Screencap Adventure: Pokemon TCG (Part 1)

Jun 06, 2008 14:56

So yeah, apparently I'm really impatient. As such, we are starting now, and we are starting with Pokemon Trading Card Game! I hope you're all excited. The vote for this was really close, so...sorry, people who voted for Soul Blazer and Link's Awakening! I'll do them next, for sure.

Previous Episodes

I'm thinking I'm gonna do this one In Character. So [regular text] is the character, and (things in parentheses) will be my occasional aside.



(Tokens AND cards?)

(IT MUST BE THE POKEMON TRADING CARD GAME. /o/ ) this thing on? Okay, um...hi! It's nice to meet you!

My full name is Garrulon Jones, but my friends call me Jonesy. This is my story so far!

Dr. Mason knows everything about Pokemon Cards! If there's anyone who knows how to get those legendary cards, it'd be him!

I still don't know how he managed to get funding for an whole lab entirely devoted to Pokemon Cards, though...

Hi, Dr. Mason! I heard about these legendary cards, and I was wondering if you-

...well, yeah, that too. I guess.

I dunno, I've seen people get pretty heated about dueling. Bartering is more my speed.

Free cards? Well...alright. If you insist.

Hi, Sam! How's it going?

...uh, okay. We'll start now, then?

I'm coming, I'm coming. Man, you guys are kinda rude.

Geez, there's a lot to cover there...look at it all! Energy, attacking, evolving, Pokemon Power...

Ah, heck with it! If cartoons and videogames have taught me anything, it's that charging blindly ahead is the best way to go!

(The tutorial is long and boring. You don't want to read it, and I don't want to cap it. We'll learn everything as we go, anyway.)

Let's get into it!

Doesn't that kinda defeat the purpose?

...Instruction Booklet? What are you talking about, Dr. Mason?

I like the new glasses, Sam. They suit you.

7 cards in an initial hand, 60 cards in a deck. I already knew that.

Oh hey, Staryu! I like that one, it looks cool.

...well, alright. I guess. Woulda preferred Staryu, though.

Let's go-go-Goldeen!

Don't worry, buddy. You'll get your chance.

That looks like about it...

Oh, so that's what all those duelists were doing! I thought it was just some ritual.


Alright! Everything's coming up Jonesy!

Okay, I got it. Draw a card at the start of each turn.

Energy, huh? I've got a bunch of them in my deck...what do they do, again?

Ohh, okay.

Alright, um...lemme get my cards in order here...

Water Energy...

Put it on Goldeen...

Then attack!

Alright, first blood! This is pretty cool!

Hahaha. Do you always scrunch up your face like that when you think, Sam?

Gah! Jeez!

Hey, just like real Pokemon! Suddenly, all the numbers on the cards are starting to make sense!

Couldn't we conserve that Psychic energy for a Psychic Pokemon? We've got plenty of Water ones...

...well, you're the Doctor in Cardology, I guess.

Alright, here we go...

Heck yeah, Seaking!

Oooh. 30 damage!

Hahaha Rattattas. Those things are so weak.

Another one? Man...doesn't this deck have a Mewtwo or something?


(...prize. There are a lot of one-word boxes in this game.)

Gotta prepare for oncoming fights, I guess.

Hah! You've gotta learn to take the bull by the horns, Machop.

Alright, prizes! This dueling thing is looking better and better!

...well, it's still pretty cool.

Alright, this should be easy!

...or not. Darnit.

Aw no, Seaking!

Oh hey, a Drowzee! My sister has one of them!

Okay, I get it. Keep Pokemon on your bench for safety's sake, even if you're not gonna use them, right?



Drowzee, I choose you!

Consider yourself Waterfallen, Raticate! Ha ha h-- wait, isn't Waterfall a HM move? Weird...

Aw man, Seaking! You fought well, buddy.

My prizes...

Alright, finally!

Staryu, it's your time to shine!

Ooh, a Potion. My sister told me these things were made from Caterpie juice, once.

...I'm pretty sure she was just kidding.

This stuff is pretty easy, once you get the hang of it. Why didn't you get me into this sooner, Sam?

Slap some sense into him, Staryu!

Alright, one more hit and I've won!, what? Laaaaame.

GAH JEEZ. Staryu can't handle that much longer...

C'mooon, something good...


Oh right, the Potion. Haha, I'd forgotten about that.

That should be enough...

Alright! Back to slapping, Staryu!

Oh, man...c'mon, something good...


Woohoo, Starmie! My aunt Stacey has one of these. It's pretty cool.

Oh hey, it has Recover too! That'll come in handy later.

Oooh, Star Freeze paralyses too? That's gonna come in handy...

Haha! Paralysed with fear, Sam?

That's what I thought!

Not that I need to, but that's nice.

I'll just be taking that.

...lame though it is.

Alright! Good game, Sam! Gimme a handshake!

It's pretty cool, Dr. Mason!

Hey, you gotta stop just walking off like that, Doc. People are saying you've got Alzheimer's or something.

Right here! I always keep them with me. You never know when someone might want to trade!

Oh, geez...tough decision. I like all of them.


(And heck, let's have a vote! Which starter deck do we go with, guys?)

And now, back to essaywriting and my shiny new copy of Apollo Justice. Let it be known everywhere that cravatized is the most beautiful, wonderful woman in the world and that she deserves praise and presents in all possible ways.

~ Aaron

things: let's play, fandom: pokemon tcg

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