it wanted off my hard drive

Dec 28, 2008 03:40

a direction i didn't go with the femmeslash pin a while back.

random pin-as-girls half-written porn. well, foreplay )

f: je

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Comments 6

myxstorie December 28 2008, 09:49:34 UTC
Pin as girls seem to be the only type of girl-slash I will ever willingly read :D


anamuan December 28 2008, 10:01:02 UTC
pin is just. i don't know how they do it. Incidentally, if you're interested in it, there's a finished version here that this excerpt didn't make it into XD


myxstorie December 28 2008, 10:03:30 UTC
i never thought i'd be so excited to read yuri :D


anamuan December 28 2008, 10:10:27 UTC
lol trust me i never thought i'd write it.


ky_rin February 19 2009, 03:01:45 UTC
Oh, how did I miss this, damn. I find the title terribly funny.


anamuan February 19 2009, 04:33:59 UTC
XD why is the title funny?


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