Screencap Adventure: Summon Night 2 (Part 1)

Dec 21, 2007 09:17

Okay, it looks like we're going with Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2! I am happy with this decision. This is a great game, and I will enjoy sharing it with you.

To address some of your concerns: Summon Night 2 does NOT follow on from the previous title in any way. None of it is even mentioned, I think; personally I think this is a good thing because MY GOD was that game tedious. Which genius came up with the idea of one long, continuous dungeon almost entirely made up of brown and grey, anyway?

I know I said that I'd get started after Christmas, but I figured I should get the intro and the Big Decision out of the way first. So let's get into Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2!

Other Episodes

Yaaaaaaaaaay! We're playing a game that's only two years old! This is far too rare an occurence for me!

Okay, New Game...

No 'New Game +', thank you, we're starting fresh.
(I'm not really sure what New Game + entails in this game, but I'm sure you guys have a general idea.)

Character select! We can be a boy...

Or a girl! For this playthrough, we are using the Boy. The differences are negligible, anyway.

The boy's default name is Edgar, but that's a terrible name, so we'll be changing that sharpish.

Ah, my fantasy tradition. The 'real' Garrulon is a character of mine; a bitter, cynical bard with a secret sense of altruism who - at some point - had a curse placed on him by some angry witch that prevents him from ever having a good night's sleep.
...Wow, that sounds terrible when I write it out like that. :B

Let's go!


Uh-oh. Disembodied ??? voices mean trouble.

"Hey, jerk. I'm talking to you."

We'll be hearing that line a LOT, as a forewarning.




Hahaha, 'Yakety Sax' just popped into my head and it made me laugh so hard




...Yup, this is anime-influenced, all right.

"I have a concussion! Hahaha!"

I've gotta hand it to Summon Night 2, here. They actually give a REASON for a teenage kid who has lived in a village all his life to be completely combat-ready with several types of weapons.

"Hell yeah!"
"I said, AM I RIGHT?!"

I love how anime characters just instinctively know this stuff.

"I could have had him if we'd had the rest of the day! And maybe a bit of tomorrow too!"

oh god no please don't go all uke on me Ryouga

And we actually gain control of our character for the first time! Controls are straightforward: D-pad to move, A to interact, hold B to run. Shoulder buttons don't do anything yet.

Translation: Final dungeon.

"A chance for serious injury and perhaps a messy death, just to glimpse some extremely dangerous monsters? Count me in!"

..."No", maybe?


An unexpected comeback from Garrulon! :O


THAT'S RIGHT I REMEMBER NOW! Edgeworth and Franziska! THAT'S who Ryouga and his sister remind me of! God, I was playing Phoenix Wright two hours ago. I really should have picked that up earlier.

What's this? A pendant?

*cough* Rule 167 *cough*

Craftknights is good people. :B


That would be a little creepy, having a - how old is our hero? 16? - kid calling you 'Master' all the time.

" fetish!"

oh god that's even worse

This line reminds me of something too. I remember an RPG character - probably a villain - at some point doing the whole 'warrgh you have a great family i am all alone i kill you all now' spiel. Where WAS that?

I heard this line in a Keanu Reeves voice and now I am cracking up


There is a crash-bang coming from somewhere behind Ryouga.

"Spill the goods, brah!"


Surely this cannot be anything important!

And here's where YOU come in! The Summon Creature we pick here will, predictably, be our partner for the remainder of the game. I've already played through the game with the Devil Girl, but don't let that stop you from picking her.

Now, your choices are...

The Mechanoid Soldier...

The Oni Child...

The Devil Girl...

Or the Half Beast.

Let me know which one you want, and whoever gets the most votes will be our partner!

The next update will be after Christmas. Probably. I really like this game, so it might be sooner. I don't have any plans aside from the family stuff on Christmas Day, anyway.

Oh, also, if anyone knows where I can find/download the Summon Night: Swordcraft Story 2 OST, let me know.

~ Aaron

things: let's play, fandom: summon night 2

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