Update: Lucaaaaaaas~ (Mother 3 Round-up: Part 1)

May 20, 2008 08:03

So, I finished Mother 3 a couple of days ago.

Utterly brilliant game.

Time for a wrap-up, I think.


Beginning this game, I was apprehensive. The constant switching between the English text and the game really pulled me out. I got used to it in time, as you do, but still...I was still very much Earthbound :( at this point.

Nevertheless, this is such a sweet opening. Klaus and Lucas playing together and the letter to Flint...you've got no idea what's coming. I was feeling pretty unsure at the time, so it didn't make me aww as much as it probably should have. Knowing what happens next, though? :(

And then shit blows up.

Chapter 1 - Night of the Funeral

Still apprehensive, but I couldn't help liking Flint, 'resident reckless nice-guy' that he is. I was kinda hoping the whole game that he'd end up back in the main party - I really didn't expect Boney to STAY the whole time, as much as I liked him - but the experience of a cowboy smacking enemies with a plank of lumber is good enough.


Love for Flint only increased. BREAKING DOWN DOORS, SAVING LIGHTER AND FUEL (who get caught in a fire, how appropriate derp)

Honestly? My stomach DROPPED when Isack said 'Flint, are you sure Hinawa hasn't made it back yet?' Nothing good could come of that. And the whole village searching afterwards didn't exactly hint towards a happy ending...


And then, the scene around the fire. When Flint hears that they found Drago's Fang in his wife's heart. And he just loses it and starts beating people up in front of his children. It's...just... ;_;

Alec is a jerk.

'You know that really hard to explain flying mouse
with the insect wings growing out of its back?


...Does anyone else find it really creepy that Alec is so buddy-buddy with the Magypsys? I don't really want to know how he became such good friends with them. >_> Not to mention how creepy he gets in the cave.

I really hope I'm not the only one who had their shit absolutely RUINED by Mecha-Drago. Several times. It's a Mother game, so I probably should've been expecting early game grinding.

Claus... :(

Chapter 2 - A Thief's Adventure

Wes is a jerk, but at least he's a likable jerk. Poor Duster, though. You just wanna hug him. :(

YOKUBAAAAA!! *fist shake*

I love how nobody actually knows or likes Duster. Poor guy is just known as 'that weird guy with the limp and BO'. XD

I can confirm it, that rhythm hitting system is MUCH easier with a controller. It's nigh-impossible to get it going on a keyboard. God bless this USB game controller.

Snake Rope! <3 I love the Snake Rope, especially the parts he gets later on. NEEDS MORE SNAKE ROPE, I SAY.

Battling in the mansion is about the time I started liking this game. Wandering around, fighting ghosts and suits of armour...it was good. :3

Then, of course, Wes starts abusing Duster. :(


...oh, man. I'm re-reading the script as I do this, by the way. WHY HAS NOBODY DONE A GIF OF WES DOING THE BOOTY DANCE? XD

KUMATORAAAAAAAAA!! <3 <3 <3 <3 Oh my god, she's like Paula except with more HP and harder to kill and she fights with her FISTS and aaaaaa

She's hardcore, too.
Wes: Shouldn't you heal your leg or something?
Kumatora: Ahh, nothing a little spit won't fix.

I like the concept of new PSI abilities being preceded by a high fever. It's little details like that which make the Mother games for me; it seems like, were someone to get PSI powers in real life, that's just how it would work.

It was pretty clear that the Hummingbird's Egg was a big plot device of some sort. But did anyone expect that, later on? I doubt it.

Wes: Yes, the Egg! Oh, and Duster, too. I take back all the 11 times I
called you names today. I'm looking at you in a new light. Good
work. Applause all around.


Wes: Maybe it was a little soon for applause.

I love this game. If this was a cartoon, that would just be the best timing ever. XD

And the Duster-abuse continues.
Butch: He stole my money!
Lisa: What's money?
Butch: It, uh...shut up! DUSTER'S A THIEF
Kumatora: Hey, shut up! *pow*
Butch: 'Who are you? Another thief? I'm anti-violence. And you're trying
to do violence. Violence!'

Things only go up from here... <3

I think I'll do this in 4 parts. Chapters 3 and 4 tomorrow!

~ Aaron

fandom: earthbound/mother 3

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