We meet again, Doktor Jones...

Oct 24, 2008 19:07

There are times in life where you just need to go back to your roots; times where all the responsibility and hassle in your life just reaches an unbearable strain, and all you want to do is crawl back to the comforts of your youth. That blessed ignorance to which none of us can truly return.

For myself, a big part of those childhood comforts are old SNES platformers. Many are the hours I spent on those things, so much so that double jumps, extra lives, and all the other paraphenalia of the genre are indelibly ingrained into my mind. Of course, one views things through rose-coloured glasses as a child; playing these as an adult, they are beautifully simple - a rare commodity in an age of games that practically take a PhD to play and master - but they're also ridiculously frustrating. Bottomless pits, extremely precarious jumping puzzles, waves of enemies which kill you before you can strike once. The things our childlike minds block out.

With this in mind, I coupled my extreme fondness for Indiana Jones with this nostalgia and played the SNES instalment; allegedly, it covers all three movies. Naturally, my reflexes dulled with years of RPGs and hold-your-hand action games, I died rather quickly.

Whereupon I was shown

It's thing like this that really make you appreciate life.

...and by 'appreciate life', I mean flop back in your chair and burst into laughter.

Bless you, Super Nintendo, my old friend. Just...bless you. ♥

~ Aaron

PS: Finished Pokemon TCG. There will be one more episode, and an epilogue. Woo! 8D

...oh, and!

What would you guys think of a Wild West AU, featuring just the SL-9 squad? I was thinking something along the lines of Jake and Neil - the Marshall Brothers, the two toughest wranglers in the West - secretly teaming up with Deputy Sheriff Lana Skye to find out the truth behind the allegations of corruption from Sheriff Gant, as well as the murder of Gant's last deputy, Bruce Goodman. They'd be helped by Angel Starr (the requisite saloon owner, and head of the fun-time girls), and Ema (who would probably be tinkering with steampunk gadgets). Meekins and Edgeworth can come too. :V
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