на русском: redu (укрытие, редут), Retusaari (Котлин), Retukylä (Редуголь) и... Редикулус, лар-защитник Рима -
https://ingria-art.livejournal.com/814440.html Rediculus - an ancient Roman deity, one of the Roman
lares, city protector gods; Rediculus forced Hannibal, who was standing at the gates of Rome, to retreat.
Compare the name to:
(with the semantics of "fortifications" and "protection"):
rädda sig (Sw.) - to be saved; räddad (Sw.) - saved, protected; räddare (Sw.) - savior;
redu (Est.) - shelter; reduta(ma) (Est.) - take cover, hide (eg redutamise metsas - we hid in the forest);
reductus (Latin), redoute (French), редут [reduut] (Russian) - a remote shelter; a detached fortification of a closed type, usually (but not necessarily) earthen, with a rampart and a moat, intended for all-round defense;
Retusaari, Reitskär - one of the Finnish and Swedish names of the island Kotlin (Kronstadt), with its famous fortifications;
Retukylä, Redugol', Rodugol, Redakülya, Redikülya, Redukylä - an abolished village located on the Eastern bank of the river
Sestra, Siestar-joki, probably Homer's Caestrum (Cayster, Cyster), at a safe distance from the coastline, being protected from direct raids of sea pirates, south of the Beloostrov (Valkeasaari) station, the place of compact residence of the Ingrian Finns. The etymology of the name is not known for certain.
Yet, no one tried to establish the etymology of the name! As well as to carry out any archaeological excavations - to which the very name, however, encourages.
When I was walking between Sestroretsk and Beloostrov (Valkeasaari) as a teenager, I was always surprised by the huge ramparts (perhaps grave mounds) on which the dachas along the Sestra River stand.
Also, realizing that it was a border river for many centuries, and comparing it with the name Retukylä (ascending long before Peter I's times, to the Novgorod-Swedish border) - one can assume that there were some ancient fortifications here. A job for the unsuspecting archaeologists!
küla (Est.), kilā (Livonian), tšülä (Votic), kylä (Fin.), külä (Karelian, Izhor., Ludic., Veps.) - means "a village".
map source:
https://maps.arcanum.com/en/map/karelia1890/ Related, with the semantics of "fear" (where there is a fear, there is also a search for protection):
rädd (Sw.) - fearful; rädas (Sw.) - to be afraid;
riadt (Hung.) - afraid;
fright (Eng.) - a fear; frighten (Eng.), hræða (Icel.) - to frighten;
threat (Eng.) - a threat, danger, risk; threaten (Eng.) - to harass;
dread (Eng.) - a fear; to be afraid; dread, dreadful (Eng.) - terrible.
Also probably related:
rutto (Fin.), rohttu, rohhtū (Saami) - a plague, pestilence;
reo, reod (Est.), ruoja (Fin.) - a devil, goblin, an evil spirit;
reo- (Est.), redu (Karelian, Ludic, Veps., Izhor.), rooja (Votic, Izhor.), ruoja (Fin.) - dirt, rubbish, rubbish; filthy;