Screencap Adventure: Illusion of Gaia Pt 6

Nov 15, 2007 12:41




I am seriously getting the Gamer Jonesing here. I haven't felt this since...I don't remember when. The GCN version of Animal Crossing? God, I haven't wanted a game like this in so long and there is no way I can play it for at least a month. D:

I think another screencap adventure is in order to distract myself from that unpleasant truth.

In our last episode of Illusion of Gaia, we made our way through the dungeon-continent of Mu, defeated a pair of vampires with a bomb, saved Erik, found out what the heck the deal was with that Water Palace, and walked for a month through an underwater passage to reach a strange village populated by Angels!

Let's get to it.

Previous Editions

"God, I could sleep for years. That passage was hell."

Okay, I've already played through this game, so I knew this was going to happen, but let me know, guys: did anyone not see this coming?


Oh, so they're 15? I was thinking somewhere around 12. This makes all that bickering over Will make a lot more sense.

Haha, I actually thought this one over for quite a while. I doubt there's any 'wrong' answer, but in the end...yeah, flowers. Let's go with the classics.

Aww. :3

Will: Bet you wouldn't want to live in a place like this with Lance, eh? Eh, Lilly? Eh? *nudge nudge*
Lilly: What are you talking about, Will?
Will: Oh, nothing...


Anyway, I guess we'd better go get Kara before she gets in trouble.

These happy chaps and chapettes are the Angels. They'be got the fairly standard Biblical look going for them: long blonde hair, robes, androgonously attractive, etc.

Oh, and apparently they're vampires.


But you're emotionless and really melancholy...I don't wanna evolve into that... :(

Damn...well, she's just getting her portrait painted. Surely nothing bad could happen from that, right?

Well, that's not a convoluted set of directions at all. Guess we'd better go find the studio.

But first, a dance hall! :D

The Angel Village always makes me really sad. It's just got such a tragic feel about it; all of the Angels are supposedly the next human form, but they're so sad...even the requisite set of lovers are separated. :(

Still, all the melancholy in the world doesn't stop me from stealing Red Jewels from fountains. :B

Angels play harps. Very creative, Enix.

Who's this rugged-looking fellow?

Gem! :D

Checking the walkthrough, I haven't missed a single Red Jewel so far. My position as a visual walkthrough continues! :D

"Man, don't I know it. This one tune I heard cured my friend's amnesia.

This Angel is walking into the statue. Why is he continually walking into the statue?

Oh, sculptor. This is one of my pet peeves about RPGs, especially SNES-era ones: when people are supposed to be doing something liek sculpting or repairing an airship, they basically just walk around or hit it or whatever. It can't be THAT hard to make a couple more custom sprites just for that, can it?

Waterfalls...we must be getting closer.


"Uhh, I know of him..."

Sigh. Even angels can't escape from awkwardly-placed dungeons.

These bats swoop down from the ceiling and attack you. They're piss-weak and go down in two hits, but since you can't hit them unless they're swooping, they're very irritating.

Blue skeletons! Blue skeletons are unremarkable and basically identical to all other skeletons, except they have more HP and are much faster. A nice trick is to Psycho Slide into them, and if you manage to hit them twice in one slide (about 10 damage per hit), you can kill them in one go.

"Okay, so 'follow the wind and watch the flames'...right..."

This...I don't know what this is. Some sort of lizard.

It's neck extends. You've gotta stretch it's neck to the breaking point to kill it.

"Go down the 'dark path'...okay..."

Spot the bat! That's right, there are ALMOST INVISIBLE BATS swooping down at you. I hope you have quick reflexes.

Hey, how 'bout that! :D

Oh yeah, Skull Turrets. These things go down in one good Psycho Slide, since they can't move and you can get them to take damage three times in one slide. They fire red energy and are otherwise just nuisances and roadblocks. I've heard the Onett police are thinking of using these, just to show the kids they aren't messing around.

Slidin' on through that little gap, we find...

A Red Jewel! Wheeha!

Oh pssh fine. Slide again to escape.

"That thingy about wind, right..."

