Who: Open to EVERYONE! No need to interact with just Vanessa; do whatever you'd like with anyone. It's a spontaneous party post.
What: Vanessa took some of the money earned when she and Gig gave tarrasque hide to Elizabeth and is now throwing a drinking party.
When: Let's assume Saturday night, but as for posting goes, feel free to backlog as much
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Terra, meanwhile, was most definitely not happy about this. The, er, well-endowed woman was clearly as insane as the rest of this place's residents, and considering how impressionable Noa could be...
"Yeah, kid! Get me more of..." she looked at her glass and shrugged, offering it to Noa. "More of whatever the Hell this is."
"Hey, barkeep!" Waylon said, knocking the counter with his fist. "I'm parched over here after a day of doing nothing but dodging freaks, and Waylon don't like waiting. Hit me up with the strongest crap you got and make it quick."
He was drinking a shirley temple, and getting dirty looks from the barkeeper for having such a wussy drink.
Glancing down at the pile of free drinks in front of Almaz, he realized the obvious answer to his own question, "Ah, drinking away your troubles, is it? Have you some weight upon your soul you wish to forget, if only for a few short hours? I understand."
After saying this, Almaz looked at the sparkling crystal water as if it reminded him of something. He let out a sigh. "Actually, it's... Haha... Not actually what I'm trying to forget as much as what I'm trying to remember..." He continued, his calm yet cheerful nature betraying his currently sorrowful mind. Of course, Almaz was trying to not lower the joyful mood that seemed to be enveloping the room, so he didn't really mind the fact that he appeared his normal collected self. He quickly changed the subject to avoid elaborating on what he had just said. "Umm... If you don't mind me asking, are you here for any specific reason?"
"Hey, brother man," he said, taking a swig of beer. "What's your story? You don't look quite as nutty as these other screwballs. This place can really wear on a guy, huh?"
"Hey. It's pretty weird, but nothin' we can do about it. Best to just sit back and roll with it, and enjoy the booze while it lasts." Random smirked and leaned back in his seat before continuing. "As for me, I'm Random Hajile, Bounty Hunter. I can guarantee that I've taken down more Snatchers than you've even seen."
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