Fanfic: Phoenix Wright - Retribution on Wood

Aug 24, 2008 22:17

Kalpakatana: I'd ask for it on the meme, but I'm cursed and all.
Garrulon Jones: Mm. Poor Pyra. *pat*
Kalpakatana: Just Mia giving Edgeworth a good spanking! That's all I ask!

...never let it be said I don't do nice things on a whim. Enjoy, pyrasaur!

Title: Retribution on Wood
By: neutraltwin
Rating: PG
Fandom: Phoenix Wright
Pairing/Characters: Mia Fey, Miles Edgeworth, Diego Armando
Disclaimer: Don't own the characters, property of Capcom, etc.

Mia smoothed down her jacket, glancing nervously at the door; in the office for nearly a year now, and it still felt very much like an alien planet at times. She leaned against the desk, gripping the edge tightly, staring at the door; the clock’s rhythmic ticking told her he’d be here in five minutes, and he was never late. Ever. In fact, she was surprised he wasn’t here already. Mia pushed her bangs out of her eyes again, sighing; this seemed more and more like a bad idea every moment.

A more professional image would send a better message, she decided, and she crossed back behind her desk and took a seat. She settled into her chair with a sigh and smoothed down her front again; she was starting to frazzle, lose her nerve. She needed something to calm her nerves. Her gaze flickered to the potted plant, sitting quietly at her side; reliable old Charley, Mia smiled. Always there for me. She took a leaf between index finger and thumb, rubbed and felt the texture of the leaf. She exhaled slowly, feeling the touch calm her. She smiled to herself, brushing hair out of her eyes again; with Charley by her side, she could do it.

A series of three short raps resounded through her office and Mia started in shock, sitting bolt upright in her seat.

“Er, yes! C-come in!” she called. “It’s open!”

The door opened and Miles Edgeworth entered, dressed as smartly as ever in another of his seemingly endless array of suits. This one was a deep shade of magenta, with less elaborate decoration on the front. Mia swallowed nervously, feeling her fingers twitch underneath the desk; he certainly could pull off the look. Edgeworth strode up to Mia’s desk and regarded her with a cool, impassive eye. Mia swallowed again, glancing to her side; Charley was here. She could do it.

“What did you need me for, Ms. Fey?” Miles asked. “I hope you did not call me down here just for a social call.”

“No, no.” Think, Mia! Cover story! “I, uh, just wanted to ask you about something you said in court this morning.”

“Oh?” Miles replied. He arched one eyebrow; Mia felt a chill run down her spine. Did he know already? “What might that be?”

“Er, when you were commenting on Mr. Lacey’s testimony. He said ‘Smack my ass if I’m lying!’, and you said...”

“‘If I were to take you up on that, Mr. Lacey, I would find my arm very sore before this cross-examination is over.’” Miles recited, glaring coolly down at Mia. “Why do you bring that up, Ms. Fey?”

“Well...” Mia began, swallowing. Now or never. “I noticed you lied a lot today too, Mr. Edgeworth.”

Edgeworth blinked, tightened his grip on his briefcase. Mia could see him trying not to flinch, not to turn and walk out of the office as fast as his composure would allow him.

“Ms. Fey.” Edgeworth said; Mia practically shivered, his tone was so cold. “Is this some sort of joke?”

Mia found herself starting to grin; he’d said the magic words. She smiled up at him from underneath her bangs, rising slowly. Her fingers brushed past Charley’s leaves as she stood, and she silently thanked him for being there. This was the right thing to do, she knew; everyone said he could use it.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Edgeworth, but no.” Mia smiled, all mystery and amusement, glancing at the door. “Mr. Armando?”

A click of a lock, and Edgeworth spun in place; Diego leaned lazily against the now-locked door, grinning at the young prosecutor from behind his mug. The man gave a dark, earthy laugh and stuck one hand in his vest pocket.

“You’re a tiger in the lion’s den, kiddo.” He drawled, sipping at his coffee. “And those stripes will have to go.”

A handful of steps, and Diego was across the room, holding Edgeworth’s hands behind his back and pushing him down against the desk. Edgeworth glared up at Mia, staring daggers at her.

“Ms. Fey, what is the meaning of this?” he hissed.

Mia responded by tugging him down by his collar and kissing him, more forcefully than she would have given herself credit for. Edgeworth’s eyes widened as he was kissed; he attempted to jerk back, but Diego and Mia held him fast.
A handful of moments passed, and Mia broke the kiss, leaning back with eyes sparkling and confidence renewed. Who would've known he was such a good kisser.

“I told you, Mr. Edgeworth.” She smiled. “You lied.”

“Ha...!” Diego finished, smirking victory as he held the other man down. “And if you can’t apply another man’s rules to your own, that makes you less of a man. That’s one of my rules.”

Edgeworth glowered as hard as he could, face pressed against the cool wood of Mia’s desk; Mia could practically feel the chill up her spine. Strangely, she didn't feel cowed or irritated this time; maybe she could chalk it up to Mr. Armando's influence, but she felt...stronger. Empowered, even.

“So, you are going to...”

“That’s right.” Mia smiled.

Another brush of Charley’s leaves and Mia opened her desk drawer, retrieving a small wooden paddle from within. She strolled around the desk, nodding to Diego as Edgeworth sputtered with indignation. Bending down slightly, she hooked her fingers in Edgeworth’s waistband, pulling down his pants to reveal smooth, white buttocks. A small sigh escaped her; so he was that pale everywhere. Smooth, too.

Another nod to Diego, and Mia sent the paddle forward, connecting with Edgeworth’s buttocks with a resounding thwack. The prosecutor grunted in pain, muttering some foreign obscenity. Mia smiled, letting herself exhale in satisfaction, and swung again; this time, the noise was louder, Edgeworth bucking against Diego's powerful grip and finding himself powerless.

Mia giggled as she drew her arm back again; by the time she was done here, the lies would be accounted for. Edgeworth would be yelling.

And her arm would very, very sore indeed.

The next morning...

“Mr. Edgeworth? Why are you holding your, uh...”
“Be quiet, Hannah. quiet.”, yeah. XD

~ Aaron

writing: fanfic, fandom: phoenix wright

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