That angel was not fucking kidding about this being a windy spot. You need to run full-tilt forwards just to get about a quarter of the speed you usually have when you're walking.

Also, three Skull Turrets right next to one another. Easily dealt with.

Wills' hair unexpectedly whips him in the face here. Hmmmm.

"Aha! Waterfalls! I'm nearly there."

"Nothing to the left..."

"Gotta go the right, then."

"Three doors. Okay, let's see if Kara is in the leftmost one."

"Hey, pretty good portrait."


"I am gonna kick the SHIT out of that Ishtar guy. This has to be his fault."

"Hey, you! Ishtar! Prepare to taste flute!"

"How about I know what? Never mind. I'll play your stupid little game."

Ishtar's 'puzzles' are just memory puzzles. Memorise where everything is in the room, then go next door.


Wasn't this pot red in the other room?


Lessee...portraits (one green, one grey), two red jars, a table, a it.

In the next room...wait a second. The jars changed colour again? How fucking lazy are you gonna be, Ishtar?

I actually wasn't sure about that one, so I tried to go back and check. Ishtar would have none of that.

"GANK! This is what you get for making me do stupid memory puzzles to rescue Kara AGAIN, you giant angel jerk!"

"Well, I haven't stolen from your jerk ass again, so..."

...wait, what?

...get the fuck outta here. That Ishtar is one tricky bastard.

Will's hair is blowing about in this room. It is otherwise completely indentical. That Ishtar is a tricky bastard.

"Alright, now return Kara so I can get on with kicking your a...huh?"

Man, he's not kidding. How many times have we had to save Kara now?

Sprinkle it on yourself and think happy thoughts!

:( I'm sorry, Ishtar. I'll title you "Call me Ishtar" in your memory.

Alright, let's get this over with.

Will says what a lot of us are thinking.

Kara rushes forward and hugs Will tightly, sobbing.

Will is still pissed off, but he puts his arms around her, comforting her.

See, that's what I like about Illusion of Gaia: actual character development.

This line makes me giggle and I'm not sure why.


As soon as this line came up, I immediately said "Yeah, not like that wuss Jeff Andonuts." Perhaps I'm too into Earthbound stuff?

Kara is slowly becoming a more useful part of the team. Now she's dispensing useful information, before you know it she'll be gifting us with new powers or something!

We will, Luke! Now what was Erik talking about, hidden behind the house...

Ooooooh. Jackpot!

God help me, I'm starting to like Kara. She's actually acting like a real 15-year-old girl now and not some spoiled princess.


...Uh, guys? I might have some bad news for you...

Well that's not ominous at all.

The entire town is actually rocking up and down, just like the raft sequence. Frankly, it's a bit disconcerting.


The walkthrough I'm using says this Red Jewel is 'in a pot on the left side of Watermia'. There are about 20 pots on the left side of Watermia. Screw you, Xi of GameFAQs.

Oh, so THAT'S a Kruk!

I don't think I actually ended up doing this. It's not like Will needs money anyway.

Well, while I'm here...


This guy went on to use his experiences the next day as the initial idea for 'Conker's Bad Fur Day'. Man, that was a great game.

Anyway, enough dicking around. Time for the next plot point! This is the only house we haven't looked in, so surely Lance and this mystery 'friend' we've heard about must be in here...


"Shit. I knew I shouldn't have given away the Memory Melody. How did that guy even take it, anyway?"

All the chefs playing this game momentarily puff up with pride.

A good time was had by all.

This next bit scrolls across the screen slowly, just like when you recieve important information and items. I want you to keep that in mind.

A pause.

Another pause. Without a word, Lilly turns into a dandelion and flys away as fast as she can.

Maybe he's visiting his dad?


Well then, maybe he's outside town, trying to get some peace and quie...hey, what's this in my pocket?

Heh, mental image of Will just being totally :B staring off into the distance while Lance puts the letter into his pack.

Man, this entire update is really depressing.

Well, we have our marching orders. Let's get going!

Join us next time when we cross the largest piece of architecture yet: the Great Wall of China!

I should probably get some other work done today.

~ Aaron

things: let's play, fandom: illusion of gaia

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