there's only one reason i post here

Dec 09, 2008 00:36

well okay, that and boredom. LOL.

method eating

"Curry!" Tegoshi says by way of suggestion--except with Tegoshi it's never really a suggestion but a thinly veiled demand hidden behind a bright smile and seemingly guileless eyes. Massu raises an eyebrow at the box Tegoshi has propped under his chin, knowing where this is probably heading and why Tegoshi had asked him over in the first place.

"The company gave me some for free and I thought 'Wouldn't it be great if I could eat it with Massu?'!"

Translation: My parents aren't home and I really want curry but no one else is around to make it for me, but Massu will, ne? [cue sparkling eyes]

Massu sighs when Tegoshi's eyes begin to sparkle at him--because really, how that's even possible to do on command is still a mystery to him. But Massu's not really surprised when he finds himself saying, "All right, get me an apron."

"Yay!" Tegoshi cries, throwing his hands in the air and tackling Massu to the ground in his excitement. The box slips out of his hands and lands, unceremoniously, on top Massu's head with a thud.

"Sorry!" Tegoshi squeals, scrambling to retrieve the box and smacking Massu's cheek in the process. Massu thinks it's going to be a long day.

Massu's not really surprised when he realizes that he's right, nor is he surprised that Tegoshi doesn't have any ingredients for the curry--except the instant mix, of course.

"I'm sorry." Tegoshi whimpers at his side, tugging on the hem of his sleeve as they walk towards the convenience store. Massu grunts and tries his best not to look at him, because he knows that if he so much as catches a glimpse of Tegoshi's big doe eyes and pouting lips, he will melt and forgive him on the spot. And Massu would like to stay irritated for the time being.

"Ne, Massu!" Tegoshi tries again and Massu answers by widening his stride. He hears Tegoshi trot alongside him, hand still tugging firmly at his sleeve until there is a small "ah!" and the grip near his arm disappears. Massu winces and finally turns towards the younger boy, who is currently kneeling on the pavement. He feels a little guilty, clears his throat, and offers his hand.

"Uhm, Tegoshi? Are you okay?"

Tegoshi looks up at him, all bright eyed and hopeful, lips quivering a bit. "Do you forgive me?"

Massu figures he should just be glad Tegoshi's eyes aren't glittering, and nods because it's the truth anyway. "Yeah, I do."

Tegoshi grins a thousand watt smile and takes Massu's offered hand. "Yay!"

"Yay," Massu repeats weakly, becoming alarmed when Tegoshi only tightens his hold on his hand and begins to lead the way. Massu finds himself stumbling a little from the sudden pull, and catchs a glimpse of Tegoshi's pants.

"T-Tegoshi, you're bleeding." Massu says, barely managing to keep himself from falling over completely. Tegoshi "hms" lightly as he pauses, looking to where Massu is pointing at the knees of his jeans. He lets go of Massu's hand to stoop down and examine the hole in his jeans and the scrape of red on his skin. Massu watches him, rubbing his freed hands together--after a moment, Tegoshi stands upright and shrugs.

"I guess we'll need to buy some bandages." Tegoshi says, oddly serene, before seizing Massu's hand again and leading them, this time a little more quickly, towards the store. Massu doesn't know whether to be amused, exasperated, or just plain embarrassed as Tegoshi chatters animatedly, unaware of the strange looks their firmly clasped hands are garnering. Massu know at least this much: he's not really surprised.

They enter the convenience store a few moments later and Tegoshi lets go of his hand, fluttering off in excitement. Massu shakes his head and picks up a basket, mentally ticking off the things they need, beef, onions, potatoes, carrots--bandages...

"Ne, Massu, what about this?" Tegoshi asks, appearing suddenly around the corner of an aisle, nearly sending an old woman behind him a heart attack. Massu simply raises an eyebrow.


"Why not?"

Massu finds that he can't really argue with Tegoshi's logic--or lack thereof--and allows Tegoshi to throw the green vegetable into the shopping basket. The trip back is a little less eventful--mostly because Massu had jammed his hands into his jean pockets the second they had stepped past the revolving doors. Tegoshi hadn't seemed to have noticed, prancing forward and swinging the bag to and fro as he sings, "Curry~ curry~ curry~~"

f: je

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