Video Adventure: Ghoul Patrol (Part 1)

Mar 21, 2009 22:57

Alright, time for another one of these! Our game today will be Ghoul Patrol, one of the lesser-known SNES actiony-type games. I'm gonna be putting in some supplementary material for you guys this time, so it's not just links to the video.

Previous Adventures


Zeke: A teenage boy who's a cool dude with massive 'tude. He is signified by his tendency to wear 3D glasses all the time and his enjoyment of bustin' zombie butt. Julie is his sister.

Julie: A teenage girl with slightly less 'tude but, I'm sure, plenty of grrl power to make up for it. She is signified by wearing sensible ghostbustin' clothes and having a quiver of crossbow bolts in her art. Zeke is her brother.

If you were thinking that Zeke and Julie had some difference between them, like Zeke carrying more stuff or Julie running faster, you would be wrong! They are exactly the same in every way except appearance and awesome 90's attitude yeah.

Drinking a red potion will turn either character into the Grim Reaper, who we will talk about when we come to him.


Eyeball: The eyeballs have no attacks to speak of, drifting around aimlessly or in circles and only causing damage when the hero runs into them. They are the weakest of enemies, only really able to do damage when they appear in large amounts. Eye would be surprised if you had a problem with them.

Filing Cabinet: These paper-pushers do little more than wiggle in place, unable to move due to being filing cabinets, and shooting explosive papers at you. You can really just write these guys off.

Copier: These copiers are of an evil make, firing papers at you through an oddly gunshaped receptacle. While slightly more dangerous than their filing cabinet counterparts due to their increased rate of fire, they're still stuck in one place. Bunch of copycats.

Green Ghost: Unrelated to Slimer. Green ghosts float about in a hard-to-predict pattern, trying to launch themselves onto you, presumably to cover you in ectoplasm or something. They're quite the spirited bunch, so try not to be too spooked!

Snail: These snails lope along, not really doing anything other than being very large. Much like the eyeballs, they only do damage if you're silly enough to run into them. Escargo quickly and you should be okay!

Tree: These bastard birches leap large lengths to lash you with their leaves. Rather hard to predict where they're going to land, so you might have to bough out.


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Once again, hanae0711 is my winglady. Puddin, Matt, we'll try for the next one, alright? I'll IM you once I've uploaded it.

~ Aaron

things: let's play (video)

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