also upping the fandom genre whatever.

Nov 09, 2008 21:24

This is just old old old. Which is why it's totally NOT JE. So yeah, this was like two years ago when I was totally into NCIS and while I've never written anything for that, this was an attempt. Plus, random inserts from CSI, the start for Grey's Anatomy and Gilmore Girls and yeah... Just. Yeah. Must as well throw this up here because I'm never really gonna open this file ever again. XP

I titled this "Five Girls that Tony Could've Ended Up With and the One He Did.
Or Tony's a Freaking Whore."
Er. Yeah.


He had been young when they went to Las Vegas. An actual young, like say 20, not the young he deluded himself to nowadays. Anthony DiNozzo could never remember which break they had gone partying to Sin City; all his school breaks becoming blurred into endless memories of booze, sex, and all sorts of acts of debauchery. But this city carried memories of a redhead with green eyes that shone.

His pals had decided to hit a club on their third night there and had managed to enter with their fake ids. He had seen her before she ever saw him. Her long semi-curly hair was flying all over the place as she danced to the music booming through the sound systems. Tony had only taken a step into the club and was already mesmerized by her. After a few minutes of slack jaw, he pushed through the crowd to make his way to her. By this point, his buddies had abandoned him towards calls of other females, booze, and maybe the occasional guy.

He had had to shove three different guys in order to get his chance to dance with her. But when he finally got her attention, he could feel her throw her arms around his neck and start to dance against his body, and he just didn't care anymore. The whole thing caused his heart to race with her nearness and as they started to dance, he could feel himself getting more and more aroused with the situation. Her eyes would meet his with unbridled lust and Tony was sure he was being obvious about his desire for her.

He tugged at her arm a little and pointed towards the exit. Her rosy lips slowly formed a smirk and he was sure she understood. She gave a small nod and allowed him to drag her out of the loud club into the louder city. Luckily for Tony, his hotel room wasn't much of a distance and they made it there without risk of tearing each other's clothes off in public.

Once they made it to the room though, all bets were off and the entire night had been a whirl of just sex. Tony didn't realize until the day after that neither had actually introduced themselves. What he could remember what the feel of her soft red hair and the look of desire in her bright green eyes. The feel of his and her body joined and all before, but nothing of after. He passed out quickly and awoke the morning after to find his hotel room empty, no red-head in sight. Not even a sign that she had been there at all.

Tony wondered at all if the morning would've gone better if he had at least told her his name. But he brushed the thought aside.

Years later, he never knew that the same female he had briefly worked with in Las Vegas was the same girl from years ago. "Catherine Willows," she had said and Tony just stared into the green eyes with remembrance before immediately getting to work on his case.

After that, Tony never did meet Catherine again. He never did figure out that she was the girl from way back when with entrancing green eyes. Some of him was glad he never did find out who she was. There was something about some things just staying secret.


Tony had to wonder whether Gibbs just didn't like people. He had only been trying to be nice when he had invited the man to hang out at the local bar in Seattle while they waited for the next plane out. It had definitely not been a situation calling for a camera to be thrown at him. (Luckily, Tony had managed to catch said camera without much destruction ensuing, because, even Tony could tell he'd be blamed if said camera would be broken.) Despite the refusal, Tony still made his way to the bar, alone but hopefully not for long.

He had arrived at a time when the place was bustling, but was able to find a single stool right by the counter. He gave his order to the bartender and looked around the bar, surveying his surroundings. The first thing he noticed was the grinning blonde sitting at the small table with two other girls.

They never met again, although that wasn't so much of a surprise. All Tony could think of was that Izzie must've ended up with that guy that was obviously jealous. But after that one night, he pushed the thought out of his head and never thought of the blonde girl with the smart-ass mouth.


Tony hates small towns, but finding a good coffee shop in the middle of nowhere was worth every second they were in it. (Tony/Lorelai)


It wasn't supposed to happen this way. Not this way. Never this way.
Those were the words he would repeat to himself as he sat down, staring at the closed door. Ducky had left him alone in the morgue, knowing that it was Tony's time to mourn for the loss of the female before him. How could he have lost Kate? How could they have lost Kate? Hadn't he been the one that had been in a near-death situation?

