You think I'm no good because~

Nov 18, 2008 12:10

Mmm, chocolate cake with double chocolate icing. So healthy.

Anyway, paranoia meme~ taken from disbelieves! No rules that I'm aware of, but basically, each statement is about a random person on my F-list.

1) You need more confidence. You're a really interesting person, and you'd be amazing if you just got over those self-confidence issues that half the Internet seems to have.
2) Your heart is in the right place, but you need to tone it down a bit. There's a reason you get less attention than others.
3) You constantly impress me. I only wish I had half the confidence and commonsense you have when I was your age.
4) You...god. I have never loved anyone more than I love you. Even if it never happens, you'll always be the perfect girl for me.
5)'re the reason I joined LJ, and man was I intimidated. I lurked for a month or two before getting the cajones to join.
6) You're retarded. Nobody else makes me groan-laugh as much as you. You're gonna be a STAR!
7) I do like you, despite all evidence to the contrary. You're just one of those people I relate to by insulting and generally poking at. :B
8) You also need more confidence. You're fucking hilarious! And adorable. :3
9) You annoy me a little. I honestly think I've been calmer since we stopped communicating. Nothing against you, you just rub me the wrong way a little.
10) And're just cool. XD

Ten seems like a good number, let's go with that.

ALSO: Dad got a set-top box for the TV last night. I've got Dig Radio playing right now, and man is it funky. There's even an ABC Jazz station! I heartily recommend you all check that out. :D

~ Aaron
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