Screencap Adventure: Summon Night 2 (Part 33)

May 18, 2008 13:16

After this part, I'm pretty sure we're done, guys. There's a bunch of post-game stuff to see, but for all intents and purposes, we'll have finished the game.


Let's get on with this.

Previous Episodes

Anyway, here we are. Final dungeon.

If you haven't been running away from everything in here, you should be at about Level 43. Thus, these enemies are piss-easy, for the most part. Dragon Puppys bite and spit fire.

Brownies jab with their spears and shoot little whirlwinds.

Ooh, yeah. Also of note: those red-spiked things. They're in the battle background too, if you pay attention.

Strikers...occasionally shoot bullets and die in about three hits. We don't really see any really tough enemies until the fourth floor.

Aha! A puzzle! Weight-sensitive panel here...

Rock here...

Two rocks here...

Two panels here! Whatever could be the solution.


There were about seven random battles while I did that, by the way. I swear, the encounter rate has gotten even more ridiculous.

Surprisingly, these things are just decoration. I kind of expected them to start shooting lasers at me or something. Hurr Beamos

But then, I expected that door to be locked as well.

Oh god. This stuff. Remember that ice from the ice level that you had to slide across just right?

Meet its red, sticky cousin.

Squibolts are electrical...squid...things. There's a Bleach reference to make, I'm sure, but I'm not going to make it.

Anyway. Much rock-pushing later...

We've gotta go around to get the next one.

Harricades. Pumped-up wind elemental versions of that kung-fu jerks from several dungeons earlier. Fists would work well against these guys, I think.

Also: a hole! ONLY ONE THING TO DO.


Blocked this way, because that'd be far too easy. Those red shards in the middle of the floor signify a place with a hole above them, by the way. Keep an eye out.

Final boss battle's coming soon. MUST PUMP UP ATTACK.

Oh hey, Rare Medal. YOU WILL BE MINE.

Oh yeah, this didn't come up before. Apparently, if you reach 0HP while you have a charged Daemon Gem in your menu, it automatically triggers.

I would've liked to have kept that charge, but it's better than dying.

...damnit. One second.

There we are. :D

And here we are!

Annnnnd I have to do that other rock again. Wonderful. B|

Important thing to note is that these doors stay open after you trigger the mechanisms. So you can actually exit the dungeon and you don't have to backtrack all the way around again.

I did not realise this my first time through. >_>

More sticky stuff. There's a trick to this one.

Clockwork Knight! He hits things with his lance.

(Oh hey, mid-critical hit animation. Cool. :B )


Okay, so I'm gonna give you guys a huge break and divulge the way to get past this stuff. Go up the rightmost passage and get stopped below the rock. Move left to the leftmost wall, then push up-and-right to get to the stairs.
There. I've just saved you a lot of frustrating trial and error. :D


Secret chests. :D

Huh. This doesn't look too b-


Red Dragon has two attacks; fire-breathing for a steady stream of damage, and a close-quarters chomp for a huge chunk of damage. Keeping him at spear's length is the best option. Oh, how I love you, interrupting attack animations. <3

Oh yeah, and that. Can't defend.

We'll be coming back to this door later.

Fist: holes!

Tumbler is...a giant electrical bug thing? He charges forward and zaps you, or stays still and zaps you.

Okay, important note: this area is TEDIOUS. I've cut out about ten different hallway-hole-stairs-hallway-hole bits, because they're honestly nothing more. You're not missing out much.

Oh hey, a line of things glowing in an irregular pattern. Surely this will not come up again.

About 20 holes later, we reach where we started. Hooray!

Moving further into the dungeon is secondary right now to HEALING BEFORE I DIE.

I must've been so stupid last time I played this. I thought this was one of those once-you-enter-you-can't-leave deals and ran the whole thing through in one go. That is ill-advised.

Also: awesome. 8D

Before we continue on, I'm gonna do something I didn't do last time: optional sidequests. Just like how in the Final Fantasy series the best stuff can only be gotten by racing chickens, the best materials can only be gotten by repeatedly fishing.

And I have some cool stuff to get.

I need 950 points.

I'll spare you guys the 14 consecutive fishing minigames.

Notable things: Cait Sith fish...

And, perhaps because I recently started replaying Animal Crossing, I thought "HOLY SHIT IT'S A COELECANTH" when I saw this. :B

Much later...

One of these...

And one of those!

Make a Horn Bracelet...

Then use that to make a Ninja Bracelet.

Mmm mmm, stats. The additional benefit to the Ninja Bracelet is the increased spellcasting speed. Rather than having a Fiery Blade spell take 4 seconds, it takes about one. 8D

Back in!

Around here seems to be a good spot for grinding. Since more usage of spells = more times the spell can be used, I kept using Fiery Blade against everything here. Now I can cast it two times! 8D

Oh, one other thing first.

(Me, padding the update? Never!)

Rampage Rabbit has a LOT more HP this time, but otherwise he's the same.

And now, the real reason.

Okay. NOW we can continue.





Getting very close now.

Oh yeah! Hey, guys! Guess what! We have to move this rock here, one punch at a time...

Through this maze...

...and all the way down here so we can get through! All while fighting about twenty random battles! Isn't that awesome?!


...okay, spider phobia rearing up. D: This thing is horrifying. It's backside is a giant gaping mouth. D:

Anyway. the point of no return. Heal up, repair your weapons, because after this it's boss fight all the way.

Are we ready?


"Come out, come out, wherever you are~"

Okay, as far as villainous reasons go, this is a pretty good one. She's reluctant and everything. :(

Next time: the final battle.

Sorry that one is so short, but the ending is VERY TL;DR. It'll probably run 300+ caps on its own.

~ Aaron

things: let's play, fandom: summon night 2

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