Screencap Adventure: Pokemon TCG (Part 2)

Jun 08, 2008 14:24

Finished my third-last essay a little earlier than I expected, so you get another episode straight away! You lucky kids.

Previous Episodes

Uh...I guess I'll go with...Charmander?

Yeah, sure! Why not?

(Wow, you guys sure like your flame lizards. I don't think I ever picked this deck.)

Nice! It woulda taken ages to get this many cards through trading!

I don't see why not.

I'm just gonna look around for a bit first.

Wow, that sounds cool!

...what's this about a computer room?

...woah. That sure is a computer room.

How handy!

...nahh, not right now. Sorry, dude.

(If you need a whole bunch of Energy Cards, Aaron is the man to go to. Since you can duel the same person as many times as you want, it's not like he'll ever run out.)

Okay, let's go check out these Card Clubs!

Hmm. I saw this documentary on TV the other day about the Gyms on the said that Rock Gyms are usually the best place for novices to start.

Well, TV's never lied to me before!

Wait. Is that...

Aw, darnit. It's Ronald.

Oh, nothing...just seeing the sights.

U-uh...maybe?'re a jerk, Ronald. Have I told you that you're a jerk?

8 clubs, 8 medals, then 4 grand masters in a special place? That sounds...familiar, somehow.

So you're not that far ahead, then., that guy is a jerk.

Well, that doesn't sound like anything I can't overcome! Let's see what's going on in the lounge...

Hmm. Lotsa people about!

Yeah, they're pretty cool that way. If people where you're moving like cards as much as everyone, you should be fine!

...Matthew, eh? He must be the guy laughing over by the card table.

...I'd kinda hope so, yeah. Whoever this 'Ishihara' guy is.

Oh hey, I should check my email while I'm here.

A message from Dr. Mason? Already?

Fair enough...

Game Boy? Card Pop!? I think Dr. Mason is making things up again...poor guy, he's getting old.

(Notice the subtle 'get all your friends to buy this game' message? It's subtle!)

Oh, wow!

Not bad!

...wait, how did he send these cards through email?

Oh well. Let's get to dueling!

Matthew, right? Do you, um, want to duel?

Sure, why not!


'Hard' Pokemon deck.

Not too bad a starting hand, I guess...

Charmander, you'll be first up! Make me proud!

Darn. Oh well, can't win the toss every time.

As evidenced. Too bad, Matthew!

...gkk. That's...a lot of HP.

Oh hey, not bad...I can use this on my Rattata!

...or not. Darn.

This might take a while.

Alright, Fire energy.

And evolution!

Mmm...I don't want to waste energy like that...

Ponyta, you can get it.

Worth a shot...

Ha ha! Awesome!

Growlithe, huh? Okay...just let me check something first.

...oh geez. I better take this thing out quick.

Nearly there...


Niiiice. I'll do that in a second.

My card now~

Gah! How did you do that?

...darnit. Couldn't have been something good, huh?

Weakness? Cards can have weaknesses?!

(Cards do, in fact, have weaknesses. They're mostly the same as the Pokemon weaknesses - fire to water, grass to fire, etc - but be sure to check the card. Some of them have weird strengths and weaknesses. Oh, and weakness = 2x damage.)

Okay, let's get Pikachu outta there right n-

Darnit! Maybe I should have let Sam tell me all that stuff...

Well, that's less awesome than I'd hoped.


Ponyta, help me out here!

...Oak? Isn't he that guy from Kanto?


Okay, that's a bit better. I got something to work with now.

, crap.

I think I need something strong...

...without huge energy needs.

Whoever you are, Bill, don't fail me now!


Let's give this search thing a shot...

Rattata, Zapdos, I don't need you. Sorry!

Fire Energy, I do need you.

Wish I didn't have to do that.

Especially since it means losing a prize.

Ha! Let's see, I pick...this prize!


Man, you're not very lucky today, are you Matthew?

...oh geez.

Ohhhh, boy. This is bad.


So much for that.

One prize left...can't let another Pokemon get knocked out. Man, this dueling stuff is tense.

Charmeleon, my hopes rest on you!

Oh boy...c'mooooon, two tails...


Yes!, I'll stay with Charmeleon, I think.


One prize left each...

Ohhh boy.

Oh geez...okay. Um. Wait.

I have an idea.

Now he'll be able to survive another Rock Throw, at least. And...wait, what's this? that means...ooooh. It's risky, but...

...well, that helps.

Okay, c'mon...I need an Energy...


Now I use the PKMN power...

Oh, I don't? Even better.

Hahaha...this is it!

Phew, that was close!

Alright, I won! Man, that was close!

Good game, Matthew! You fought well!

Ooh, and I get a booster pack too? This dueling thing just gets better!

Best of luck!

Alright, next up...

I take on the Rock Club properly.


I've really got to find some way of paring back these battles. One battle per episode is just not gonna work.

Also wow GBC caps sure upload faster than GBA ones. I am honestly surprised.

~ Aaron

things: let's play, fandom: pokemon tcg

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