Fanfic - Mother 3: Time and Vines

Mar 20, 2009 14:22

I am going to use this icon for basically everything for awhile. Bless it.

Started playing The World Ends With You again and basically barrelled through the first week. There's a lot of little things which make a lot more sense now that I know the ending and all the plot twists, I gotta say. Still as fun as hell, and the music only gets better upon repeats.

Also: Mother 3 fic!


Kumatora's foot tapped out of rhythm as she watched the vines flower at the door of the temple, the magical water doing its work and making time pass for the vines infinitely quicker than it was for them. She felt nervous, planting her hands on her hips and glancing around; she knew what was going to happen next, and it worried her. For every needle she'd pulled out, she'd lost another family member, a Magypsy fading away into nothing as the needle was pulled out of the ground. It irritated her, the girl biting back a grumble as flowers covered the vines in front of her; they'd been so damn calm about that. It was THAT TIME, and that meant their long lives were over. Leaving her alone. Again.

This time, it's gonna be Ionia. she thought, frowning to herself. Ionia...

A shift of red and blue at her periphery and she glanced sideways; Duster was looking at her curiously. She waved a hand dismissively; it was nothing he needed to worry himself about. She could handle that. She tapped her pink-booted foot against the ground once more as the vines began to wither, the Magypsies coming to mind again; centuries must have passed for those vines now, just like they had for the people who had raised her, taught her. They'd had long lives. It was just that they were leaving her alone.

But she wasn't alone, was she? Lucas was here, and Duster, and Boney. She wasn't going to be left alone. She nodded to herself as the vines finally crackled away, crumbling into dust, leaving the temple door open.

"Time finally moved for the vines." she said, glancing at Lucas. A nod, and the team strode forward.

Time to lose another family member. Kumatora straightened as the smell of ancient air hit her nose, Ionia tagging along behind them at a prance. It'd be the last time she saw her.

It was worth it, to save the world.


It's from my Kumatora app, but I thought it was good enough to chuck in here. Been awhile since I did fic, anyway, and the thought that Kumatora essentially lost one of her parents every time Lucas pulled a needle was an interesting one.

~ Aaron

writing: fanfic, fandom: earthbound/mother 3

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