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Comments 17

hartbeatboxxx January 25 2006, 22:02:28 UTC
It's all about gameplay. Super Smash Brothers Melee is gonna go down in history as a must-own Gamecube game - but I never considered it very pretty. Animal Crossing is another one on the list. A few N64 games are less choppy than that - but the game rocked!

Confession: I flat-out refuse to play Paper Mario. I know, it was probably really good, but there is no way I'm playing a flat game on anything other than SNES!


neo_rufus January 26 2006, 03:26:46 UTC
Oh yes Game play is another good point. Super Smash Brothers Melee is also the best, I better post about that game sometime...or you can :D Who's your best player, I love using Roy and Marth...we have to have a match when we met someday :D

Oh I hate paper Mario...that's understandable. That was a disgrace to Mario games.


stormelle January 26 2006, 02:15:48 UTC
For me it would have to be the story line. A goo story can catch me although grapics do help. For example when i frist played FF7 those where some of the better graphics that I had acsess to. ( I only have a PS1 )


neo_rufus January 26 2006, 03:33:06 UTC
Well first of all, thank you for joining! Oh yeah FF7 has much better graphics then some other games I know of. I still have my PS1 as well...that's aweosme!

Oh your a beyblade fan to huh, feel free to post anything about that show as well. Kai was the coolest :D Anyway, laters.


stormelle January 26 2006, 04:16:36 UTC
Such as the frist Final Fantasy games...XD

*nods* <.<....>.>...*hides her rei plushie* ^-^' Yeah, I'm mmainly a Rei fangirl although I have a friend who is a Kai fangirl...Actually he's my second fav so yeah. ^-^


neo_rufus January 26 2006, 16:43:14 UTC
Yeah that's a perfect example right there lol.

Heh awesome. When Kai fought Brookyln the second time, that was my favorite episode over all. Ray was good in the Sacred bit beast saga.

I think your going to like this community, I'm loving all the support I'm getting here :D


gunblade_girl January 28 2006, 05:24:13 UTC
That's a tough one. I was playing this game (don't even remember what it was called) on the N64, and only played for five minutes. The story seemed ... okay, but the graphics were *horrible*. No, really. Like, block characters. Better games were made on the NES >.<

A storyline is incredibly important, but what I LOVE is the *characters*. That's why I adore final fantasy so much. The characters are so real, and just amazing. I mean, I adore the Legend of Zelda series, but if you'll look at Link, all he is is a drone with which to kill things and advance the game (I love Ganondorf. I really do). He never says anything, and is just kind of *there*. Final Fantasy, however, the characters think, talk, interact, you can pick the fights, and they just kind of stick with you, you know? So I love both LOZ and Final Fantasy, but both for very different reasons. ... I'm not quite sure what my reason is for LOZ, but it's a damn awesome series :D


neo_rufus February 1 2006, 20:19:23 UTC
Characters are a major role; I can't believe I left that one out lol.

Legend of Zelda was also a great game, have you ever played Windwaker? I should update about a Zelda game soon, feel free to do so as well. But Ganondorf was the guy, and that sword of his kicked ass. Now that you mention, that's another game with one of the best story lines out there :D Not to mention the game itself is pretty damn hard, but fun. I mean the puzzles are mind boggling.

What I like about FF characters is the trash talking lol. Even the places were they fight. Look at the battle with Rufus and Cloud...before they fought, they exchanged a bit of trash talking, and then he fought the guy. I mean Rufus didn’t even get a chance to walk into his new office yet! Lol


gunblade_girl February 2 2006, 04:50:15 UTC
*shrugs* It happens. But totally, if the characters are horrible, no one will like them, and since you're really stuck with the characters, it can bring the whole game down, no matter how cool the graphics or storyline.

I have played Windwaker! And, I enjoyed it. So there :P I'm POed though beacause they keep pushing back the release date for 'Twilight Princess', and I'm incredibly ecxited about that game!

When did they fight? I honestly don't remember a Rufus, though he sounds fricking cool. *le sigh* I really need to play that game.


Rufus Shinra Summary from Wikipedia.com neo_rufus February 2 2006, 19:53:56 UTC
When news of his father's death reached him, Rufus arrived via helicopter at Shin-Ra Headquarters in Midgar and greets Cloud Strife and his companions. While there he quickly delivers his opening address as the new President, promising a change in his father's policies: He would rule by fear rather than by money. Cloud Strife then engages in battle against Rufus and his dog Dark Nation. However, Rufus escapes by grabbing on to his hovering helicopter before Cloud manages to finish him off ( ... )


nosignalinput February 11 2006, 04:19:36 UTC
Obviously I love a good storyline, which is the main reason I fell in love with the Final Fantasy games, but I also think graphics are an important factor too - especially in this day and age.

Games with awful graphics tend to put me off because I'm going to be playing the game a fairly long time so I at least want something for the eyes to feast on. Taking FF7 into consideration we must remember that it's a different graphical style, not how amazing the graphics are. Take Chrono Trigger and Grandia, for example, two amazing games which weren't about the graphics. They had 'drawn' style, like every scene had been drawn by hand and made into a real anime feel. I forget the name of the company but games still come out of Japan with this distinct graphical style, it's not about getting the best graphics, it's about testing new styles. It's not heading for realism, it's heading for a look the player can feel happy with - like cel shading.

Look at World of Warcraft. The graphics are cartoony and not the best in the world considering the ( ... )


neo_rufus February 11 2006, 22:47:30 UTC
Heh this is a discussion :P Check out my long responce lol.


neo_rufus February 11 2006, 22:46:32 UTC
Graphics are a major part of a game now days which is kind of a shame. Don’t you recall those old Tetris games we would play, and that would keep us occupied for the longest time, but that was way back. I suppose even the number priority for a game can even change over time ( ... )


nosignalinput February 12 2006, 00:19:11 UTC
Tetris was addictive in the puzzle sense, it wasn't trying to be anything more than a simple puzzle. Plus, games back then were the best graphics of the time. No-one looked at Pong and went 'Crap graphics' because there wasn't anything else available to make them think that there was something better. Mario had good graphics for the time, it depends on the technology level. You can't look back on retro games and say 'crap graphics' because your comparing it to what we have today, which is a kinda dumb thing to do. Mario was a great game because of the puzzle sense - it wasn't the first platform game however - but it spawned a generation of platform games.

Sometimes storyline doesn't matter if gameplay is up there. Mario's storyline was one of the most cliche things ever; rescuing a princess from a castle. Yet the gameplay was good enough for you to not care about the storyline much, plus storyline wasn't a major aspect of video games back then. Take The Sims 2, you invent your own storylines, it doesn't have one itself and yet it's ( ... )


neo_rufus February 12 2006, 00:42:23 UTC
Hah yeah that's true, they probably had no idea graphics like today's would even exists, meaning they wouldn't have said crappy graphics. Not to mention it is some what of a low blow to compare those games to the present ones, I'll have to approach that topic in a different way ( ... )


nosignalinput February 12 2006, 01:29:48 UTC
Wait a sec, Paper Mario was a completely different genre to the original Mario. Paper Mario was an RPG while the original Mario was a platformer. It wasn't a sequel in any sense, it wasn't trying to be anything like the original Mario games, just set in the same universe. It's the same with Shadow The Hedgehog ( ... )


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