "... kinda."

Irvine looked up at her in hopes that she would elaborate on that last part.

She shrugged again. "If it bothers me so much, then why do I like to go surfing? Why do I still like going to the beach?"

"I don't really know. Maybe after a few years of using all those Guardian Forces, you may have forgotten about that whole thing and kept doing the things that you love to do." Irvine made a logical guess.

"I guess so. But why do I still get this dream?"

Irvine shrugged, he had no idea.

Selphie thought about what Irvine said and started filling in the missing pieces in her mind. Things were starting to make sense.

"... I hope this helps." Irvine said after a long pause.

Selphie nodded. "So, what happened after that?"

"We all got into so much trouble over it and got yelled at for doing something that we were told not to. But everyone was so worried about you that it didn't really matter. We all were stuck inside and that big storm came. We were so caught up feeling sorry that it was out fault that you got hurt. In the end, everyone forgot that we were even in trouble at all." Irvine shrugged. "In fact, if wasn't for Seifer who thought quick enough to get help right away, then you would've..."

Selphie sighed. "I bet he forgot too."

Irvine shrugged again, "Who knows? I'm not going to ask."

Selphie stood up. She seemed to alot more calm now than she was when knocked at his door, but seemed somewhat disturbed. "Thanks."

"Sure thing." He replied with a nod. "Need to talk about it some more?"

She shook her head softly. "No, that's alright. I'm really tired and I got a lot to think about."


Selphie got up to give Irvine a big hug. "Thanks. That helps alot."

Irvine smiled softly. "... Anytime."

Selphie smiled faintly back and before leaving, pointed to the light switch. Irvine gave a slight nod and she turned off the lights and quietly closed the door behind her.

Irvine sat in the dark for a moment before reclining back on the bed and quickly find a comfortable position. Before he knew it, the whole incident slipped from his mind as he fell back asleep.

((P.S. Can someone add the tags of "rough draft", and "work in progress" since it appears that I can't make any new ones just use the ones that are already there))

work in progress, final fantasy 8, fan fiction, ff8, rough draft, final fantasy viii

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