it wanted off my hard drive

Dec 28, 2008 03:40

a direction i didn't go with the femmeslash pin a while back.

Some of it must show on his face, because the next thing he knows, Pi's pressing him back against the couch and mouthing along his cheek. It's a gentle touch, curious, but as Pi mouths his way to Jin's lips, Jin can feel something stronger driving the kiss, vague but definitely there, like the pressure of sunlight on his skin.

Pi's lips are soft and moist against his, but Jin knows it's just a distraction--something to take his mind off the fact that Pi's slipping a hand under his shirt. Pi's hands are soft and warm creeping upwards on his stomach and it makes him hot and nervous all at once. As a distraction, it doesn't work very well; Pi's hand burns all along his skin.

Pi's fingers brush against the bottom of his breast and Pi groans against his lips and kisses him harder. "I forgot you wouldn't be wearing a bra," he breathes into Jin's mouth. Jin swallows a smart remark because Pi nips along his lower lip, grazing the skin with his teeth.

Jin growls. The sound is higher in his ears than he's used to, so he slides his hands up Yamapi's shirt and across his (her?) breasts to reassert his manhood to himself. He needed it. He rolls Pi's nipples gently between his thumb and finger, and Pi kind of whines into Jin's mouth, a hitched, breathy sound that went straight to the pit of Jin's stomach.

Jin's hands tighten on Pi's breasts, and then Pi's scrabbling desperately at Jin's belt, metal clinking as he pulls it open and starts working on the pants themselves. Pi shoves a hand inside

yes, it really stops mid-sentence. Obviously, i'm not writing more of this.

f: je

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