Screencap Adventure: Soul Blazer (Part 2)

Nov 15, 2008 20:34

The kids next door are playing obnoxiously loud, repetitive house music again. Not the good stuff, like Daft Punk or somesuch. No, the stuff that's basically someone smacking two pieces of metal together and then running that sound through a synthesiser. Looks like I'll be sleeping on the couch at the other end of the house tonight. The walls in this house are paper-thin, so sound REALLY carries, and being the most idiotic brand of kid, they're playing it as loud as humanly possible.

Anyway, screencap adventure! Let's do that.

Previous Adventures

When we last left Soul Blazer, we had been sucked into an evil painting by a magical paintbrush. Let’s get on with that.

These toucan-looking things only fly specific distances; about 10 of Blazer’s steps, if I were to estimate. As long as you’re not standing right on top of them when they move, you can take them out fairly easily.

More plantlife!

And a path, with more of those accursed torches.

Moving platforms, and carpeted too! Leo’s Painting knows how to make moving platforms with STYLE.

A lot of the monster lairs in here are just path-openers, it seems.

Oh, these soldier guys. They throw spears right after spinning around, but only in one of four directions. We can’t move diagonally either, but be sure to get out of the way! :B

This valley sure has a lot of goats.


And some more treasure! This time, it’s…

A health refill. Not too bad!

Yeegh. These eyeblock thingies will shake, then jump towards you. Considering the precarious position in between moving platforms which will drag you towards spikes, which I totally didn’t hit a whole bunch shut up, this can be tricky. Leo’s paintings are mean. D:


Ahhh, here’s our first indestructible enemy! These things can only be destroyed by a better sword than we currently have, so we’ll have to come back later and smite them down. As it is, they’re only twirling around that block in a circle and not actively hunting us, so we just have to dodge.

Our way is cleared!

And there’s the monster lair for the little tentacle thing.

… D:

Oh hey, it’s that goat the guy was talking about! We’ll have to go back and talk to it. Talk to Everyone, remember? :B

So many moving carpets. This place is like an airport, expect with less rage and more swordfighting.

…well, more swordfighting than most airports, at least.

This painting sure likes to throw a whole bunch of enemies at you at once.

Oh, boy! :D

Anyway. Doot de doo~



AAGH wait a couple of well-placed fireballs destroyed all those torches. Hurr.

Not without much injury, though.

Oh hey, a shortcut back to the Master!

We get a health refill every time you enter the Master’s chamber, so it’s good to pop in and save. Have I mentioned that before?

Speaking of saving, let’s do that! :D



Aww, encouragement. He must be New Testament Master!

Back into the breach!

This looks like a boss fight to me. :|

Better equip the ol’ Fairy Medical herb in case I die.

Well hey, look who it is! Readers of my Illusion of Gaia adventure will remember this guy as the optional boss in the secret dungeon, aka the only dude I couldn’t beat. If you think back, this guy cursed the name of Blazer before he got down to fighting us in Gaia, and this is why; he’s the first boss in Soul Blazer. :D

Anyway, remember that crabwalking trick? This is where it comes in handy! By crabwalking to the left or right, you can lead the boss over there, then hurry up the middle platform and attack him while he shuffles back over! While crabwalking, your sword will continually do damage to any enemy it touches, so this is basically the best way to beat him.


If he gets a bead on you, this guy will fire triple fireballs at you, so crabwalking also helps to avoid that easily. All in all, as long as you crabwalk, it’s an easy fight.

That’s not to say I didn’t lose all my health and have my Medical Herb automatically used, of course. :B

But still, our enemy is defeated! Huzzah!

Awesome. What do we free? :o

Hurray, authority!

Back we go. Our shortcut through the Master’s place takes us right back to Grass Valley.

Where did our mom go? D:

There’s that Doctor Leo fella again.

Excellent for building houses, I hear!

Delicious magical macguffin.


Gasp! The ultimate evil lives in the World of Evil? It can’t be!

‘An only daughter’, Chief.

Okay, we should go check in.

But first, free herbs! :B

Hello, goat!

S-so, his wife that died came back as this goat, and…awww. >:

(Case in point of Soul Blazer being really friggin’ sad at times.)

We also need a pass.

Luckily, through some massive trial and error last time, I know exactly where it is! :D

Just looks like a rock to me, but what do I know.

:D :D :D

*doink!* :D


(He released a crystal. It’s hidden below the text box.)

Yes thank you we have already covered this miss fairy

Can do!

Here’s the only hint you’ll ever get about that pass.

We push that sleeping tulip out of the way, and…



Poor Lisa. :(

This tour is boring! When do we get a lunch break? Can I feed the goats? Why are your horns so long? Whiiiiine!

Guide Goat has an eye for architecture.

Hey, free Herb!

Anyway, back to the point. I GOT YOUR PASS, KID. RIGHT HERE!

Our victories are many and valoured.

Aha, so THAT’S how to get in that door!

zero. This bottle is really handy.

Oh no! I have…ENNUI!

Right, Lisa, that’s what we were doing.

… >:

Back to the Master, I guess.





“Golden bananas?”


We have our orders!

Now that we’ve finished the first area, we can move about!

Our overworld map. Here is Grass Valley…

And if we PSHOOOM down on a ball of light…

We reach Greenwood! Doesn’t look very GREEN, though.

Oh well, let’s green it up!

Just as empty as the last place. We’ve got monster lairs to free, it seems!

Edistsol ot emoclew…

Eww, claymen type things!

The trees came back to life, too. We are a friend of plantlife. :B

Oh, god. These dragons will leap out at you from the water as you pass and spit energy balls at you. If you don’t kill them fast enough, they hop back into the water and reappear with full health. They are hassles.

Hop! They’re also recurring enemies, so they don’t conform to monster lairs.

Hm, top or bottom…

Bottom. I’ve always been an uke at heart. :B

Heehee, I love the claymen’s expression. D8/

Dead end. But at least we got a monster lair!

Puppy! :D

Oh hey, I caught it just before the fireball flew out! Cool.


Paths! *fingertwirl*

Oh friggin’…these bushes, man. Haaate. They can extend their leafy arms and stab you from afar, so you have to move close to them and then they can hit you easier and akslsglmdslkjkjs

We leveled up, though! Wow, level 5 already.

An interior dungeon. IT’S ABOUT TIME.

Doot doot, bridge is rising…

*much fighting later* ohgod my precious HP D:

Oho. I like the sound of THAT.

Aha, a stairwell! Let us go down.

Enemies, paths, etc. Keep on go- hey, a waterfall! If videogames have taught me anything, it is that there is ALWAYS something behind the waterfall.

Ghhh. C’mon, damn you, go behind it!

Fine, I didn’t want to go there anyw-

Wait shit no aaaagh!

Damn dragons. All popping out of the water.

Okay, so if you die, you get returned to the Master's chamber. If you didn't have the Strange Bottle equipped (and there is more than one bottle, so don't fret) you lose ALL of your GEMs. Discretion is advised.

Not getting KILLED like a dumbass is advised more. :B

Yeah, yeah…I guess we’ll pick this up later. Next time: more of Greenwood!

Also~ I went to my niece's spring fete today! It was fun, even though I was sweating out of every pore and feeling ill just WATCHING some of those huge spinaround rides. A wuss, I am one.

Mmkay, a few more things to fill and tags to tag, and off I go! :D

~ Aaron

things: let's play, fandom: soul blazer

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