Screencap Adventure: Pokemon TCG (Part 20)

Oct 22, 2008 18:32

Hey, look at me, finally using the extra icon space disbelieves sprung for. (Did I mention I love her? I love her.)

Anyway. Penultimate episode, I think! Maybe!

Previous Adventures

Alright, Dr. Mason said Fighting types would work well against let's try that!

Hopefully, Zapdos won't be as tricky as Moltres was.

Trusty old Hitmonchan! He'll get me through!

...oh, cripes. That's not good.

Okay, maybe Hitmonchan won't carry me as far as I thought.

At least I can take out that Voltorb first!

Okay...I'd better stay calm. I just need to make some backup, and--

Oh, what?


Well, this is a really stupid idea, but...

I'm just going to have to rely on Rattata!

...erp. Please not me, please not me...

Wha...oh, hey! Alright!

Wow, this is actually going pretty good!

Ow. Except for that.

Oh, c'mon! Laaame.

Oh, sure, now I get that card.

Ha! Bad luck, Steve.

Hmm...only problem is, I can't cause any damage to Zapdos because it has Fighting resistance. And since Steve doesn't have any Pokemon on the bench right now...

There is only one course of action.

Woohoo! Two down!

Alright, Dr. Mason said Electric Pokemon this time. Good thing I have plenty of them!

...huh. I just got this weird urge to play Monopoly.

Alright, let's get this done!

Y'know, I don't wanna be caught off guard like I was with that Zapdos. I'd better back up with a different type.

Huh. Well, at least it's not 70 damage.

Still lame, though.


Alright, let's take a look at these birds.

(Legendary card! Neither Articuno has a weakness, naturally. Legendaries seldom do.)

Ha! Alright, that's one bird down! I guess I'm sending the cat among the canaries, huh? Hahahaha...

Ow, that one made my head hurt.

Actually, I do kinda have a headache...guess I'll take some fresh air after this.

In the meantime, let's set up Magneton!

Ugh. Seriously, I just don't like all this retreating.

...well, at least that attack didn't hit me!

...erp. Okay, I'm kinda up against a wall here. My best choice would be using Selfdestruct with Magneton...if I add that Pluspower, it'll have just enough to take Articuno out!

Alright, Magneton! Blow it u--

...oh. Whoops.


That was stupid.

Okay, let's heal a little. Magneton can make a go of this! This is no time to give up!

Alright, one more attack and--


This doesn't look good.

But I'm not gonna give up. Even if I black out again, I've gotta do this! I've gotta win!

And...huh, wow! I'm actually catching up!

Electrode finally fell, though. Bringing me back from the brink first!

I'll just have to rely on Pikachu now!


Crap, only one prize left...I can't let any more Pokemon die!

Oh man, no, I need to attack next turn...come on, tails, tails...


Alright, I gotta end this quick, and-- actually...I have an idea.

Okay, cool! It is rounded up!

Raticate, you'll save me yet! Super Fang!


Phew...okay, this is it.

The final battle., my head really hurts.

No other news comes to mind. I'm churning out a good bit of stuff for the Wright-a-Thon, though!

~ Aaron

things: let's play, fandom: pokemon tcg

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