CON-pressionen Dokomi 2012

May 28, 2012 12:48

Wuhuuuuuuuu, people! As you may have noticed, I was up up and away for the weekend for the Dokomi, an anime and manga convention in Düsseldorf, where our cosplay group the "Grand Gala Project" met for the first time. Wuhuuu!

Loooooots of photos ahead and I mean looooooooooooots )

cosplay, con

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Comments 28

telyanofcelore May 28 2012, 12:30:41 UTC
These are gorgeous! And I love your USO Girl costume, it is amazing and you look lovely. Sounds like you had a great weekend!


nessaniel May 28 2012, 19:35:21 UTC
Awwwww, thank you so much! =D I felt really comfortable in my uniform (although that skirt is really very short xDD). It was indeed a great weekend! I just wish I had met a Captain America who I could have fangirled so hard. XDDDD Oh well, the next Con is not that far away... =D


rei17 May 28 2012, 15:48:40 UTC
You look absolutely gorgeous as USO-girl and as pony!! ♥ ♥ ♥
And awwww, pinku rocks the Rainbow Dash look! <3
great work with the costumes!
I can't wait to see the genderbend Avengers-costumes. *g*


nessaniel May 28 2012, 19:41:54 UTC
Ohhhhhh, thank youuuuuuu <3 I even got the cutest comment: one girl said to me that she recognized me (on Sunday) because of my grin. Awwww, what better compliment is there for a Pinkie Pie cosplayer. xDDD

Ohhh, mine will be very casual. (I look horrible in purple, but oh well. <3 Maybe some grey streaks in my hair too? We'll see XDDDD)


failte_aoife May 28 2012, 15:50:01 UTC
*hust* *kriecht weg von ihrer warmen Decke und heißem Tee*
This looks awesome! And like lots of fun!
Und zu mehr Kommentaren ist mein Hirn momentan nicht in der Lage
*zurück zu Tee und Decke um die Erkältung weiter auszukurieren*

Fluttershy mit Sehr Großer Waffe hat etwas leicht verstörendes D: XD


nessaniel May 28 2012, 20:30:55 UTC
Ohh, bb, come here and let me huggle you. <333 It must be terrible to drink warm tea whilethe temperatures are going through the roof. <333

Und ja, es hat etwas leicht verstörendes. Wir sind völlig durchgedreht und haben alles abgeschossen. XDDDD


eientei May 28 2012, 16:46:32 UTC
Die Adventure Time Gruppe hätte ich gern gesehen. *_*

Wie lang habt ihr denn an euren Kostümen gearbeitet? Die sehen toll aus.


nessaniel May 28 2012, 20:35:15 UTC
Ich versuch noch Fotos zu bekommen: deren Ice Queen und Ice King waren hervorragend und da sie alle genderbender-Versionen dabei hatten, wars noch cooler <333!

Hmm... das ist ne sehr gute Frage. Wir hatten sehr lange Pausen dazwischen. Am USO Girl haben wir ungefähr 3 Wochen gesessen, an den Ponies ... uff. Vielleicht vier Monate? Alles in allem. (Aber gedauert hat es von Sommer 2011 bis zum letzten Tag vor der Con XDDD)


nessaniel May 29 2012, 09:31:38 UTC

merlenhiver May 29 2012, 07:44:45 UTC
GORGEOUS. That's all I can say. You two look amazing together! (and on your own :D) Such wonderful costumes all around!



nessaniel May 29 2012, 09:34:18 UTC
Ouuuuuuuuuu, thank you thank you thank you <333 I was really proud of our costumes too, hehehhe. xDDD

Yeah, I am trying to think of ways to make the costume a bit more interesting, not only skirt, shoes, purple blouse and jacket. But I don't want to go as She-Hulk so...XDD


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