[ARTEMIS filter/Text]
Experiment: January 23.
First Subject: Catoblepas
...the biology almost exactly like that of a wildebeest...
However, the gaze did not manifest as any sort of function in the animal's brain, nor inside the eyes and rather annoyingly must be attributed solely to magic, as, dead, it's exactly like any other ungulate.
Note: Possibly requires abuse of the animal to assist functioning.
Second Subject: Triffid
...despite TIme Lord immunity. I have extracted the venom for further analysis and...
...consistently lashed against its mesh cage...
Overall, research suggests the lack of cognition, or real sentience, but there is a very specialised series of biological reactions...
The remaining triffid will be alright remaining in the laboratory, as long as it is consistently brought a few animals for food, as it survives almost solely on the nutrients extracted from its prey, rather than photosynthesis. I'll study it a bit more when I think of other things to study about it, or, of course, it's open for other scientists. I can always catch another one.
[The Master has just finished writing and sent off his report to ARTEMIS when he switches on the video.]
I can see a certain theme developing with the curses. [he smirks] February is going to be utterly harmless. And if anyone says anything about me "jinxing myself", I'll have to write you off as hopelessly naive.
That said, the real reason for this video is to ask if anyone else would be interested in joining me in some research of the mechanisms of the Clock. Well, more accurately, research of the barrier surrounding them. It might be fun.
[Smiling, he leans forward and shuts it off.]
[ooc: Okay, first thing, the text file is a COMPLETE text file only dammit, Poly, I'm a writer, not a scientist so the bits in between remain hopelessly scientific and complex. Also, Sylar got the Master interested in the Clock so he's been going down to the mechanism himself for a little bit, trying to get proper readings on the barrier but it's a shifty bastard. And it gives him shocks and throws him back and such. So if anyone DOES want to join him, we won't be getting through to the Clock but conclusions? Conclusions are fun?
Oh, yes, and, admire away, if you wish. XD]