Screencap Adventure: Pokemon TCG (Part 13)

Aug 23, 2008 22:13

We're going to see the cat in the hospital tomorrow morning sometime. I have two oral presentations to do and an essay to start for next week. I really hope this lightening of the mood lasts.

Mum told me, on the ride home from work, that she was 'surprised how deeply I was concerned by the cat'. I've always been one to mute my emotions - when I have big, powerful emotions I tend to tone them down, either out of embarrassment or just not wanting to load it on other people - and apparently it leaked through how gut-wrackingly worried I was.

...just got me to thinking, that. Anyway. Screencap adventure.

Previous Episodes

Alright, Fire Club. Let's heat things up!

Hey, I just used that line! Don't steal my line!


That's just not cool, stealing other j-- oh.

Well, that's not a good start.

Much better.

I don't have too many Water Pokemon in this deck, actually...just makes weaknesses better.

Unfortunately, it doesn't work out that way for too long.

Snorlax doesn't last too long either, because augh Super Fang

A Pluspower applied in the right place makes things work out okay, though. Things are looking up for this club!

Two Growlithes later, things are definitely looking up. I can feel my headache going already!

And soon enough... really think so? Wow, thanks!

A couple of nice cards, but nothing too new otherwise. I'm really starting to fill out this collection.

Anyway, let's move on! I feel like I'm starting to get on a roll!

Haha, yeah. 'Pokemon Fever'. Everyone knows that's just a myth.

...oh, you meant 'am I crazy about Pokemon cards'? Well, yeah.

Starting with Water Pokemon is always nice. Heh.

And the Horsea continues on to destroy all of Adam's deck.

 it just me, or is everyone in this gym really...energetic?

Alright, next guy. Man, I'm a real firebrand today.

Please stop saying Fire Pokemon.

This match...

...doesn't go so well. So much for my lucky streak.

Maybe I should take a break...




I should keep dueling. The legendary cards...I don't want someone to get them before me.


...yeah, you're right! Let's duel again!

This time? Much better.

Not too bad at all.

I-I'd rather not.

And now...the Fire Club Master.

(This is one of the limitations of Pokemon TCG; until you've gotten a certain amount of cards, you actually can't duel Ken. He refuses to. So, the Fire Club is actually a good one to do late in the game.)

Let's heat things u- no wait, I used that one already.

Ah, reliable Krabby. You'll get me through!

...unless it's put to sleep. Darn Jigglypuffs.

Oh hey, a Hitmonchan! I have a couple of Fighting Energy cards here, too...

Ha! So much for your sleep now!, that Chansey has a lot of HP.

I'll just evolve to Kingler, and-


Well, at least it took itself down, too.

Hitmonchan and Aerodactyl's Pokemon Power will have to carry me through!

(...and actually, this is a good tactic. Evolve an Aerodactyl from a Mysterious Fossil, but don't send it into battle unless you have to. Your opponent is severely stunted by not being able to evolve - club masters especially - and if you have evolved Pokemon already, you get a big edge.)

I don't want Hitmonchan to die just yet. Heal!

And this guy, seriously, has about six Growlithes. Geez.

Makes for easy prizes, at least.

Only one prize left before I win...may as well use trusty old Magmar.

Alright! I won!

You're smoked down to cinders, Ken.

And I rise to victory from the ashes!

Alright, just two left.

I'm nearly there! Nearly at the legendary Pokemon cards!

Where do I go next...

A million years late, we have our last choice! Where do we go next?

The options are:
- Rock Club
- Grass Club
- Science Club
- Lightning Club
- Water Club
- Fire Club
- Fighting Club
- Psychic Club

~ Aaron

things: let's play, fandom: pokemon tcg

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