(spm) (ficlet) Norman/Peter: Secrets

Jan 03, 2005 21:02

Pairing: Norman/Peter
Notes: Un-betaed. Explains lots, doesn't it?
Title:( Secrets )

fanfiction, fandom: spider-man

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Comments 15

tinted_glass January 3 2005, 21:20:45 UTC
Oh man. That was really good. I love how you structured the entire ficlet around the phrase "don't tell Harry." Because, seriously, that was beautiful thinking right there.

And your layout makes me miss my Component layout so bad. So so bad. *thinks about returning it to its original Component glory*


nescienx January 4 2005, 00:07:56 UTC
So... why don't you? Change it back to component? XD You know you want to make an IruNaru banner splashing across the top. XD

*gives a cookie for your comment* ^^


tinted_glass January 4 2005, 00:12:06 UTC
Actually I was thinking more along the lines of a Jim Carrey banne... erh.... *runs and hides*

*hearts you forever*


nescienx January 4 2005, 00:29:32 UTC
You have tonnes of Jim Carrey pics, no? (At least, relatively speaking.) What are you waiting for? XD I can help you out if you need component help.


tinted_glass January 4 2005, 00:48:20 UTC
OH MY GOD DO I EVER? I have no clue how to get a banner/do a lovely image map of the navigation bar, like you did. I can do something like that with generator, but, have tired of generator. I mean, I guess I could search around for tutorials but if you are offering help I LOVE YOU.


(The comment has been removed)

nescienx January 4 2005, 09:56:38 UTC

Call me slow but I just realised that icon was a proclaimation of Logan/Peter.


*CRIES* ALL OVER FIC. aefallen January 4 2005, 16:41:58 UTC
Norman/Peter was my first SPM pairing love, and I've never fallen out of love with it, however it goes with Harry/Peter, and you remind me exactly why I fell in love with it.

I MEAN LOOK. *is torn to shreds by your fic*

The first time Peter heard the words “don’t tell Harry”, he had his back on a bed and he was recovering his breath.
That single sentence holds so much meaning and so much place. When you say the first time, it begins the story you're telling with such impact. It really places the story. And then you say why.

Norman was standing to the side, buttoning his own shirt, without keeping his eyes off Peter
I love the way Norman could do that. I love the way he can do that and yet keep his eyes on Peter. He's maintaining their connection. Oh Gods, when I say this it all turns to sap, but but it means so much.

Then there was the upturned corner of lips, a somewhat recognisable smile, whilst Norman leaned over to kiss Peter on his forehead
You. Wrote. Tender. Norman. I'm utterly dead. Do you know how much I like ( ... )


nescienx January 5 2005, 00:35:37 UTC
You're a darling, not a demon, you're a lamb. *chu* Don't know how you can just say so much from a few sentences.

I want to read your fic. >.o



Fic! Sorta. The beginning of Tangled. Because you wanted to see it. ^_^ aefallen January 5 2005, 20:22:45 UTC

Yes, you should. I'd love it. Deeply. Not enough people write the pairing as it is. Not enough people write Norman, as it is.

You take the Osborns, I'll take Parker, and between the two of us, we'll cover the OTP spectrum. XD

Now I'm re-reading your fic again, I can't help but be amazed at how many moments you worked into this fic. the first time, held him in his arms - all these words, all the moments they mean, they're beautiful.

Don't know how you can just say so much from a few sentences.
I don't know how you can mean so much with so few words! *hugs you tight* *smiles*

OMG FIC DIES. <3 THANK YOU. *clings to you*

You know, you and your "red and blues" - I turned out a 1,000+ word fantasy piece running around with that title. It's "red and blue". *laughter* It's... not slash, cries, but there's an awful lot of slapping. *laughter ( ... )


<3 nescienx January 6 2005, 06:56:23 UTC
Be online tonight or something, 'cause I'm going to tell you what I think of your fic so far. ^_^


"Secrets" is a fic heartbreaker, you know. ; ) Also, I <3 you. aefallen January 5 2005, 20:04:07 UTC
“Don’t tell Harry”

-he agreed.

I don't think Harry'd want to share. OMG wrong pairing. XD

It would be forgotten soon enough, this short fling of theirs.

But they each never forgot and Peter surmised this from the tiny things Norman did. The lingering hand on his shoulder, the side glances, the way they’d look at each other.
This I love. I love the way that what they share goes beyond the physical. I love the subtle ways Norman reveals that he still feels for Peter. Forgive me, I thought hard and that was still the least sappy way I could put it... *dies*

There would be no guilt in their little secret, because it only happened once and they both had chosen to move on.
*cries again*

I love the way this ties in with the title. I always think titles should be chosen for a reason, that they should relate in some way to what happens in the fic. I wish I could do it better. You chose well. There's an art to selecting fic titles, I think, that isn't an easy one to learn. A title's got to capture the core of the fic. It ( ... )


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