So how could things have turned around and Kate ended up being the one dead?
The one lying behind the closed door?
Shouldn't he have been the one?
Lord knows that she likely meant a lot more, a thought Tony hated to let come out.

He sat there in silence a little longer, wondering what exactly he was doing. Why was he sitting in the morgue alone, staring at the closed door of his dead partner? ...Was that all Kate was to him in the end? Just a partner?

Tony stood up finally, getting the strength (which he still really didn't possess) to pull open the door and pull Kate's body out. The sheet covered her and Tony wasn't sure if he could take this next step to say good-bye. He reached out and grasped the end of the white sheet (he never realized how fitting it was to have it be a white sheet) and tried to lift one end over her face. But somehow the sheet turned heavy in his hand and Tony wasn't sure if he could pull it over her face. Like a band-aid. He thought to himself, the only thought being that he wanted to see if it was true. No, he needed to see that it was true. Or he might go on thinking that this was just some cruel (way too cruel) trick that Kate and McGee had set up to trick him. Lord knew that Tony had done many things to the two (without malice, of course).

All he could do was stare at the seemingly-serene face before him. It was Kate, no question there, but... It was, at the same time, not her at all. He could feel his legs go weak and he groped blindly behind him for the chair that he had been sitting on. Feeling the solid chair, he fell down onto it, relieved that he had gotten it in time. Because Tony knew if he hadn't, he'd have ended up on the floor, tears streaming down his face. And really, how manly would that kind of figure been? At least this way, he supposed he might not cry now (so he deluded himself anyway).

But none of that was really important, was it? He stared at the body before him, wondering what he should be feeling at this moment. What others expected him to feel at this moment? But all he could think about was that he thought he should've been there. He should be in Kate's position, after all he'd been the one who'd gotten into the most trouble, especially that day. So why was it opposite? Why was the lovable Kate there instead of him?

Shaking his head of such thoughts and to help him blink away the tears threatening to fall, Tony slumped forward, leaning against the cold body on the slate. “Kate...” he breathed out, his eyes shut tight, “You don't deserve to die.”

For some reason, that was the only thing he could think of. He expected to have more thoughts about Kate. Weren't memories of their good times together show up? And all the great things that had happened between them? So why couldn't he think of any of that? All he could repeat in his head was that she shouldn't have died. She didn't deserve it. Why had that man killed her? His breath caught as his thoughts trailed. It had all been his fault. His heart pounded as he thought about Ari, walking around out there with no consequence for his actions.

“Kate. I'll definitely get him,” Tony hissed, his hands clasped underneath his chin as he stared at her innocent face. “Not like Gibbs. No. Not the same.... I'll get him in my way, Kate. Just for you,” he whispered. “Just for you.”

Tony realized at that moment that all he wanted to do was protect her, whether alive or dead. Their relationship was never set in stone; he was sure of that. But he always had the thought that maybe something might happen between them, short-term, long-term. None of that really mattered, because him and Kate were always opposites of some spectrum. What exactly was that spectrum, he couldn't even begin to talk about. Like hot and cold, he supposed. And should the two meet, they'd form some workable middle. He supposed him and Kate were like that.

...But now, he wouldn't ever find out. Was that a regret? Tony didn't like to dwell on such things. What happened were things he couldn't change, no matter how deep the desire?

"Tony?" A voice came from the opening doors of the morgue and Tony turned to see McGee. A smile appeared on his face unconsciously as McGee stood in front of him, looking down (with a large amount of fear in his eyes) at Kate.
If Kate hadn't died (a thought Tony wondered about), would they have been together in the long run? In truth, it may have never happened because they had drawn a line between them and they wouldn't have crossed it at any point. No matter the prospect in the end.


It wasn't as though it wasn't tempting to be with Ziva.


This was totally supposed to be Tony/Abby, but as you can tell. No continuation. Oh wells. XP

And er, yeah, nothing was really finished except that first section. Otherwise, it was pretty empty. lol

f: ncis

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