CON-pressionen Dokomi 2012

May 28, 2012 12:48

Wuhuuuuuuuu, people! As you may have noticed, I was up up and away for the weekend for the Dokomi, an anime and manga convention in Düsseldorf, where our cosplay group the "Grand Gala Project" met for the first time. Wuhuuu!

We arrived on Friday in our hotel after a really stressful day - I had to skip a class because I had to wait for a last fabric order to arrive to complete my skirt but it all came out perfectly thanks to pinku being an amazing seamstress. <33333333

Saturday started perfectly. We had to put on part of our costumes in the hotel (because driving while wearing a petticoat is a bitch thing to do) and then suit up in the car on the parking lot of the congress hall - it was super funny, stretching and bending and poking into one's eye because the contact lense was not suited for driving and needed to be applied immediately before entering the con and yeah everything was awesome and shiny. xDD

And so very very warm oh my God, the weather was beautiful (although pinku and me are now sunburned like poptarts) and every body was awesome and nice (apart from the usual trolls but there weren't so many of those to be found). And now on to the fantabulous pictures:

Agent Perry from "Phineas&Ferb"

pardotje as Fiona from "Adventure Time" (They had a whole and amazing group but I lack pictures Q_Q)

Black Swan - I asked for a photo, the girl said "Of course!" and then she stood on her toes. Like... immediately. EPIC

There were a lot of Disney cosplayers too: Esmeralda <3

Trixie from "Rescuers". Emulux was also the leader of our Pony group and she is really really cute and awesome. We'll definitely meet again at Animagic <333

An orc. He was the sweetest guy ever, really. xD

Tomoyo and Sakura from "Card Captor Sakura" Awwww oh God, I love this series to death and the cosplay was so cute and perfect <333

Tony Stark, Hawkeye and Captain America. Sadly, Caps were only to be found on Saturday not on Sunday when I wore my USO Girl outfit. Q___Q

Captain America number two. She made an awesome 10th doctor the next day, I almost didn't recognize her. So so beautiful. <333

And of course: Loki himself. She was so adorable ("I know this is completely out of character, but you are so beautiful in your outfit!!!" she said to me after I had taken the photo. Tihihii <33)

Oh yeah, here is my Sunday outfit btw:

USO Girl Kiwi

Ignore the background please xD The shoes were actually okay to wear (a miracle o.o) and wohooo finally a picture with the belt laying where it has to xD The hat was secured with a safety pin to my hair. Yes, to my hair. Hairspray truly works wonders. xDD

And a porny pin-up-picture because I wanted one xD

A detail. Urghs, the lapels are bitching again. Need to redo them sometime xD

And another one. Some of the bronies we met on Saturday were there on Sunday too and carried weapons with them:

(Grr, stupid misbehaving belt. >.<) And yeah we went completely crazy with those (see down below). XD

Romeo and Julietto, anime version. I mostly wanted a pic because of the awesome dress. XD

And now, ladies and gentlemen: here is our perfect Pony-Get-Together wuhuuuuu!

A group shot. There was another gala pony group, I think, so we were at least over twenty and sometimes over thirty people. It was amazing <33333 (But our group was of course the best)

Our Apple family

(Urgh, quality picture this is not. >.> There will be better ones once we get our whole team together). Our Granny Smith was the cutest thing ever. <3333

Our highness Princess Celestia

Ignore the chair in the background. XDDD

And now finally: pinku and myself as Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie

She is so so beautiful and she rocked that costume like whoa. There were a lot of Rainbows there but she was the best (and I am not just saying that because she is my girlfriend but because her costume looked perfect)

The necklace was held together by spit and desperation but it looked awesome. XD And her wings omg. Those huge ass bitch fucking transport I hate you awesomesaucely cool wings.

Those shoes were a bitch to wear and I gave up sometime during the day xD

A detail shot of my eyes and wig and of the bow on my hat (which was bitchy to sew so I need to show it off XD)

Our guard with us beautiful girls. We had a really huge get together on one of the great staircases and about a dozen people were taking photos at the same time. It was brilliant and awesome (Spitfire and myself tried to organize the group... mostly failing xD)

He was part of "Luna's royal guard" and kept us safe. ;D

pinku and me being adorable

As I said we went crazy with the weapons. They have a certain appeal to them...

*giggel* I still think it's awesome XD

Ain't she the cutest XDDDDDD

And again with the one brony who lend us his weapons (and he didn't even laugh when I was stupid enough to grip it around the ammunition thingie...XD)

And that was that for now. I am still trying to gather some better photos and if you have a favourite pony that you want some pictures of please tell me and I'll try to get our best ones ^^

Oh and did I mention that our next big plan is Avengers-Genderbender? Please call me Miss Banner. ;D pinku is Captain America and our Fluttershy is going to be Tony Stark (and her boyfriend maybe Pepper Potts. We are not sure yet but the plan is there xDDDDD)

cosplay, con

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